Return Ranged Survival. Please

I don’t play hunter, but my other half does.

It’s been since Legion pre-patch that they have cried/complained that a spec was removed. I quote verbatim, “it would be as if they made a rogue spec a mage.” That’s just a piece of the rant, but it’s succinct.

It has been nearly every day that I have heard in some fashion about Survival being melee, and that they feel alienated from the game. They begrudgingly play through with Beast Mastery, get told it’s “easy mode,” when Demon Hunter is two buttons. There is “hate” for Hunter, or at least it seems like it from Blizzard’s non-verbal point of view.

So, please. Give back ranged Survival, or a new class–for the silent lurkers and the loudest voices.

Yes, I get that some people might like melee Survival. Make a fourth spec? We don’t need a repeat of the fallout of pre-patch Legion again.

I have no useful feedback here besides to please save the people who wait longingly for the only ranged physical damage class to be a full kit once more, and save my sanity while we’re at it. You can say it’s a video game, but when it’s a mode of identity for some to explore digital spaces, it’s painful to play the game they enjoy.

Thank you.


Can’t but agree with you on this!


Quit making these threads, use the ones that already exist.


Even if they did return it, it would not be how it was before, same how mm is nothing like it used to or bm…


They dont get it, even if they’d bring it back they’d come back here to do the samething because its different. They dont get that old rsv doesn’t fit the current WoW anymore.


Remember when blizz promised to make the old survival play style into set of talents for mm? I remember.

We didnt get black arrow, we got lock and load but with clunky cast times, we didnt get explosive shot (no, that abomination of an ability that had its name is not explosive shot). I really wish blizz would fix what IS broke instead of what isnt.


As long as it had the key elements the spec was known for, I think most people wanting its return would be satisfied.

Specifically, Explosive Shot, Black Arrow, and the Lock ‘N’ Load proc that tied the two together. Also, the Serpent Spread passive.


I’d like to see more arrow options as a HUNTER. Freezing arrow, rending or bleeding arrow(although they could just make current arrows or bullets have a bleeding dot), flaming arrow(a flaming dot) poison arrow. It would give some flavor to hunters. Also make volley viable again. All these things that make hunter a hunter. And before someone says oh we would need to manage dots, that’s what weak auras are for. The game allows add ons, use em. That’s what classes are missing. Flavor. A little bit of seasoning like salt and pepper never killed anyone. And it won’t kill the game either. In fact, it’ll add some more depth.


So what? It would still be based on what it used to be and therefore perfectly workable. Going into Legion all our specs got worse, but we can still work with MM and BM because they still resemble what they used to be and many of the same design challenges still apply. Survival, however, wasn’t just changed; it was removed and replaced with something entirely different.

No one was under the impression that we would continue on with Survival exactly like it was in WoD. Most of us don’t even want that. There were plenty of cool ideas that could have been applied to Survival. Just because it wouldn’t end up exactly the same as WoD doesn’t mean that’s license to replace Survival with whatever.

Why not? Because it was a well-designed spec and current WoW only has badly-designed specs?

This all sounds great and is pretty much what ranged Survival was all about.

I don’t think classes are in general lacking in flavour, though. There actually is a lot of flavour and uniqueness for most specs. Ranged weapons, though? You’re right, there. The long-range physical-damage sniper is the only ranged archetype we have now, as well as a pet-based spec that happens to use a ranged weapon. This is what’s often misunderstood about Hunters before Legion: We had Marksmanship and Survival as two separate ranged-weapon specs because they represented two different approaches to ranged combat; that allowed them to explore ranged weapons better and with more variety, therefore giving people who liked ranged weapons more choice.

This is probably the most crucial reason why making SV melee was a bad idea. It was a huge blow to their ability to explore ranged weapon archetypes, just so they can add yet another melee spec to a game already inundated with melee specs; a melee spec that, let’s be honest, struggles to be as prominent or clearly-defined as pretty much any other melee in the game and was also added in the same expansion as a completely new, unique, fun, and highly-anticipated melee class. How could anyone have thought this was a good idea that would work out well?



Not entirely sure what he means by that, but I’d like to think that a design such as my suggestions, while sure, isn’t exactly the same as it was prior to Legion, it is about as close as one can get with a modern version of the spec.

Which was the intent really.


Why must you two go into every thread and repeat the same tired things you’ve said 100 times or more. Ranged surv is gone… deal with it or go find a support group at this point.


There are many of us who want our class and spec back, not just those “two”. I suspect there are many of us who will not let it go.

Don’t agree with us, that is fine. But if it bothers you that much, I suggest you take your own advice - deal with it or go find a support group.


I don’t need a support group as I’m not the ones whining about something done three plus years ago.


We didn’t make the thread and our replies are perfectly relevant.

Why do you go out of your way to talk down to Hunters whenever you post in this subforum? Your contempt for the class is transparent.


I’m fine either way :woman_shrugging:t6:

The only people I was addressing was you two who go into every thread and post the same crap over and over. It’s not “relevant” when it’s been posted for the 1,000th time in the last three years. Ranged survival is dead, deal with it.

And since you seem to think I can’t post here without being a hunter… I have a hunter, which I’ve had since vanilla and raid on, and I’ve cleared mythic. And even if I did nothing but do pet battles, my points are just as relevant as yours. You do not speak for the hunter class any more than I do.

In short, get over yourself.


Stop this please. This thread already exist and is annoying to see it again. There are ton of people who Is enjoying survival Hunter. I boosted this Hunter only because survival.

If You miss survival Hunter playstyle then suggest something different or more creative like more play variations for mm hunter.

Ranged survival Hunter is gone. Deal with it!


Like this one? We need range Survival Hunters back - #1339 by Ghorak-laughing-skull

And there were and still tons who enjoyed RSV, so they have every right to post and talk about their lost. Deal with it.


Then post in the previous thread. Sight*

You guys whine louder than a 7 years old kid.

Get over it! A Lot of people think This survival is more fun than the previous one


Also the fact that Blizzard never consulted anybody about it and just removed it show’s that they have no respect to their player base. Currently I’m testing out the waters of how non-bis talents in the mm tree is doing. I’m leveling a new hunter. Already took serpent Sting instead of Master Marksman. Will be trying explosive shot when I reach 30. I want to do more than just aimed shot and arcane shot(with steady shot when I need focus). I want to add more to the mix, which is why I’m trying out the talents that will make my rotation more fun and complex.