Request: Bring Back GDKP for Phase 3 (4 now)

While it was a well intentioned Phase 2 experiment, I think its safe to say that botting and gold-selling were still prevalent, and AH prices remained high.

I found myself with very little motivation to raid once geared and missed the camaraderie of my old GDKP runs.

I would appreciate a chance to run these again in P3, understanding we may continue to adjust in P4 and beyond.

Thanks for the Consideration!


No. Just no!


haven’t run any GDKPs since BC, but I believe people should be able to run them if they want to.

Bring them back.


No GDKPs has been very health for the game. We should not bring them back.


The problem is that GDKPs completely take over the pug experience.


I think its safer to say Blizzard doesn’t agree with you.

If they didn’t consider the GDKP ban a success, it would have already been brought back in the Preview Video we got yesterday.

The fact that it wasn’t means that GDKP will not come back in P3 and likely not in P4 either. Just how it is.


make your own runs


How is that a problem? If they are that popular that is further reason they should be brought back.

If you don’t want to run a GDKP you could always start your own group.


I don’t agree. Blizzard stated their main purpose in banning GDKP was to incent guild runs, not pugs. Even so, they didn’t ban pugs or make raids guild only; they’re maintaining the player choice in the types of raids they run (Pug vs Guild). GDKP should remain one of those choices - nothing enforced; nothing keeping people from running other types of raids if they prefer.

Everything you’re saying is true, although I don’t think its opinion that botting and gold selling are still prevalent. Play the game and you’ll see as many, or more, bots as in P1, and the gold selling sites are going full force. Its fact, not an opinion to agree or disagree with.

You’re right that it likely won’t be back in P3 based on the video, but Blizzard is constantly asking for feedback, which is what I’m looking to provide, hoping this is corrected in future phases. Cheers.


Swipers still seething.


No swiping, or seething in this thread…or at least from me. Just offering opinion and making a request that I think will improve the game.


Improve how? By promoting gold buying?

Even the people not buying gold are getting a cut of gold from those who do. And losing that is what they’re upset about.


No way. I like the game without that stuff


Definitely not. I’m strongly against any RMT in the game, and fully support enforcing the existing TOS banning botting and RMT. Failing to enforce the rules, and instead banning an activity that, as a side effect, incents the poor behavior at the expense of the benefits of the activity is the problem. Since you asked, my opinion is that GDKP improves the game by:

  1. Rewarding all players in every raid. Leaving a raid empty handed is an unrewarding, and unfair experience. In GDKP, everyone gets either gold or items.
  2. Incenting more raid participation from advanced players. GDKP creates a gold incentive for players that have all of the gear they need from a dungeon, to continue to raid and help others get their gear.
  3. More flexible raid scheduling: Blizz says the primary reason they banned GDKP is to drive toward original guild-style play of play in Vanilla. This is excellent for 20% of players that can play a lot, can agree on a set schedule and block of X hours per night they’ll raid, and are lucky enough to get into their guild runs. Everyone else needs a more flexible style of many raids they can simply sign up for, or join as they’re created, when convenient. GDKP is a huge driver in creating these non-guild runs, and by limiting these, blizzard is drastically limiting the number of raids available for busy players. Even players that are dedicated to their core guild, and running guild runs with their own loot systems with their main character are still wanting to level alts, GDKP is the best way to create more raids, on flexibles schedules, so that players can play and gear their alts.
  4. Alternate Gold Making Options: GDKP’s create an opportunity for players who might enjoy earning gold in game through farming or professions or playing the auction house, to spend that gold on gear, and they create the opportunity for individuals who might enjoy raiding more than those activities, to actually earn gold by raiding (and not bidding on items) - Previously players who played the game exclusively for raiding - right raid loggers, had a hard time earning gold for their consumes and other things they needed.
  5. Diverse Game Experiences - The after-raid auction adds an enjoyable and interactive element to the gameplay experience, allowing players to engage in strategic bidding and decision-making beyond raid encounters. If you’ve never participated in a fast-moving GDKP auction, with the raid warnings going off and the numbers climbing as players get into bidding wars, its really fun.

I could go on, but gaming. Sorry for the wall of text. Cheers.


yea add wow token too

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I only pug in these classic variants and GDKP sucks to me, aside from RMTs. It eventually locks you out if you can’t either dps or bid. The gold prices inflate more and more as time goes on so you get caught in this cycle of: I cant get gold because I cant dps / i cant get gear because i dont have enough gold

I am seeing a lot more opportunities in chat now than i was - so i am a fan of no gdkp


I don’t believe that GDKPs will be returning to SoD.

That makes me pretty happy.


let’s not, and say we did.


It is impossible to convince anti andys. They didn’t play when GDKP got big in p5 c19, they don’t have a clue what drove GDKP nor do they have a clue about why it got so big p2 t5.

A huge chunk of anti andys started in wrath, didn’t have a guild, only wanted to pug and quickly found out day in and day out raiders had, had enouguh of tourists scooping an item, grey parsing and leaving before the raid ended.

Naturally GDKP filtered them, they then came here to reeeee for a year straight. They legit think GDKP is full of swipers and that’s the only reason it exists.

They are hopeless.


You keep conveniently forgetting this point: