Hello I’m getting back into WoW for classic. I used to hardcore raid and was on the kargath Server, I used to Main Tank and gonna get back into it. I’m looking for a guild to join that is going to try for “End Game”. I have Years of experience as a tank during vanilla and up tell LoD when i quit playing wow. I will also be making a Healer alt.
Hey wats up man, we still have warrior slots open, add me if you’re interested.
BnH247#9580 - discord
BnH247#1992 - Bnet
Which faction? If you are looking for PVE Ally…
then check out CookieParty
We hope to not only clear naxx, but also do the GM grind. Personally it has bugged me for years that i never fished naxx and wasn’t able to kill the last boss in AQ40 (I did grind all the PVP i wanted tho…
here is the guild info:
just going to lay this here might be worth a read at least
hey we are looking for another tank! We would love to have your experience. A lot of people coming together with some great guild ideas in here.
[H] Skeram
Why choose us?
- Friendly laid back guild, we hope to build friendships
- Competitive and dedicated but semi casual (everyone’s welcome)
- Helpful, will make premades to farm gear with guildies
- Content variety , PvE and PvP
- Classic experience
Guild Goals:
- Clear all PvE content including Naxx
- Help members gear up farming pre raid BiS
- Establish a strong economy with careful planning
- Be accomplished PvPers, and create various team strategies
- Hold world PvP multi guild events
Classes Needed: Physical DPS, offtanks, healers.
Times: We would like between Sun-Wed starting at 9pm EST (Guild Dependent)
We currently are sitting at almost 30 members.
Discord: add Hordor#1703
or join _https://discord.gg/SfxatTw (remove underscore)
Hey there, if you’re still looking for a guild we have room for a dps warrior who is willing to swap to tank when it is needed. I’ll leave our recruitment info below, feel free to reach out in our discord, or add me on battlenet if you have any questions.
[Fairbanks-PvP Horde] |Semi-hardcore|Raid times: 6:00-8:00PM PST Sunday/Monday|Loot Council
About Us
We are a spin off guild born out of some of the members of the retail guild The Eternal Fire on US-Hyjal. The Eternal Fire has been raiding together since December of 2015, and has achieved AOTC with all raids since Hellfire Citadel. We are trying to foster a welcoming and mature environment for like-minded people to join and have fun in classic wow. We aren’t a super hardcore guild, and won’t be rushing to level 60. Rather, we want to enjoy the leveling process and spend time in each of the raids as well.
Expectations and Rules
- Be online fairly consistently
- Have a good attitude and be mature
- Respect the other members of the guild (drama won’t be tolerated)
- Be ready to learn along with the rest of us
- If you wish to raid have a working mic and a basic understanding of discord
We are currently planning to raid Sunday/Monday 6:00-8:00PM PST.
We will be distributing loot via a loot council that will consist of the officers and GMs. We want loot to be earned, so raid attendance, performance, and attitude will all be taken into account before a decision is made.
- Mages and Warlocks (High)
- Dps Warrior/OT, Resto Shamans (Med)
- Resto Druids
Contact Info
jjswat#1342, Crabgrass#1578 (Battlenet)
We would love to have you if you are interested. Attrition is building are ranks for PVP and PVE. We plan on doing every aspect of classic WOW. If you are interested and want more inf o please DM me on Discord.
Here is a link to our forum post! (H) Blood Haze - Mankrik Server First push
Hey friend!
Greetings fellow classic players! Audax is a Horde guild being created on stalagg that has room for any and all of your playing requirements. From pvp to raids, and from theorycrafting to mastering the AH we have something for everyone - be they a first timer or someone that’s played since the beginning!
Our guild is currently hosting around 30-40 people so far - but don’t worry! We have plenty of room in raids, pvp and other vanilla activities! Many of us have played together since vanilla in guilds all over the servers. We are a fun community that views eachother as family, and we are excited to make new friends during this journey to the past.
Raid and pvp schedules have not been finalized - we are waiting until after release to make those decisions so that all guildies can have a say and we can work out what will be best for all of us!
Think our home might be for you? Add me on bnet - heavenswrath#1143 - and I will add you to our discord so you can get to know us and get involved with the community before we launch!
Not sure if we are for you? Going to be on skalagg but prefer a different guild? Again, feel free to add me for a discord invite! We are striving to make a fantastic community on skalagg and would love nothing more to have friends and contacts in other groups!
Either way we’ll see you all in a few days!
For the Horde!!!
Hello Akinillia
<Symphony of Souls> Adult raid guild is recruiting! Join us on the road to 60! We are looking for like minded players to enjoy classic WoW and high spirited nostalgia on Pagle!
Have fun. Make progress. Don't be a dick.
Expectations: (guild) SoS is an adult raiding guild and we firmly believe in providing a fun and inclusive environment. We encourage our members to play the toon/spec they want to play! The guild is expected to be supportive of one another and we do not condone trolling or attacking fellow members. That being said, the guild is not G rated and adult humor is expected! Ultimately the goal is to have a fun place to ask questions, group up, and enjoy the game as it should be, with friends!
DKP with decay. Rewarded for effort, not being the GM's bff.
Expectations: (raid) The goal is to be raid ready by early Nov, however we are flexible on this. Unpopular raiding specs are supported, though we may have to limit the total number of them if it begins to greatly hinder the raid. Raiders are expected to ask questions, know their class, help the guild farm for raid mats and repairs, and be willing to help your fellow members with attunement etc… Finally raiders are expected to use voice chat/Discord, though you do not need to speak only listen if you wish.
Ask not what the guild can do for you, but what you can do for the guild.
Raid Times: Tue/Thur 8:30 - 10:30 PM EST 2 nights a week with the possibility of adding a 3rd night in the future.
Classes Needed:
Druid - Resto Low
Druid - Feral Low
Hunter - Low
Mage - Medium
Paladin - Holy Low
Priest - Low
Rogue - Medium
Warrior - DPS High
Warrior - Tank Low
Warlock - Low
Hop into our discord or add me on battle.net! Ghyst#1586 Discord - [discord.gg/DgwdnPF]
yo check us out on Skeram…PVP server.
We have an opening for off-tank if you’re interested. If you have any questions or concerns please let me know.
we are doing more than try. LegendsOfClassic dot come
I will be playing on the westfall server alliance side, hope to play with some of y’all and hope everyone has a blast playing WoW again