"Respect Player's Time" Doesn't Apply to Druids Apparently

One can only hope you never land in a position of senior management or leadership in any organization with a mindset like this.


You’ve been insanely lucky then. I have been in groups of 20+ druids and only see 1 form drop between the group after waiting together for over an hour.

I myself have managed to kill almost all the rares between 3 druids everyday just sitting afk while working, but it is an all day process and not very consistent, and I only have 1 of the 6 forms.

Happy you have 3 already without trying, but your experience is definitely an outlier.


Yea. I have a major problem with rares dropping like flies. It’s so annoying. I just want to slap every player who announces rare is up in general chat as they kill it.

The problem is not how fast they go down but that people just don’t wait. If you give rares too much health they become hard for people to kill when the zone becomes less popular. I don’t know why the stopped having rares be immune to damage after spawning. While not perfect it would give more people a change to get to the rare.

YOu realize you don’t need to get them ALL the first week of the new patch right … right?

So many people coming in here completely missing the point. It has NOTHING to do with getting them all the first week. It is the insane time commitment required to get each one on top of having to be extremely lucky. Not only do you have to camp each one, but even when it spawns the chance of actually getting the form is low, meaning you make 0 progress and spend days just sitting in one spot against a slot machine.


Ima just say this. The hp pool for the rares is far to low for current content stuff if it was previous patch that’s different. But agree they should make them immune for a few…i always like that for the ones it’s applied too.

Rares health should never be as low as to be able to be downed like a normal mob. Beats the purpose of it being known as a rare. might as well label them a normal mob.

Bahahahaha. What a triggered response to wanting a few pixels to be different on your cartoon bear in game. Relax buddy.

This is true. Whilst I do like the fact that blizz has acknowledged the epic failure that was ZC due to issues like the ridiculous amount of HP the rares had, they could double the HP of the rares in ED and it would make little difference to most players. So long as they don’t approach the absolutely insane levels the ZC rares were at, it should be fine.

Or if they don’t want to do that, they could implement the FR system of giving us a warning before the rare spawns.

So many of the responses here are absolutely vile, holy… But why would I expect anything different? My bad.

Now, back to camping 6 different rares for hours each so I can get some Flightstones and Emerald Green Apples, but not the druid forms. If I’m lucky I’ll get into an argument with at least one hunter. Very cool, Blizz. Very cool…


Rares hp pool used to be low, what made them rare was that they were rarely up. The idea of them have changed so much over the xpac. Some rares have really high health pools (mount ones or special rares) some rares had more normal health pools. It seems to me this is more like the Timeless Isle rares.

The only thing I wish is that they would do something more noticeable than that little star mark. I accidently hit a mob with that because I was not paying attention and that it was just an elite mob.

I meant when they would scale up when tagged and not get downed within secs is what i mean on the hp part

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No you, like the op are soft and entitled.

He complained in less than 24 hours. The same idiots(you and him) will also be the first to whine there is nothing to do in a week when you did it all since you needed to have EVERYTHING DAY ONE WAHHHHHHHHHHH.

You folks are the true issue with gaming, you and the endless wallet players.

Now stop crying about stupid stuff.

if you don’t sit there then you might miss it, thats the problem. they die too fast so you have to sit there and spawn camp it to have a hope of getting it.


No…thanks for the bump up to this thread

Dying quick is fine. Make respawn timers short like 15 mins. On a dead realm, stuff that’s hard to kill becomes impossible as you have nobody to help you, so soloable is good.


Really? One day?

Surely a prolific mount collector would be used to grinds like this :roll_eyes:

Yeah, maybe a short respawn, waiting hours without doing anything in the same spot isn’t fun. It’s an issue now and at any future expansion, the health of rares is another issue that could be address like Forbidden Reach rares… those have a better rotation compared to ZC and now ED.

The post isn’t about the reward today but the process in order to acquire it, a new player could attempt it 1 year later and phase the same issue. 2-3 hours without doing anything besides waiting the respawn.

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Then it’s not really a rare spawn, and having a bigger health pool doesn’t make it harder unless your running out of mana which never seems to happen. You are confusing higher health with higher damage.

I’ve never been able to do the rares. Too much HP for me to solo, and nobody was ever around. Dead realms. I couldn’t do the island place/rares either for same reason. Dead realms + high HP rares are impossible

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