Return Ranged Survival. Please

No thanks. And a fourth spec is a bad idea. Cheers!

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Exactly. At the point its pure comedy. I don’t like threads on the diff between high elves & belfs thats always on the GD so I simply just scroll past em. Guess it’s hard for others to scroll :man_shrugging:t5:

I want it back, yes please thank you. I’ve been in reroll limbo ever since end of wod, quit several times, and i cant find a class to fit anymore cause my spec is gone. I want ranged survival back more than anything in game.


Best move on champ.

Same here, been in a reroll limbo since WoD when Blizz pruned hunters in general. I want to main and love my hunter again.

It is wrong imo, to see things like Chimera shot be a shadow of it’s former self and BM, serpent sting a talent when it use to be a mainstay, and cobra shot no longer being interactive with sting.


Even Ghorak, for all his Miss America contestant “can’t we just all get along and have a 4th spec so everyone is happy”-ing, has said the melee spec should not exist instead of ranged sv. Little hard to take the hypocrite seriously when he now goes “we shouldn’t remove the melee spec, I’ve never suggested that”

Wrong again. Think a little before you post.

What I actually said there, was that they shouldn’t have removed RSV in favor of implementing MSV.

Which is the same thing that I’ve been saying for…well since I started posting here.

Adding in a melee spec for the class, was not where they screwed up. It was about how they did it, which is the problem

You just keep burying yourself deeper and deeper…

You keep mocking other players, having fun at their expense, trolling the forums. And for what purpose?

Yeah, I want a 4th spec so we can stop with these endless arguments. You’re the one who wants them to keep going just so you can have a laugh. Or…honestly I’m not sure, you also say that these threads/topics are annoying so, wouldn’t it be better for you to actually speak for this instead of against it?

And just to highlight this even further, here you go, my first post in that topic:
#Stop trying to remove melee - #5 by Ghorak-laughing-skull

What was that again? Hmm…oh yeah, I said:

But yeah, I agree, keep the melee spec.


When you say melee shouldn’t exist at the expense of ranged, it’s just like saying
‘if we can only have one, it should be the ranged one’. I get that you want a 4th spec, I agree that a 4th spec would be the best way to make everyone happy. But it is more likely that I sneeze and have live squirrels come out, than blizzard actually makes a 4th spec for hunters and opens that can of worms. The immediate response from everyone else would be ‘well that’s not fair why can’t MY class have another spec’, and if blizzard wasn’t willing to roll out that change for every class, it’d upset far more people than it appeased.

Fun? When people throw tantrums, you don’t give them what they want because that just teaches that tantrums work.

It can be both. Went from being annoyed about people wanting my spec deleted to just finding the constant whining to be funny.

And again, pushing for a 4th spec is great, but I sincerely doubt it’s something blizzard will ever agree to do, not unless they take the time to develop 4th specs (or 3rd, for DH) for every class. And since they can’t manage to balance three dps specs for every pure (or two for druids, or even two ranged specs for hunters), I’m not exactly gonna hold my breath.

No matter how much you ask for it to stop there will always be someone.

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I agree. Blizzard does what Blizzard wants. Especially with their game.

Again, this is not what I said.

Stop putting words in my mouth.

You call it tantrums. The post model calls it feedback.

I get it, you don’t like feedback such as, but that’s on you. Not us.


The forums is a place for leaving feedback.

We’ve all seen players beg for/hate on things for years.

This is nothing new. What’s new is the upsurge in the attempt of the pro-MSV crowd to crack down on the pro-RSV crowd and bully them out of posting.

That’s not cool, guys.

By the way, Ghorak, don’t get sucked into that argument with Arctos. For whatever reason Arctos and a few of the borderline pro-MSV bullies (yes, bullies. But they’re borderline) has decided all of a sudden that it’s the pro-RSV who is “responsible” for the Hunter subforum degrading into “an anti-MSV echo chamber” – never mind that the very purpose of the forums is for discussion and feedback. Never mind that people have asked for things for years.

