"Respect Player's Time" Doesn't Apply to Druids Apparently

You’ll never please everyone, but Devs should focus on the FUN aspect because its a game, it doesn’t matter if another color of the form is provided by easy content, players like a specific color for any reason, that’s why in the council you can find an entire thread about color pink that was replied by Devs.

I think Reward Devs should focus in the less frustating experience, if Hardcore collectors spent a full day with low respawn farming it, then its their way to acquire things even if later cause the issue that content is consume fast, the problem with large respawns of 2-3 hours as mentioned by Rajvi on the other council thread is tha you’re just AFK waiting without any actual gameplay.

When Breezebiter was introduced, I spent most of my time just waiting there while playing Magic the gatherin in their App or watching anime, that’s not an engage activity provided by WoW.

Just take the own Reward Dev words in mind:

When we’re talking about rewards there’s a lot of variants, I was talking on this thread with other players about other similar scenarios. For example, after that comment back in Feb 2022, Chimes promised a solution and It wasn’t discuss with the Council at all, We now have the fix that’s just a daily boost attempt for a limited time event, mount collectors are still doing every attemp possible without any result, you can ask your fellow Council member Artemisha that did event 2 accounts for an extra boost attempt.

She has even brough this kind of topic several times. Since the solution provided didn’t fix the core issue mentioned by Chimes “This isn’t fun” and “but not a great experience”.

Also, the collectors looking for the love rocket for example and now druid colors never ask for hand outs, We asked for a better solution with fun or progress, check Artemisha thread, there’s ideas like using the Evoker legendary method that increase drop % for each attempt done, there’s bad luck vendors…etc

We also have the examples of rewards like the MoP/WoD world bosses that were just an AFK lobby for a lot of players for years, there’s not any content in a boss that last few seconds, it’s a sloot machine, the game was improved to have a better drop % more accordingly, there’s not anything bad with RNG but Devs should check the 2 values around this approach: Number of Attempts and the actual % against the FUN experience that’s the goal of the process.

Think about the next expansion, how the transmog farm changed, now you’ll get any piece of gear from any run for all your character, you can grind Garrosh shoulder on any class…yes, RNG still exist for a lot of items and if the drop % is really low, it should be increased for some items depending on your available attempts but now any legacy run matters for your account, that’s TIME saved for the player.

Another examples:

You can check this list:

the recolors consist of actual gameplay, except for some cases the Hidden Appearances, however; most of those Hidden appearences were drop from grinds that you didn’t have to wait a respawn. We need less AFK content in the game.

Another example:

you can check each demon option and you’ll find that there’s not one related to a 2-3 hour respawn rare, there’s a lot of RNG involve true but those are actual active gameplay, examples:

Chance of dropping from Pusillin in Dire Maul.

I can reset Dire Maul, I can do 10 runs today and wait some hours, then another 10 runs, I’ve more control over this grind compared to a 2-3 hour respawn, since those are not even a set respawn of every 2 hous from last kill and you can check this info on wowhead comments:

Shortest spawn timer I've seen: 1 hour and 26 minutes.
Longest spawn timer I've seen: 2 hours 40 minutes.

 first spawn I saw was at 1:28AM server, and the next one was 4:44AM server; 3 hours 16 minutes apart.
So it’s possible the spawn window is 1:30-2:00 hours.
Also, it seems like this is a once-per-day loot as the 2 other times I looted it only gave me grey items.

Players will disagree for anything, Its the work of Devs to provide a fun experience and at least from my perspective respawns that leave you afk waiting for an alarm isn’t doing anything good to the game.

Also, take a look how the community received the Salamander mount from Forbiden Reach patch that you can trade with anyone and it was a drop from any rare or the Time Rifts mount that you could gift to someone else or the mounts from Timerift that also have a vendor option if you don’t get the drop without taking in consideration the item that provided a buff, you’ll get an item next time.

Why we don’t see that kind of mechanics for these recolors? Provide more community engagement and also, something that you should take in consideration is how these rewards will be farm by returning / new players next expansion, Is going to be the same frustating experience? Is better now that you can take advantage of something?..etc

It’s a complex topic but I hope there’s more changes in a better direction for the game that provides more engagement.