[Request] Please do what the Patch Notes actually say

No, I won’t be doing that

Yes, because you posted your reply completely unaware that unlocking the allied race is bugged. Congratulations on missing the entire premise.

Unless, of course, you really do know how to unlock the Zandalari? Why not use that big brain of yours and go solve this problem for everyone?

Firstly, irrelevant

Secondly :clown_face:


How is it irrelevant that we literally cannot do what Blizzard claims we would be able to do?

Kudos that it is not bugged for you. That NPC does not appear for me, nor does it for many others, and there are other bugs that people are running into as well.

PTR isn’t for Blizzard to test… it’s for players to test.

i just did.
did you?

first thread, i saw this… which has been the resolution for everyone who tried.

it looks like the only people who weren’t able to get the dude to show up, were people who were already actively on one quest… and you’ve only ever been able to do one at a time.


OMG just play the damn game and stop demanding instant gratification! The allied race quest lines are short and part of the lore/story.

Be thankful you didn’t have to go through the awful original grind.

By Elune, the entitlement today is mind boggling.


The crux here (I think) is that the wording was clear if you played BFA but not if you didn’t. I fully confess (as someone who did not play BFA) the only reqs I was vaguely aware of were the longish questlines/achievements which to me were “the same thing”. So naturally I was a little confused when the questlines remained. Now as someone who likes quests it is no big deal, but the confusion is not at all unreasonable. It’s just a classic case of assumed knowledge – “dropping restrictions” meaning what was ultimately released only is intuitive to people who " just know" that quests related to achievements and various reputation reqs are “restrictions” but the other quests are not.

TL;DR: Eh, it could have been a little clearer.


I addressed the topic of the post, everything else is meaningless

I have no problem with either situation. What I have a problem with is doing it one way on PTR, the other way on live, and then getting a bugged game as a result. This whole patch feels unfinished.

Just go get the quest for them, they don’t take very long and gives you something to do. The rest of us HAD to ACTUALLY earn them, my god this community is never thankful for anything.

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It. Does. Not. Work.

Why don’t you use that big brain and figure it out? :slight_smile:

I’ll be honest, I can see how the patch notes are misunderstood. I’m glad the story is still involved in obtaining them tho. But really, don’t you gain more than enough rep just by doing the questline? And yes, there appears to be a bugged race (poor zandalari).

The gold trading/mailing tho, while kind of annoying, is clear. PTR realms are all connected, I believe, so it gave the appearance of mail being an option. But the notes are clear it requires actual trading.

It clearly says they removed the requirements. The reward from meeting the requirements was always the quest chain.

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No one is asking for your opinion here. personally, I would like Bliz to clarify this because every site that I have tried to look this up has indeed said the only reqs are level 40.

often times, certain restrictions or limitations are lifted on the PTR for the purpose of… you know, testing?

Allow us to recap:

This has worked for everyone else who has tried it.

The only other reason you would not be able to access the quest you are seeking, is if you are on another AR quest, or WERE on an AR quest and abandoned it.

Yeah this was actually a pretty annoying thing for them to do. lol agree w/OP

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Honestly. let me break this down Barney style:

Patch notes say “Level 40 to unlock the race”.

There is nothing at all stating that you have to do additional steps.
It does not state that it’s “Level 40 to unlock the race storylines”.

The only other indicator is when you are at the character creation screen in which it states:

“Level 40”
“Something something Embassy”

I’ve done both of these. I hopped on my ONE level 40 character and then went to the embassy and talked to the Panda.

Now, I’m not a new player. I’m not opposed to having to take extra steps HOWEVER:

When all you see from the streamers and even WoWhead that states that you don’t have to do step 3, then why am I getting a step 3?

I mean, as a Horde, I already know who the fatty humans are. I fought them enough.

Why is there a step 3 if I know who they are already? I can always do all this story stuff as I’m leveling up that character.

(I am well aware that I probably would have had the quest line done by now with the time I’ve been complaining about this.

It’s just the principle of it.

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All this boils down to is a misinterpretation of what the patch notes actually say.
