Returning player can't find any OLD characters

Yes i’m starting to think it’s hijacked and that’s why I cannot see my toons. I figured it shouldn’t have been this hard. I wonder what my next steps are?

That does help, and I think I see what happened. It looks like your old account may have been compromised. I can see a change of the email from the *786@yahoo to the one I mentioned, but the location from which it was done is certainly suspect.

I’d recommend submitting a ticket to recover the old account. You’ll need to select the option “The email address on my Blizzard account was changed, or I don’t remember what it is.” You’ll likely need to attach ID verification to continue. Be sure to provide the email address it was, and that it may have been compromised.

Our Support staff should be able to check into that and recover the account. I should note, that they’ll need to update the email address on the account in order for you to regain access. Since you seem to be using the *786@yahoo address you’ll need to provide one that is not currently in use.


Oh my lord. Thank you so much for the help. I hope I can get it back.

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Make sure you follow the first step to secure your computer. malwarebytes free version does a good job of scanning. Often picks up stuff other anti virus programs miss.
Change your email passwords as well.


Hi. Guess what. One more to the bunch. I have been gone a really long time and can’t find any of the SLEW of characters I had. I’ve tried the create a character, delete the cache, try a service things . . . and nuttin’. If you could help a fella out that would be great. They should all be attached to this account and most have a name somewhere near “sulphur” tho I’m sure the names have been released by now.


From what I can see, Random, the license you are posting on wasn’t used until recently, it was likely a Starter Edition (trial) before you added game time to it. The bulk of your characters are on the WoW license from 2004. You appear to be on Wow#1 which was created in 2010.

On that named license you have characters on Arathor, Black Dragonflight, Daggerspine, Hydraxis, Kul Tiras, Lightning’s Blade, Mal’Ganis, and Whisperwind.

I’d recommend contacting our Support staff for a possible refund on your 6 months of game time so it can be applied to that license instead.

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Haven’t played in over 10+ years, just re-upped and would love to see if my original characters are somewhere? Gorebuza and Fatherreole?spelling. Thank you.

The account you are currently on was created in 2014, with only 2 characters on it, so that wouldn’t be the one you are likely referring to.

I was able to find an account with what appears to be those two characters. I can’t provide the email here, but I can give a bit of a hint. The email looks to be The first is the same, but the last appears to be different from what you have here. The account seems to be locked due to a billing issue.

You can recover the account by using this. Using the “The email address on my Blizzard account was changed, or I don’t remember what it is.” option.

The Billing issue will need to be addressed but our staff should be able to help you there. :slight_smile:

Oh, and the higher level characters appear to be on Khaz Modan and Nordrassil.


Hi! As most people here, I can’t seem to figure out where is my main located.

I found a few characters on Aerie Peak (Ranging from lvl 2 to 28) but I was under the impression I had a character around level ~70-ish somewhere. Maybe I’m using the wrong Blizzard account?

Would be great if you could check if you can find a higher level one than the 28 Hunter on Aerie Peak.

Thanks in advance!

When the Shadowlands pre-patch began, there was a level squish. Level 70 squished to around level 28.


Im glad Im not the only person that has this problem. If someone could look into mine that would be greatly appreciated. I know I have some on Shadowmoon and Dark Iron but I was almost positive I had some on some other servers. Thanks in advance for any help.

Hopefully, Jetsum answered your question, Kriptograk. The characters you referenced appear to have been created back in 2014 it seems you only have characters on Aerie Peak. There may have just been some confusion over the level squish but if you have another character you remember, if you can provide a character name, class/race, I might be able to check it out.

The only other realm I see is Ysera, but that’s a level 2 character. You had your Priest on Lethon at one point but transferred it to Dark Iron, then Shadowmoon. :slight_smile:

I did have at one point a Human mage named Flannen as well as a dwarf hunter but I can’t seem to remember his name. Thanks again for looking into it.

Unfortunately, there is no such character or class/race combo on this account so I’m guessing you might have another account out there somewhere. I’m not finding any Human Mage characters with that name though so I can’t provide any direction there.

Best I can recommend is try to recall if you have any other old email addresses that you might have used.


Customer service located my vanilla account this morning and merged it as an additional account under my current login (so nostalgic! so many interesting things in my bags :slight_smile:) . I knew my Alliance characters were on Twisting Nether, but I recall having Horde character(s) on another realm I can’t locate. I tried the realm transfer trick mentioned other places, but it will only work in-game for the already selected realm’s characters. If you are able to see where any additional characters might be located, I would appreciate your help! Unfortunately, I don’t recall any of the names, as I spent most of my time on Alliance side. If I can provide any further info, let me know.

It looks like the majority of your Alliance characters on the old WoW license are on Twisting Neither. You have various low level Horde on Boulderfist, Gurubashi, Illidan, Kil’jaeden, Korgath, Maelstrom, Mal’Ganis, and Sargeras.

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Thank you, Vrakthis! I didn’t realize I had so many. :open_mouth: I really appreciate the help! :heart:

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Im a returning player as well. Ive restarted on Dragonblught but know I have a character somewhere else. Any help would be awesomely appreciated!

From what I can see, Armorall, the WoW license you are currently on was created in March of this year and you don’t have any other WoW licenses on this account. I’m guessing you have another WoW license out there somewhere under a different email address.

If you don’t recall what that is we may be able to help find it but we’d need additional information, like possible character names along with race, class, approximate level, etc…


Thank you for checking!