Returning player can't find any OLD characters

Make sure you are checking the servers you remember on your old wow licenses and not on a new one.

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Are you finding characters with lower levels? With the level squish, their levels would have changed too.


I suspect you have another Battlenet Account lurking, Spaniard - or perhaps a very ancient license that was never attached to a Battlenet Account.

I might be able to find a bit more if you can remember any of the character names, classes, etc.

The one you are posting under here is a brand new starter license with nothing else on the account.


Mandamus, Amadeus, Nazgool were a few

I think I found it, Spaniard.

It’s under a yahoo email. That’s about the only hint I could give you here.

This one is so old, all the characters have had their names released, which means they’ll show up truncated with numbers appended to them. They are all on Shadowlands.

If you need help getting back into control of this - that will need to be done through tickets.


Hi - I’ve returned to the game a few months ago after an 11-12 year break. I think I’ve found most of my characters on Rivendare and Shadowmoon but I have a sinking suspicion that I had another few hiding on other servers but I can’t remember which ones. Any chance a blue could do a quick scan?

You have a few low level characters on Magtheridon and Stormscale.


I’ve also relapsed after many years clean and was able to find the bulk of my characters on Dreadmaul and a few here and there on Coilfang, Rivendare, and Alterac Mountains, but I’m pretty sure I’ve missed a server or two, so I was hoping someone could fill me in.

Hi. I also can’t find my old characters. I haven’t played in ten years and I can’t remember what realm I was on.

I remember I had a high level (at that time) feral druid, I think I had a death knight, and a blood elf alt character.

Any help would be greatly appreciated.

Are you using the same account as you used before?

Yes it’s the same account because it showed the last time I had logged in was 2001.

Edit: 2010.

Another Edit: I found them. Luckily I picked a unique server name like Area 52 :joy:


Looks like you have another character on Executus.


I cant seem to find my old characters too. Can you help me locate which server its on?

From what I can see, Machii, while this WoW license was created in 2010, it didn’t have any characters on it until June of this year. It was a Starter Edition account until you purchased the BC bundle and game time.

My guess is that you have another email you were using that has your old characters on it. Do you recall any character names? Classes/level/race and realm?

I think it was Maachi and Maji?

Any idea what race and class they were? There are 236 Maji’s currently. :slight_smile: So it might help narrow it down.

Maji was a 70 draenei warror and maachi was a 70 gnome mage i think… its been a while

I haven’t been back in 8 or 9 years I’ve tried all the steps and stumbled upon one of my old toons but clicking into each server is turning up no results. Any one have a means of summoning the information?

Sometimes starting (but not completing) a character transfer will give you a list of characters and their realms.

That is a good idea I will try it Thanks!