Renown Ban Wave?

If you simply read everything the game tells you about the pacts, it’s obvious you’re only supposed to be able to choose one. So even if you can choose a second, you should know from that context that such a thing is not intended. Just because you notice an exploit doesn’t mean you should use it. Play the game as it’s intended and you won’t get banned for not doing so. It’s quite simple really.


Luckily the people who designed this do actually take pride in their work,

So they are doing this to get as many to get banned as they can.
Just another reason for me not to be paying for the way it is attended to be played.
Ill still play for free…what I paid for.

So you banned all the early access accounts?

You are right and you are wrong.

No one is commenting that those who received the renown should have. Nor are we saying we should keep it or it is just. We want to have it rolled back. We are saying this is not black and white but gray. Some exploited - some with multi-accounts got caught in this bug/exploit.

We are also saying is that there was no intent to utilize the bug/exploit by many who were impacted. I would even say most - as we just tuned in a quest and continued our way. That can and will be verified with time.

You would, and have said “even if unaware of using an exploit you are using an exploit”. I would counter that playing the game in a normal way (yes multi-account normal) is not exploitive. There was no way for us NOT to gain the renown - heck some people even noticed it and sent a note to Blizzard but were still suspended!

When I ran my 5 characters through the zone and completed the campaign like most, I had no intent of exploiting the bug. I had no idea I was even receiving something I shouldn’t have. As I’ve stated, I thought it unusual but this game is full of the unusual. Most of us who were impacted did not go through beta content to understand what to expect. Especially since the other three zones didn’t have this bug.

I hope you understand that in EA there was no way to actually know this without stopping, checking online and questioning just normal play.

Utilizing the Bank analogy above we didn’t know the bank was being robbed - you can believe that or not. Heck with all the people who are talking on this post and in General (where people like me can’t post) are mostly causal players, family players etc. Blizzard is treating everyone in the bank as culprits.

We have appealed and I’m mostly concerned about my account rating now as I doubt this will be worked through by the 13th.

We can get into a “we should have known” or “and exploit is an exploit” but that logic just breaks down as most of us “here” just turned in the quests normally and were suspended.

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Except the people who intentionally abused this bug didn’t stop at lower renowns, they specifically went to 24 for a reason and that’s for the enchanted heroic crest.

I would be more inclined to believe that everyone who caught a suspension deserved it if this hadn’t happened before, but it has happened happened before.

The extra step of having a linked account doing quests? You do know people have multiple accounts right? This isn’t anything new or out of the ordinary.

I’m making observations based on evidence presented to me, not an assumption. Feel free to state your own observations based on evidence you have seen.

I’m willing to bet all of the gold that the majority of people who abused this bug aren’t the ones appealing. I’m sure there are a few who are giving it a shot, but there’s no reason for those who did abuse this, to not just take the 4 day suspension and be happy it wasn’t more severe. You keep putting forth these arguments that make no sense. If you’re going to try and defend this situation, you should be putting for reasons that are logically sound. I would love nothing more than for Blizzard to reveal the truth because then I could at least know that there wasn’t injustice happening. If actually abused the bug, I’d straight up laugh at him and tell him he deserved it, but that’s not what happened. I wouldn’t have made this thread. You think I want to be spending time on this forum when season 1 just started? You’re the one trying to bury mistakes.

So people who picked one pact on one character from account A and a different pact on account B were some how supposed to know that there was a bug granting unintended renown to all account linked? I’d love to see where blizzard said Warband renowns were linked across all characters with multiple accounts instead of being limited to a single account and the characters within it.

So everyone is supposed to pick the same exact options for every character they play? Where does it say Warbound = bound? Because that’s what happened. The ones who noticed the exploit and used it, did so to get to renown 24. The people who just happened to stumble upon it because they had linked accounts, didn’t notice anything. It’s why their renown is below 24. It’s why there are multiple people in this thread (and how much more who never come to the forums) wondering why they got suspended for just playing the game normally.


To be frank, you really have no evidence, as the only ones who do are blizzard.


As the old saying goes, if something it too good to be true, it probably is.


This design approach seems very confusing to follow. What’s obvious to one person isn’t obvious to everyone. Everything about this game involves some measure of grinding. Need cloth? Go kill mobs. Need ore? Go mine deposits. Need XP? Go do quests AND kill mobs.

Farms have existed in this game forever. Sometimes the drop rates even for things like quest items are still so poor that players have to farm specific mobs to just progress through content.

It makes me not want to play out of fear that if I kill a mob too much or get too much of a resource to drop, then it’ll be considered cheating. I just play the game, I don’t approach it with a PhD on statistics and loot tables.


Then don’t play the game. If you’re going work yourself up into some kind of insane frenzy like this, then it’s not worth the health risk. Don’t play the game if you are so bereft of common sense that you actually believe this.

No one is going to kowtow to these crazy scenarios that you dream up, then complain about. If it’s too confusing for you, or if the game’s not clear enough for you, then it doesn’t seem like a good fit for your gaming habits.


