Restore deleted character

blizzard? How much longer will this take?

They in fact did announce well in advance of TWW officially launching that you should restore any deleted characters – and not delete any characters if you wanted to play them – before they had to turn it off while they do more backend work on warband systems. It is temporary.

They even let you restore characters with a free name change if that character’s name was in use either by you or another player. They lifted the 7 day cooldown on restoring characters as well. I’d say this was pretty generous. And I’d say that July 2nd to the week of prepatch was ample time to either restore characters or not delete them.

Now you’ll just have to wait!


Acting like you’ve been assaulted or something.

Well don’t delete characters with gold next time? This is 100% a decision you made.

Did you delete it?

I posted this 3 months ago! Deleted characters from a long time ago are showing up in Beta Character Copy selection screen no response, though

None of those 14 character’s names are available to be used on new characters, that is a serious bug and has to be fix.

So it might be part of the reason why they disabled it.

This is 100% a decision Blizzard made by not getting rid of a nasty bug that deletes the wrong character.
Everyone who says it’s the player’s fault has either not listened to what that player said or has no working brain cells left.


We will be waiting 30 years at this rate.

No idea why they would just disable it, fix the bug and move on… it is a stupid issue honestly… I guess the people who care effected by this who came back after that service was disabled.

They might of lost the database of delete character!

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That would be a big “whoops”.

Tech 1: “Ready to update all this coding?”
Tech 2: “Ready!”
Tech 1: “Uploading, should finish in about 3 hou…”
Tech 1: “Why? What’s wrong??!!”
Tech 2: “Ummm, you know that DB with every deleted character from the past 3 years?”
Tech 1: “Yeah???”
Tech 2: “Did we keep a backup copy somewhere?”
Tech 1: /headdesk

Wouldn’t surprise me.

I got my friend back into wow after years and he can’t restore his old characters… This is a major bummer blizzard with the new xpac, please address this ASAP.

I would not be surprised if this ends up being the case

So far it is the most logical theory which is why it remains broken MONTHS later with no answer. The can hotfix a Delve and rebalance 11 specs in 2 days, but they can’t seem to reactivate the “Restore” button to recover a character? Yeah, someone screwed up HUGE and they don’t have the stroke to tell the public. They’re hoping people will forget to ask and just stop deleting characters.

It’s also possible that the changes to implement warbands just completely broke the code in a way that they are struggling to fix. Each server probably had its own database with a character list, and merging everything probably left them with a chore of now needing to consolidate every server’s character list into a giant database, and then getting the system to work with the much larger list without breaking constantly.

As they said with the auction house, these systems were designed to function with lists in the thousands. Now, they are being stretched to function with entries in the millions. The engine is having problems doing that with the remnants of 20 year old spaghetti code.

And if that is the case, just make a general announcement in tru Blizz style:

“Due to the amazing and incredible new, long sought after, highly well received feature of warbands, characters deleted from boredom or rage are just gone! However, here is a boost token so you can have a one time compensation to replace a single character. Now that warbands are in place, once we figure out how to get the code to work with them, we will re-enable this feature. In the meantime, enjoy this olive branch.”

Something to just be transparent even if it was an honest mistake with good intentions.

Yeah, but this is the same complaint you will hear about 80% of issues this game has. They are one of, if not the single worst, triple-A live service gaming company when it comes down to communicating intentions and acknowledging issues.

They used to be amazing at this, but now they can’t even tell us a maintenance window is being extended until 10 minutes before it wraps up, much less actually inform the community of an update on a system issue like this.

It isn’t technically affecting gameplay, so it’s low probably low priority. Not that they are fixing gameplay bugs either, Rogue/druid stealth is riddled with new bugs, and a ton of classes are dealing with chunks of their trees being unusable or functioning incorrectly due to bugs from PTR.

Still have to wait

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After the way their community engulfed them in flames every time new numbers, mentioned a new feature, or did anything after the fall of Arthas, they got hammered. So they are gun shy, and I understand why. There are only so many times you try to do something good, and people only remember the bad and berate you for it. I too have been guilty of lashing out in anger over something. Unfortunately, the last 12+ years have fostered an environment where they know they cannot please everyone and would rather stay silent than piss anyone off. I just wish they’d figure out some static way of saying:

Here is the issue.
Here is the reason.
Here is the fix we are working on.
Comments disabled and topics about this in the forums will be removed.

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I agree, and this is the only thing I’d expect to hear from them as well. I’m not looking for direct personal engagement, just tell me you know this is an issue and it’s in the queue. Silence leads to way more anger than directly acknowledging you’re aware.

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