Retail is doing fine and has more players then classic wow

From their own words dude, like literally.
That tweet you keep referencing, has more information behind it posted before lol

1: PvP vendors removes the random element that can be insanely annoying. There is no reason to remove them, other than trying to keep players on the proverbial hamster wheel. Nobody has ever asked “Where are the PVP vendors?” and hasn’t found them within the hour. Ion’s excuse here was a blatant lie.

2: Tier sets would bring people back, because azerite armor is perhaps the most infuriating, unnecessarily frustrating system that has ever been put in the game. The fact that no matter how good of a player I am, I will not be able to perform well if I don’t roll the right randomized talents, is a stupid way to handle character progression.

I promise you, people would come back if these two problems were solved. I would want more, but to dismiss them as small issues is foolish.


Some would come back, sure.
But not in any significant amount.
Again, there were legitimate reasons to remove these things in the past, ever wonder why they weren’t reimplemented?
It’s because they aren’t wanted by the majority of players.
Remember, games like these, cater to the majority. The actual majority, not people who think they’re the majority who clamor on the forums.

people are playing retail with 10 full pop servers and 10 high pop servers .this is what you want,

Link or lie.

I linked my evidence.

Look at this one too. Servers so queued up that it broke the display of how many people are actually in it. Making the OP wrong in another way.

Edit: Looks like you lied.

Hitchen’s Razor is a beautiful thing, ain’t it?

coughs up drink


people just dont want to accept retail is doing fine and the retail hate people are saying its dying when its doing better then classic.

Your conjecture has been proven wrong with evidence above in the thread.

In what world is losing millions of subs and continuing to decline “doing fine?”

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/////1000% :+1::+1:


Ya I get that.

But Boralus is the one place where there is a default server / shard relationship. When I’m on my servers’ Boralus the city is dead, but occasionally when still grouped and porting out of an instance you’ll end up on another servers instance of Boralus. It’s shocking,

“Oh, so this is what Boralus looks like with people in it.”

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if you dont think so log in and liik at the server pop tab of retail and classic and look at classic wows one full streamer server to retail 10 full servers.

im not scared to look.

Bro, they increased the cap of the servers. Did you forget? You responded to that post before.

The full post, helps more.
Also, it didn’t break the display, you clearly did not understand what they were saying in that post.

yea but people dont stay in Boralus long and just hang out.they are diping out all the time which is why it feels like its empty.

i have a 120 alliance rogue so i have seen what its like.

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Yes, they increased.
BUT, you don’t know where the baseline was for Classic servers.
So your argument literally has nothing to support the servers being larger than retail.

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Nothing in that entire link supports what you said about them making smaller servers than retail from the beginning.

You have to PROVE that they would decide to make smaller servers for some random reason, specifically for classic.

I’m not falling for this, Orc.

That wasn’t evidence of that.
You pulled out a segment of something that vaguely supported your argument, I added context because you lacked it.

As for whether or not they made smaller servers.

You need to PROVE that they made Classic servers the same size as retail or your argument is invalid.

When you make a claim, you need to provide evidence. So far, you haven’t.

As you are the originator of said claim, you need support.