No, it really isn’t. Folks had been farming mobs, items and exp from the dawn of this game. Doing it by itself won’t have anyone risk their account. Heck, you can farm mobs themselves all day if you want and it won’t be treated as something bad as it’s expected.

What isn’t expected is using a bug or other flaws to get something that isn’t meant to get early into an expack. Folks was using a bug to jump their renown to max within a short time frame from a flaw in game. That isn’t something you can mistakenly do. It’d be akin to the LK fight where folks was using bombs to reform the platform to basically make a phase a fight moot. That kind of thing is what get folks into hot water.


Yes it is. You are correct, and I was trying to type this up but you beat it to me. Farms have existed since the dawn of the game, that’s my point. But now bans are given out when drop rates are too high, or dropping things not expected.

Gulp frogs have been a farm since the Timeless Isle first came out. Farm them in retail for the timeless coins and charms, a-okay. Farm them in Remix for the timeless coins and charms, exploit. And the only reason is because Remix had a secondary use for the charms that retail never had. The player action was exactly the same, and since farms have been a thing for 20 years now, why would anyone think that their pre-existing farm is suddenly bad, and only bad in one version of the game?

I’m not in a frenzy or facing a health risk. I’m asking questions to raise the concern that Blizzard oversight has caused pretty much every problem I’ve been seeing recently, and players are the ones suffering for it. So many things raised in beta that make it to live, then get hotfixed as a bug and people’s progress reverted.

They didn’t. I had early access, I wasn’t suspended.


I never done remix, so I don’t have a leg to stand on, but honestly, it sounds as though individuals exploited a bug to gain more than what the game intended, which would be why they got their accounts put on lockdown.

Simply farming them for what the game intended you to receive wouldn’t have gotten you punished.

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So what is your level?
Is it in line with the ones banned?

Just recently got to Renoun 7.


Nah, not at all. Early access here too and not even a hint of a ban. I only have one license though and while my main is level 80 with some 570-ish pieces, all my alts are not. I am working on professions, side quests, all the things as I go.

I retired from raiding long ago so I have no reason to push at expansion start.


Yeah, I haven’t played TWW beyond the first few quests with my husband because phasing bugs in Legion’s Dalaran were preventing us from progressing Legion content. So I can’t comment at all on any sort of farm, bug, feature, exploit, working as intended, off-by-one error, etc. that TWW might have. :smiley:

But as far as Remix is concerned, those poor froggies have unfortunately been a favorite victim for over a decade, dropping the same rewards. Timeless coins for the rep vendor, lesser charms of good fortune to buy the items needed to try for bonus rolls on the raid bosses.

In Remix the coins had the same purpose – still to get rep stuff from the Isle. But the lesser charms of good fortune were changed to instead be rep turn-ins around the map, and the rep turn-ins would give you a box that would include stuff like basic gear (usually stuff you just deconstruct), bronze (currency to buy mounts, tmog, etc), and threads to empower your cloak. So anyone who farmed frogs got a lot of bronze and threads. The cloaks got nerfed, though the bronze was already spent and so players could’ve already maxed out their gear with it.

But the farm itself was no different from the retail farm. And it’s 100% on Blizzard for making the change to the lesser charms and forgetting to remove them from easy-to-kill mobs.

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It is 100% on them. Just like it is 100% on a bank if they accidentally put money in your account. You still can’t exploit the bug just like you can’t spend the money the bank accidentally gave you. You have to give it back or you end up in jail. In games you just have to realize something is working TOO well and back off.


That’s pretty apples to oranges. This is a game, not a financial institution with legal obligations to a nation or government.

I do understand your point (and I think someone else said it above) about “if it feels too good to be true…”. I hate that concept. It implies that we’re meant to be miserable in a GAME.

But regardless, farms have been an approved activity and in many cases a required-by-design activity in this game for years. Expecting people to second-guess which farm is good and which farm is bad is pretty unreal.

By the time I reached the Timeless Isle in Remix, the frogs had already been nerfed. But I still felt apprehension when around them and it felt weird going back in retail afterward to farm them. (I maxed the rep killing other mobs in Remix, but still working on the Timeless Coins grind for the mount; need 100k.)

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My observation is the commonality for everyone who received a suspension for this are people who had linked accounts.

You keep ignoring the part about this bug where people didn’t have the opportunity to realize something was working too well and back off. It just happened while naturally playing the game and doing the content. It’s not like the Mining/Herbalism Knowledge Points not having their weekly cap which allowed players to max out their gathering trees.


The point is this; There isn’t anything in the game have you at max level in renown this early in the life of TWW. There isn’t a system just can jump you from 8 to 24 within a week. There isn’t any way to not see that as something being too good to be true and should be stopped. Much like the LK fight where a guild regrew the platform where the mob would pick up players to drop them off to their death, it isn’t something you can mistakenly do and assume it’s normal.

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