Request: Bring Back GDKP for Phase 3 (4 now)

do you know the difference between an organized community and a pug? plus its not the best pug system because the person with the most gold wins. it literally isn’t a fair system. being compensated with gold as a consolation prize is akin to a participation trophy. you raid for gear not gold…

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“GDKPs are bad because people don’t have enough gold to win gear”

“GDKPs are bad because people earn gold there”

If you can’t see the connection, stop pretending like you know how it works. If it’s not a fair system, then people wouldn’t use it and you have nothing to worry about.

Its not the best pug system because the person with the highest roll wins.

It’s often not even the person with the highest gold that wins. In GDKPs, most people have gold. It’s the person who is willing to spend the most. Just things these people don’t understand.

Like a pure buyer?

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Whoever is willing to pay the most.

Pure buyer? Are those the people that your made up GDKP friends look for?

“pure buyer” is a term I think many people have seen in chat.

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Yeah, I’ve seen the term. In this case, whether they’re a pure buyer or not, it has no relevance to what I said. Plus I can’t take this guy seriously.

“Pure buyers” are people that join gdkps with immense amounts of gold with the sole thought being to gear out asap through weight of wallet.

Its an extremely slipperly slope as there must be legit people doing it but there also must be bad players.

But its okay, you knew that already.

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I didn’t ask what it is. I asked if they were who your made up greedy GDKP friends look for.

Please bring back GDKP

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Funny way of showing how black your kettle is.

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Elaborate on that if you can. You going to make up more lies?

You think I need to elaborate on that?

You are quite easy to blindside.

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You’re not capable of elaborating on it even if you wanted to. That’s why you’re full of vague phrases that you’re unable to explain.

Hundreds of posts and you’ve never come up with a strong argument anywhere, so you make up stories about having greedy GDKP friends to create an argument, but since you lack the knowledge, you’re unaware how hollow your arguments really are.

I really don’t know why you continue posting, but please do, because it’s quite entertaining to everyone else when you’re completely unaware of how obvious your lies are.

correct yes that would mean its not an equal chance for everyone to win.

i never said this i said people raid for gear and getting gold is akin to a participation trophy. “thanks for coming little buddy better luck outbidding the guy who buys gold weekly”.

I’m very aware of how it works.

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Does everyone have an equal chance on that roll? if so then yes its fair. is it fair that Timmy bought gold and can outbid everyone on every single item he wants? you should really think before you post.

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I have thought about it, quite a bit. Have you?

If you knew how it works, you wouldn’t call the gold earned a participation trophy. It’s the same as earning DKP points in a traditional DKP is not a participation trophy.

Not everyone deserves an equal chance to win. The grey parsing rogue with no raid knowledge and no consumables does not deserve to win a crossbow over the purple parsing hunter with full consumes that did all the mechanics and carried the rogue through a kill they would have never earned themselves. In a GDKP the rogue in this example is unlikely to care enough to outbid the hunter and if they do, at least the hunter gets paid a lot of gold.