Restore deleted character

How does one accidentally delete a character.

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Brings back my point of you should have to type the name to confirm, not just type delete


As someone who has just returned to retail after a couple years away it is annoying to not be able to even see what my character restore options are for planning purposes. I donā€™t want to level, say, a warrior, just to find out that I can restore one.


Same name, different server, canā€™t sort by realm anymore. Pretty simple for mistakes to happen, even with the type delete to confirm check.

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That is some impressive conspiracy theorium. Blizzard made an elaborate system to coerce a very specific demographic(people who somehow deleted a character they care about), to buy a boost, when there is a prepatch event going on where you can 10-60 almost as fast as it takes to get out of exileā€™s reach.

I hope it wasnā€™t a time walker. That toon is prolly lost and going to pop up in a shopping mall or a drive in.


No matter why some of us want to use the service, I think we can reasonably call a month ā€œa few weeksā€, so an update would be really appreciated.


Yes please, we also must get like a 5 toon resto, without the weekly limit of 1.

That seems to have been said privately to someone in a ticket response; the support article and news post never said ā€œat leastā€, just that it was ā€œundeterminedā€.

All weā€™re saying is itā€™d be nice to have an update!

I canceled my subscription due to this. I had a different character from a different realm selected and it deleted my main that holds all my gold and love and happiness.

The responses I received from the Blizzard ROBOT after submitting 2 tickets resolved nothing. So, I asked for refund for TWW and unused portion of subscription and they refunded neither. And told me, ā€œwe recommend to be extra careful from now on not to have any other problem like this.ā€ The gall! It was not from my lack of care but from them not anticipating the glitch.
Total bummer.

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If we canā€™t have delete restoredā€¦ can we please have more slots for characters?

ā€¦ uh, Iā€™m full up.

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the very same thing happened to me and iā€™ve yet to see my main character restored.

Iā€™m unsure how much longer this fix will take, but I was deleting a level 8 DH at the bottom of my character screen when I typed ā€œdeleteā€ and it pulled my top toon in my ā€œfavoritesā€ tab on the warband screen.

My main character is lost and no future is in sight of restoration. I get the same ticketed responses, and Iā€™m unable to play that main for this expansion that I purchased forever ago due to a bug in their Warband system.

Itā€™s devestating.

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exact same thing happened to me.
blizzardā€™s error, yet they wonā€™t fix it.
I paid for early access, yet canā€™t play it.
If itā€™s not up by tomorrow (Sat)
Iā€™m just going to delete my bnet account permanently;
no, blizzard doesnā€™t care nor does anyone else,
just posting my goodbye message.

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How all options lead to a page that is outdated, it wont let you make a ticket at all unless you lie.

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The lack of human decency to just be transparent and give an explanation. It would be so much easier to stomach and it would build trust by simply explaining the reason behind not restoring our deleted characters. We may not agree or like it but this is harsh treatment for paying clients. After all, this is a business and $$$. At this point, I would be willing to pay to have her restored. It goes against my principles, considering it was because of their glitch, I just really want her back. And my GOLD! /sigh

Iā€™d like to know when we could expect to have Restore Deleted Character functionality back. Have some Toons that need to see the light of day again.

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I was hoping that de Restore Deleted Char whas coming with season 1ā€¦ but no againā€¦ Blizzardā€¦ WHATAHELL? Pleaseā€¦ give us some answersā€¦ likeā€¦ whyā€¦ possible whenā€¦ for godsake!!

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If you deleted your characterā€¦then it didnā€™t matter
Just like deleting your best friend