Return Ranged Survival. Please

Go ahead. Change the channel…


Right after you m8!

Nice level 10 too. Poor guy; trying to be relevant in life.

Care to expand on what you meant by this? :roll_eyes:

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Fourth spec is crazy Talk /thread.

what’s delusional is continuing to tell people to stop posting their feedback on a public forum.


The same comments for three plus years straight isn’t feedback. Lord…

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wait a minute, i thought bepples was the only one that wanted RSV back?

That’s precisely what it is.

You just don’t like it.


People have done that on so many topics. I even cited a couple examples earlier (flying and Blood/High elves).

Heck, the reason they made a Story Forum in the late days of WotLK was to move those countless “Lordaeron belongs to Alliance!/No, Lordaeron belongs to the Forsaken!” threads off the General forum.

(Guess what. That debate still continues on the Story forum, albeit with slightly lower frequency.)

You really have no ground to stand on, here. Players have had dedicated themselves — sometimes extremely so — to a cause for YEARS on the forums ever since Vanilla.

Three years is nothing.

Also, quit policing your fellow players. Stop telling them what they can and can’t post about. You don’t see us going into MSV threads and telling them to stop posting (yes, there’s a few rude RSV posters who challenge them. It’s still 100% different from attempting to shut them up).


The Vanilla-fanbase went on for over a decade :slight_smile:

Congrats to them for finally doing it!


It’s somewhat sad that you can’t even grasp the fact you just made my point for me…

Yup this is the best case scenario imo.

Give MSV the Demon Hunter treatment. Sure it sucks for the people that loved Demonform in Demo, but overall I think the game is better off.

If they can pull it off with warlocks and demon hunters, they can do it again with hunters and “Barbarians”.

On the contrary, it is. Ask the warlock forum when they talk about affliction and also I think it isn’t healthy for you to be on the forums if it’s triggering you seeing people who pay a sub just like you do want something back that they have played for years. You simply do not like the topic so in your mind it’s considered “whining” instead of feedback which is a very 1 sided way of thinking.


I just want to congratulate you Ghorak and Beeples wherever he may be for continuing to fight against this atrocity that has become the current iteration of survival.

I really hope something is done about it in the future, and you have my support.


Thanks Beast for the kind words. If anything though, it’ll be a team-effort.
A single person/few won’t be able to change their(devs) minds about giving it back to us.

And while I hold no love for current MSV, and hate how they went about implementing it, like Watermist said, if they were to do the same to current MSV as they did to RSV going into Legion, it wouldn’t actually solve anything. It would still cause a part of the hunter playerbase to not have access to a particular feature/style which has a connection to the class as portrayed in the game.

Us, continuously arguing back and forth with eachother whether we should have MSV or RSV, solves nothing. It would result in nothing.
We don’t need to convince eachother. It’s the devs who caused this divide.


Still melee…

No fourth spec. Get them to implement RSV playstyle through MM talents, or you’re smoking a pipe dream.

The class developers have already tried this and did not capture RSV playstyle. Just giving a few of RSV’s old abilities to MM does not bring back RSV.

The main issues with that are MM is played like a caster class. Were you have little windows of mobility, but have stop to use your more powerful attacks. While RSV was fully mobile and faster paced.

Then there’s MM focuse on strong singular hits that take large chunks of your enemies health. Vs. RSV DoT and dwindling your target down style of play.

MM would need talents added that gave it the ability to be fully mobile first, and have all of RSV old damage over time attacks. Then it maybe close enough for some RSV RSV players.


So what? People had a lot of fun with ranged Survival, too. And they actually turned up to play it.

I’ve never tried to hide it. I’m glad Legion Survival went down in flames. It was obviously going to happen from the moment they announced the spec. Who knows whether they’ll finally get over the couple remaining melee mechanics in the spec… probably not. But at least that Legion dumpster fire is gone.

The one major disagreement with Ghorak I have is I don’t see a need to conserve melee Survival. Quite the opposite, actually. That spec has done nothing but hurt the class since it was made, even beyond removing an existing spec. It keeps drawing in the lion’s share of developer attention during the testing process while BM and MM get left largely with that they have at the start of beta. The spec also invites all sorts of unwelcome influence on Hunter class design; just this week we have yet another thread here asking for a Hunter tank and I’ve seen no shortage of people suggesting melee mechanics for the other specs as well. It’s likely that SV being melee is at least part of the reason the class no longer has many formerly-baseline ranged abilities like Distracting Shot and Tranquilising Shot. We also spent 6 months without traps because SV apparently needed to be more unique, as well as the entirety of last expansion without Master’s Call.

Firstly, I still don’t buy you actually have a significantly-progressed Hunter but I’m happy to be proven wrong.

Secondly, I can’t get over how you acknowledge that you would literally be hurting your raid group by being melee yet you are still shilling for melee Survival in every thread with 0 self-awareness. The fact that a spec of a class that is all about versatility in end-game content is such a bad thing to have in a raid team would tell most people that it’s a terrible concept for a Hunter spec.

To be fair it isn’t new, they’ve been doing this since Legion’s announcement. It was actually much worse before Legion launched when it was not so apparent how fringe-niche the spec would be. It actually resulted in people being really surprised when Survival was getting abysmal results in those “what spec will you play next expansion” surveys that popped up on the WoW subreddit. Many people at the time really tricked themselves into believing melee Survival would be the next big thing for the Hunter class and everyone would flock to play it.


Oh, trust me. I remember that quite vividly; I was one of the very few voices crying out against all the proposed Hunter changes, and I got bullied something ferocious. This died down about one-thirds into Legion’s lifespan, and only just really revved up now.