(A good example would be the anti-flyers. Believe it or not, but they have existed since BC. I remember reading threads against flying for that long. Another example would be the pro-Alliance-Helfers crowd. They’ve been begging for High Elves on the Alliance through various means: moving the Belves out of the Horde in BC/WotLK, giving the Helves to the Alliance in Cata until now. The point is that this type of discourse is not new.)

What IS new, at least on the Hunter subforum, is the attempt to forcibly stop the pro-RSV from creating threads and sharing their sentiment that they prefer RSV over MSV, or that they prefer 4 specs over 3-and-one-deleted specs.

The reason I say to not to get sucked up into this argument is because it’s an argument with no winners. They’ve wholly convinced themselves that the pro-RSV are the bullies (when there’s only a very few select posters that are rude, which is entirely different from outright bullying). They’ve wholly convinced themselves that the pro-RSV posters are whining babies.

Heck, they’ve become convinced that I am a bully. They’ve convinced themselves that I have played a “large role” in the “development of the anti-MSV echo chamber” on the forum.

That’s when I learned: Just ignore them. Put them on your /ignore list if you have to.

And continue with your posting. You just have to be mindful of the thin line between rudeness and actual bullying. :slight_smile:


Or why bother at all. Everyone knows Blizzard doesn’t listen.

I’m honestly drawing a blank as to what the purpose of their posts/replies is.

It’s like they are all “I got what I want, no one else should”. Yeah, because this is a healthy way of thinking in regards to game development for an MMO.

PS. You want to double down on the whole, “Begone RSV pests”-thing?

#Please return survival back to ranged or give hunters a 4th spec

Enjoy! :roll_eyes:

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The only change I hope for is that blizzard starts deleting these cancer threads from like the same 3 people.

It gets old. Clearly there’s people that like both specs. It’s called an opinion. Shut up already.

It’s not just 3 people.

You don’t like reading it? Don’t click on it then.


Hahaha, no need! I’ve already seen that thread, and I’ve seen your valiant efforts there. :joy:

But seriously, this new trend lately has made me suspect that more and more pro-RSV/long-time Hunter mains have actually left the game which led to less presence on the forums. This then has the effect of emboldening the pro-MSV crowd, leading them into believing that they’re in the majority when they’ve always been in the minority (as evidenced by the drop from #1 to #5 spot on most-played class in a single week after Legion’s pre-patched launched and the continuing slow decline of Hunter players those days).

I’m not against MSV, I never have been. I’ve always been clear in my distaste over how Blizzard implemented MSV by deleting an entire spec from the game! THAT right there is my problem.

I’m all for a fourth spec. I’m all for a new class (“Barbarian” or something like that) that focuses more on the melee aspects of the classic Ranger – and move MSV over there, then add one or two more Hunter/Ranger-style melee-focused specs. That way, we get an entirely ranged-focus class in Hunters and an entirely melee-focused class in “Barbarian” or whatever.

I also suspect that the pro-MSV crowd are nervous with Ion’s announcement from BlizzCon re: old abilities returning and how he specifically named Kill Shot, which is a ranged ability. But right now we just don’t have any information at all as to what the Hunter class would look like in SL (Shadowlands).

So for right now, I’m taking a seat back and waiting until we have a clearer picture of class design in SL.

I won’t lie; I would be less sorry to see MSV go than I was to see RSV go. But I would be even more happier to get RSV back in the form of a 4th spec.


You don’t like it? Stop reading my comment.

Funny how the world doesn’t revolve around you people.

Every time I log in I smile while I think about the tears of you and the lackies.

One can but wonder…

Couldn’t agree more!

Largely true yes.

He said that they had no plans for major overhauls the likes of what was done to SV going into Legion. As for what this leaves for us in the future, who knows really…

Same here. But that won’t ever make me advocate for it’s(MSV’s) removal myself.

…because this.

Never said that it does. Nor even hinted at it.

But considering you guys can’t wait to post your replies in every thread about how you got your MSV and couldn’t be happier, and at the same time, you’re saying that we should not get our 4th spec, I would argue that you think that the world DOES revolve around you.


Never stated a single thing about wanting a 4th spec. Wish they would and make everyone happy.

But again another long whiny post of replies. zzZZZzzZ change the channel