Renown Ban Wave?

So how am I supposed to not exploit while playing the game and happening to have 2 accounts? I literally did nothing but play through the campaign and I got renown 16, this is what they call “exploiting”? The insane part is I didn’t even level two toons at once, or multibox the campaign, I only paid for early access on one of my accounts. The other one happened to be logged in afk in Legion when this happened.

I never took advantage of any bugs, these bugs occurred as a result of playing the game the same as my friend was.

I love all of the gaslighting in this thread about how its our fault for having multiple accounts we should have just known that Blizzard was going to have a bug on one of the four reps and just not played the campaign on pre-release.

Rhetorical question here but how come 15 years ago I could call Blizzard and get a real human on the line to assist with this problem but now that the company is worth 20x what it was then I have to talk to robots for a week and never get a reply from an actual person about a game I’ve spent over $10,000 on over the years?

I didn’t want to keep the rep, and the irony of this bug happening on the least valuable rep out of all of them makes this the most humorous thing ever. I saw the blue-post after the first night and I assumed they were going to remove the rep with a patch before raid came out. Then they did and they banned me and many others for their mistake. This is the most absurd take from Blizzard I’ve ever seen. 20 years of playing this game and I’ve never been suspended and now here we are over a rep bug that is unavoidable for players with more than one wow license.

Guess I’m gonna dig around and find out how I get refunded my 4 war within licenses.


If you think something isn’t right, then don’t do it. It’s not that difficult.

You are gonna be dissapointed. You do you then.


i didn’t do the weekly, i think, to be honest i only done the base campaign on EA, leveled 5 chars and was finishing my main classes to level 80

I don’t know what you mean. There is someone right above you who says they got suspended and they did not do these things.

You really need to stop assuming you know what led to this ban, because you are likely wrong. As stated numerous times, the only way to have it looked at is an appeal ticket.

But quite frankly, everything that’s been posted is a big red flag. The fact that you think you know exactly why you were actioned, the fact that you immediately knew where to go to find others in the same situation, the fact that you’re trying to hide behind “well, I didn’t do it as much as other people”, the fact that you “know” players were gunning for the Level 24 reward…all red flags.

There is no “I didn’t know” excuse: Blizzard has no way of judging whether you did or not. The only thing they have are their logs showing it happened.

There is no “well. I didn’t do it a lot”: There is no “threshold” where you can abuse an exploit and not get in trouble.

There is no “I didn’t benefit because I didn’t get to Level 24”: There are many rewards at every renown level, like valorstones and crests. And again, there’s no “minimum” benefit where it’s ok to exploit and you won’t get into trouble.

Using exploits is against the rules. No excuses are going to work. If it’s overturned, then it will be because they reviewed the logs and found you didn’t exploit. But if they review and find you did, at ANY level, for ANY length of time, knowing what you were doing or not, it will be upheld.


These kinds of “imma take my marbles and go home” attitude does not work but give it a shot and let us know how it goes.


So yeah using reddit twitter and other source to understand what happen is a red flag. you also put word in my mouth i didnt write. i never said my hb didnt do as much i said he did nothing and explained that is renown is consistent for someone that played the game without exploit. but yeah maybe im wrong and maybe something he did cause the ban trigger but like you say how can we know what caused what when there is 0 explaination and we dont even know what rule he broke since the renown gain is non existant.

Chances are very good you are not eligible for a refund. To be refunded a license purchase needs to be:

  • Within the last 14 days
  • Have less than 2 hours play time
  • Not be suspended or banned. Account actions make an account non eligible for a refund. Otherwise every botter/spammer would just get banned, refund, then start again.

If the Developers decided to change their current stance and alter the penalties, remove the penalties, review some of the accounts again, etc - that would likely be announced by the WoW Community Managers on the General Discussion forum. It is not a decision CS has any say in, or any information about.


Either way, talking about it in the forums will have no effect on anything whatsoever. If you want to appeal, follow the appeal process, it will either be upheld or overturned. Nothing anyone says on the forums will change any of that.

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King of a weird take, so you think it’s acceptable to ban innocent people because there’s supposedly no way to distinguish from intentional abuse?

The forums isn’t a debate on what is or isn’t abuse, nor does anything anyone say will matter in the end as folks will snap at whatever they want. If you want folks to have a meaningless topic, general would be the place. The CS forum is for info and help.

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It doesn’t matter what Melaesia, Myself or even you think in this situation. The only opinion that has any weight is that of Blizzard and their staff. Arguing back on forth from either side isn’t going to change anything.

If you or anyone else in this topic has been affected by a Suspension or Ban then the proper and only option that is available is to file an appeal and allow the process to work. If a appeal is upheld you are allowed to keep appealing until you are informed that no more appeals will be considered.

If Blizzard feels that they were too heavy handed in the method in which they applied the account actions then they will reverse some of those decisions and most likely make a post about the situation. It has happened in the past and I have no reason to believe to believe that they wouldn’t do otherwise. Assuming of course they decided that they were too heavy handed.

But if anyone is arguing their case here in this forum. You truly are wasting your energy. None of the people you are arguing with have the power nor the ability to change what has happened. That is reserved for the Appeals team, not us as fellow players or even the SFA’s that frequent these forums.

I truly wish everyone that is truly innocent and was affected by this the best of luck in your appeals.


No this is a fair point, I’ve already sent in an appeal and realize this is not the proper forum to talk about it. General Discussion here I come : )

You think that because you’re affected by it. Take a step back and see how you would feel if other players got caught exploiting, but they were let off with the excuse of “but I didn’t know”. Not only is that weird for other players to see, but now that’s going to be the go to excuse for everyone, regardless of whether it’s the truth or not.

