[Request] Please do what the Patch Notes actually say

We were told that all Allied Race requirements were being removed except for having a level 40 character.

This is plainly false. When can we expect this to actually be implemented? 10.1.7? Or did someone release false patch notes?


You can though - you still have to go through the QUESTS to get them, but level is the only requirement to pick up said quests.


“You can though”

No, because:
“you still have to go through the QUESTS to get them”

That’s not what was indicated in Patch Notes.


I mean, if I’m stupid for assuming cross faction trading included mail because they didn’t explicitly say so, then they are liars for forcing me to complete quests to unlock allied races.

they were, you’re welcome

also, you started a thread on this topic, yesterday, why start another just to get the same reponses?

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Yes, that’s what the patch notes said though. It just said it removed the restrictions to get them… not that it removed all the steps necessary.


Look, I called it.


This is great, i can finally get the horde ones

I didn’t start a thread on this topic. I have one thread about trying to unlock Zandalari (still cannot do it), and one thread about false patch notes with a cited example.

If the patch notes didn’t make the allied race claim, I’d have no complaint.


my understanding is that the reputation requirements, which could be onerous, were what was removed.

doing a few quests isn’t on the same level of hardship.


Whatever quest you have to complete, you would have been done with in the time it took you to come whining on the forums. Are you also going to start a thread that you have to go through the character creation screen ‘requirement?’

THe thing is, not a single person here care about your plight…

  • All restrictions for unlocking Allied Races have been removed, with the exception of a level requirement.

  • All Allied Races can now be unlocked once you have a level 40 character on your account (was level 50).

That’s what the patch notes say. Doing the quests to unlock them was not a restriction. The restrictions were what was require to actually start those quests in the first place.


I also see no way to ‘sell all junk’ nor can I send items/gold cross-server.

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  1. None of that addresses the false patch note.

  2. The quest is bugged. Zandalari cannot be unlocked.

  3. The PTR allowed for creation of allied races exactly as described by the patch notes. When the patch went live, that functionality was removed and the required quest was broken (likely because it was not tested on PTR by anyone, lol)

I just want the patch notes, PTR, and live game to be consistent with each other. Is that really such a huge ask?

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That’s not in the patch notes? It says you can trade items cross-realm…nothing about mailing.

And they’ve already said that the sell junk button was delayed for w/e reason.

Your misinterpretation of the patch notes isn’t anyone else’s fault. Sorry.


Well, then, I guess literally every single person I happened to watch update videos from was misled because they ALL clamoured over how it’s great that alts you don’t have any intention to level are stuck on servers you don’t play on anymore with resources that could be used to help your main roster and then could be safely deleted afterwards.

Doesn’t help that PTR is just a single server, right? Been too many years since I’ve partook. Which would then add to the confusion since they wouldn’t be able to test it.


You wouldn’t have this issue if you unlocked them when it was current content.



The rep requirement was removed ages ago.
Until now you had to get the related storylines achievements.
So like voldun for vulpera, and all of kul tiras (and more quests on top of that) for kul tirans.

Now you no longer need to get the achievements.
You just need a level 40 or higher to show up to the embassy, and do the unlock scenarios.

Super quick and painless.


You could have done all of the unlock scenarios in half the time you’ve spent on this thread, OP.

There was no lie: the requirements are removed. You simply need a level 40 character and you can unlock them just like everyone else unlocked them once they met the prerequisites.


“All Allied Races can now be unlocked once you have a level 40 character on your account (was level 50).”
It says right there that you still have to unlock them which historically has always been by doing the short story/scenario quests.