Hey there! I’m missing my toon Basmati and the guild I have had since 2007. Can you check into this?
Unfortunately, I can’t help much with regards to where your character might be (other than to suggest checking server-by-server, which is a lot of work), but as for the guild, if there were other people in the guild they may have dethroned you.
It would depend on how long ago you were last logged in and whether or not you setup the guild to prevent yourself from being dethroned (nobody in the second third or fourth positions/ranks).
Here’s hoping a Blue can help you to locate both, or at least the character
I’m afraid I don’t see any characters with that name on your WoW license, Avarisangel. You have three characters that were created between 2005-2008, a level 64 Human Warlock on The Venture Co, level 20 Undead Warlock on Whisperwind, a level 47 Warlock on Zuluhed, and a level 75 Death Knight on Zuluhed.
I don’t see any other character past or present with a name similar to Basmati. I don’t know what can be found but if you can provide more details it might help.
Character level, race, class, what realm you remember playing on, the name of the guild, etc…
I’m looking for an old Shaman character created back during MOP. Any help would be appreciated!
I see one on Mal’Ganis and one on Thunderlord, Faylon. First is a Tauren, second is a Troll.
If you are looking at levels, remember - those got squished.
This looks like the thread to ask about old servers on. I started playing again recently on a new server (altar of storms), but I’d like to log onto my old paladin. In the server select, only Zangarmarsh shows old characters for me, but this doesn’t have my paladin. Can you help me figure out which server my old blood elf paladin was on? Character name is: Shamed
For that matter, if you can tell me any other servers this account has characters on, that would be great. Thanks for any help!
Good evening~
I have a question about an old character. For the most part, I’ve recovered all of my old characters from my account that has been inactive going on 8 years. However, there is one character I remember but can’t find, and I’m curious what happened to it.
It’s quite possible that I transferred it to a different realm and potentially changed the name, but when I look at my other servers the gear and the professions don’t match up. It’s also possible that I deleted it at some point for some reason, but that doesn’t seem quite right since she was my main alchemist and I raided on her quite a bit before I went inactive.
Her name (to the best of memory) was Mesaire, a human priest on Zul’jin. I believe she was dual spec’d as Holy and Shadow (but I think she was Discipline at one point), and was an Alchemist and maybe a Tailor–it’s been a while so I don’t remember the second profession.
I’d understand if she’s not recoverable–it has been quite a long time. I’m more curious what happened to her.
Thank you.
I know this is a few days old but I wanted to respond just in case you still needed help.
From what I can see the WoW license you are posting on was created in 2014. The only characters I see the characters you have for modern World of Warcraft are on Zangamarsh and Altar of Storms.
I don’t see a Paladin on the account, which made me think you may have a secondary Battle.net account somewhere. With that in mind, I did a little investigating and I found what I believe is the character you referred to. It’s on a WoW license that matches your BattleTag, which was originally created back in 2004 and has a level 83 (pre-squish) Blood Elf Paladin on Zangamarsh.
That said, the names on the two Battle.net accounts don’t seem to match so I’m not sure which one of those names is actually yours. If you don’t currently have access to the email address for the account, you will need to contact our Support staff and verify you are the registered user.
The best I can give you is a hint, the email is a HotMail account that contains the registered users first and last name. If you are unable to recover it, you’ll want to submit a ticket here, which you’ll need to verify that you are the registered user. Once you do that they’ll be able to update your contact information so you can regain access.
It looks like that character was transferred in July of 2009 to Argent Dawn and hasn’t been played since February of 2001. They are still an Alchemist and Tailor.
Thank you very much! I didn’t remember any more realms that I played on, and at the moment it only shows the twp. I’ll check other realms to see what else I may have missed.
Thank you so much for the work you did tracking this down! I did create that other account; it was my original when I started playing at release in 2004. But I thought I hadn’t used it since then, and assumed my paladin was on this current account. Thank you for digging into this Vrakthris!
Hello I see this thread is still being used I stopped playing at the end of Cata and just came back I’m trying to track down o transfered alot with friends back in the day. Was an 85 mage, Death Knight and Warlock all with the name Celta with fancy letters. If you can help that would be wonderful.
We’re they on this account or on another account?
This one just 11 years so hard to find them all was on alot of servers
From what I can see, Celts, you have a level 85 Draenei Mage on Echo Isles, a level 80 Blood Elf Death Knight, and 81 Undead Warlock on Dentarg. Those are pre-level squish so that level will change when you log into them.
You also have a level 78 Human Priest, 81 Dwarf Warrior, and 82 Gnome Rogue on Echo Isles on your WoW#2 license.
Thank you so much for finding them for me. It means alot to me. Thank you for your time.
My wife has written a couple of times to support and I did once on her behalf.
Our Server is Azuremyst, and she had several characters, as I did. One was Shandy or Shandylyn, another was Shandril or Shandrill *she recently made new toon with the name Shandrille. All of her toons were in Goonies guild. She’s been trying for over a month to get them back, mine were restored like 2 days after I sent in a support ticket and posted here.
Were they deleted? There is a 7 day (correct me if I am wrong) cool down for character restorations.
For clarification, Gaheris, your characters weren’t restored, they had always been there. From what I can see from the response the Game Master provided they said that the character count simply wasn’t being shown on your realm selection page. This happens when an account hasn’t been active for awhile. Usually logging in will refresh that list, but you can also create a new character to force the list to update.
As for your wife, it’s a bit difficult to tell which is her account. I can’t find a character by the name of Shandrille on Azuremyst, nor is it clear which Battle.net account might be hers. It would be best if she post to provide some details, like character names, realm, class, race, etc…
If she can provide a ticket number from one of her tickets, that may help as well.
I have recently activated my account after being away for 10+ years. I had a Dwarf Paladin named Gordu that I can’t find. Can someone provide me with a short list of realms to check?