Because although you refuse to see it right now…

This is correct. Suspending (please use the right word, because it’s a four day suspension, not a ban, and yes, it makes all the difference in the world) an innocent person is very rare, no matter how much the player screams that they are innocent. People lie on the internet. This isn’t a new concept. Blizzard knows there can be outliers, which is why they have the appeal in the first place.

But back to the point above, how is Blizzard going to distinguish who did know and who didn’t know? I asked this way back above, and the only answer was “my renown level isn’t as high as other people’s”.

THAT is the weird take. You’re essentially saying that you should be allowed to exploit, up to a certain point, but as long as you don’t cross some imaginary line, you shouldn’t be actioned. Problem with this excuse is that you already crossed the imaginary line. The line is you cannot exploit for any reason, for any length of time. Not “you can only exploit for two hours max” or “you can exploit up to Renown Level 18, and not a point further”. The line is no exploiting, period.

You don’t get to keep moving the goalposts until you score. There is no “I only exploited a little bit”, just like you don’t walk into a courtroom and say “I only robbed the bank a little bit, but others took much more money than me”.


If they was innocent, they need to file and appeal and Blizzard’s logs would see that. At least they get to appeal, a lot of the AAA companies are one and done, no appeals what so ever.

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I think its time to lock this up this back and fort bickering isnt doing any good.
2 points.

1.nothing can be done via forums.

  1. Disscussing accounts action is against rhe forum rules.

If you don’t want to take part in this, you’re more than welcome to stop looking at this thread. A bit full of yourself if you think you have any authority or say when discussions should end and threads get locked. It’s so sad to see how many people are blindly supporting this thoughtless and lazy ban wave.

As for anyone from Blizzard, if they’re even bothering to look at this thread anymore, please tell me how I’m supposed to feel when I receive this discord message “Appeal denied, cancelled sub. Good luck in raid everyone. Maybe I change my mind about continuing to play this game after anger has subsided.” from my fellow guild member, who got caught up in this with only renown of 18 simply from leveling a character on his second account during Early Access. They clearly didn’t intentionally exploit this bug to gain any kind of player power like those who went to renown 24 for the enchanted heroic crest. The submitted an appeal last night and received a response today upholding the suspension. Which is interesting, because according to this, Question regarding appeal ticket time - #4 by Orlyia appeals are backed up a bit over a week, no? So what gives? It sure seems like my guild member received a copy/paste by a GM that didn’t bother to actually investigate with due diligence, or an automated response. So now I get to lose one of my core raiders, crafters and in game friends because Blizzard employees can’t be bothered to their job properly? That’s real neat. So as far as I’m concerned, unless Vrakthris or any of the other CM’s can shed some light on this, Blizzard GM’s either don’t exist, don’t care to do their job, or it’s a completely automated process. Either way, it’s unacceptable.

Or…just maybe…we knew this particular issue would get a lot of appeals and we tried to triage them per instructions so as not to make those players wait over a week for an answer.

We’ve left this thread open for comments, but please stop with the conspiracy theories and less than civil posts.

GMs didn’t do this action, they also won’t be the ones to overturn anything. They also have no more information than was shared with players through the email they received.


TBH, your guild member is not being honest… They got suspended, they didn’t get banned so any thing you’ve "lost’ is your in guild member throwing a tantrum over

Its very clearly obvious with rep that it wasnt intended to get exceptionally high renown this early in the expansion, even if you farm… The behavior was fully intentional, and even if it wasnt an exploit is still an exploit


Because there is zero benefit from doing this exploit and not going to renown 24. Do you think someone is going to take the risk exploiting for zero benefit? Does that make sense to you? They did it for laughs?

That’s not what happened here. If we’re using your analogy it’d be more akin to people standing in a bank while a robbery happened and because they were all present, they’re being charged with accessory and zero investigation happened. People got extra renown simply by playing the game and they’re being swept up in the punishments for those who intentionally exploited for player power benefit.

First of all, it’s incredibly rude to go around accusing people of being dishonest and making assumptions. The fact that this thread exists and that there’s multiple people within who are reporting receiving suspensions for simply playing the game proves that this bug didn’t require intentional out of the way steps to reproduce. My guild member has lost sub time, the first two nights of our raid, and will miss out on acuity from missing patron orders. No one knows what the renown is supposed to be naturally capped at. Can you tell what my maximum renown should be at this moment?

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There are benefits at every renown level, including gear, pets, mounts, valorstones, crests. You’re also glossing over one of the biggest benefits: time. Less time grinding rep when you can earn it at twice the speed.

Sure, but that’s simply what you claim to have happened. There’s security footage of you taking money. That’s what Blizzard’s logs are. Their logs tell the true story of what happened, not the tales people spin to try and wiggle out of trouble.

No, they didn’t. They took special steps to get the “extra” renown. Thousands of people played through the whole (available) campaign multiple times during EA weekend and didn’t use any exploits, and thus, they didn’t get suspended.

Kinda like you’re doing to Blizzard in this very thread?

Yes, if there’s one thing you can always count one, it’s people being completely, 100% honest on the internet.

People claim that they got suspended for language, yet they did nothing wrong, and it’s just mass reporting and Blizzard is sooooo unfair.

Until the truth is revealed…

What your Renown is at is irrelevant. What the suspensions are for is using the exploit.

It doesn’t matter if you used the exploit once or twice, or only did it to get to a “safe” Renown level. There is no safe Renown level. Someone who used the exploit to get to Renown 2 quicker than intended is going to get suspended.

Is it sinking in yet? Every wild thing you are claiming about why you’re innocent (or why others are innocent) is not relevant. The only thing that is relevant is that the exploit was used. That’s it. You thought you might be safe if you only used it a little bit, and you were wrong.