Renown Ban Wave?

I spent hours farming the frogs in Retail to buy the Bow for my Hunter. 15 min after spending the 20000 coins on the bow. I was invited to do Hellscreem Heroic and got the Bow to drop. I had to have. Item level of 200… For the invite to the Raid.
My friend had a 199 ilevel and was denied the raid. If I had not spent hours on the frogs as well as the rest of that content.
Imagine if I got the bow and blizzard said I
Killed to many frogs and took away my Hellscreem Bow…
So the rest of the story…
1750 gold … Scraped up to buy the items to put on my Rogues daggers… They removed the items…
Thousands of gold spent making Glyphs and … Blizzard turned them almost all to worthless dust.
Then Glyphs… Came back, but all mine was still dust…
That was the last time I bought the expac early…
Next … They gave us a expac only to not let our 60’s to do the content we were given.
Stopped paying and have played free since then.

lol Isn’t that the way it always goes? What’s the meme about gambling? You always quit right before you hit the jackpot?

That’s why people are compelled to grind this stuff, especially if there is a currency involved. It takes some people years of grinding to get mounts like Ashes of A’lar. Give them a currency instead then most people would likely go for that. It’s something that shows a meaningful progression and makes it feel like you have some control over when you obtain something, instead of being completely at the mercy of RNG.

Saw someone complain they got 4 cloaks from delves (I assume from their Bountiful ones). I think it would have been a better design to have them drop a currency so that you can go pick your reward from a vendor. Cause some people will RNG a cloak 4 times, and other people will RNG 4 different pieces, giving them much greater value and progression for the same amount of effort.

I get the game has a lot of RNG, but sometimes it feels like it’s so unnecessary and could be handled differently with a better outcome for everyone involved.

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That’s a good point, honestly. The chance of someone understanding that something is “working too well” is going to be astronomically lower when you factor in the fact that it’s a new expac with a more open rep system. Realistically it’s not wild or crazy for people to have not grasped something that they had no real reason to doubt and for anyone who wasn’t present in beta, no prior experience with the expansion to go off of either.

I know it sucks because it’s 4 days you aren’t playing but to be honest best thing to do is just appeal. Probably won’t get back to you before the suspension is up but at least there’s proof that you appealed it and that can be important for later.


I have no doubt that the people at renown 24 knew what they were doing. I don’t care that they got suspensions. They knowingly abused a bug. I care about the people who didn’t abuse that bug. They were simply playing the game with a linked account doing the content that was presented to them. Through a bug that made out of beta into live due to insufficient testing they got awarded duplicate renown across their entire account. Unless someone can tell me otherwise, that’s all it took to get swept up in the suspension wave.


People who exploited the reputation were banned. Not people who had early access.


If this was the case, none would subscribe to play the game. The last thing blizz wants to do is action accounts. However they will go after the cheaters. Sometimes good folk are caught up in that, that’s why we have an appeal system.


I was one that got banned from having 3 accounts. I was simply doing auctions on other account while just doing full campaign and most side quests just for the quest achieves. did some wq some weekly some rares but not all. After that i lvled 2 more toons on the account i did quests with. I only did dung spamming 70-80 no quests were done. In all my renoun was 17. as other mention watch your rep when turn in stuff. I just do the quests with a auto turn in addon and move on I dont watch the chat. Of course someone here will have something to say back to me as they allways have something negative to say back. Im also using a 2nd bnet account as I’m silenced on banned account most others are probally silenced and not able to speak.


Okay, enlighten me. How do you know if they’re actually telling the truth or if they’re blowing smoke up your butt?


Typically, if something doesn’t make sense, it’s not true. Could be everyone who contributed in this thread is lying, but the likelihood of that is fairly low. I’m sure some (not all) have ommitted certain information, but the information they did share is still helpful in putting the puzzle together.

  • I have early access.
  • I have linked accounts and had them party synced at several points.
  • I have renown 11-13ish with the Severed Threads, I can’t quite recall. It’s in line with all the others.
  • I was not banned.

So no, just having early access and linked accounts is not the sole cause for this.


Quick question

Did you have your second linked account open in the zone and did you complete the Severed Threads quests prior to EAs end or when the bug was fixed?

Well, here’s someone who had linked accounts from different regions who didn’t even get the extra rep and still ended up banned. I’m guessing because whatever flags they used to qualify the accounts looked for something like “linked accounts picking different Pacts.”

Different regions don’t share reputations. My NA account and EU account only share a few mounts, pets, and toys from things like Twitch Drops. For the most part they don’t share reputations, achievements, mounts, pets, toys. I can not team the characters up for questing or dungeons.

There is no proof that early access or having/using multiple accounts had any bearing on the suspensions. Correlation does not imply causation.

Their post mentions they hadn’t done it in a week. Investigations generally take longer than a week, especially ones associated with a ban-wave.

What you were doing when the suspension happened, even things you had been doing the week prior to your suspension, generally would not have any input on your suspension. Investigations take time.


That person received the same notification that the rest of the renown ban wave recipients received. So considering they hadn’t done anything in over a week, that limits the time frame of when Blizzard was looking for this behavior, which was primarily during EA until it was hotfixed. Considering that person didn’t receive extra rep because their accounts were on different regions, that means Blizzard didn’t even bother to put in a renown gain parameter when searching for accounts that did the things required to gain extra renown. That means they simply checked to see if two or more linked accounts picked different Pacts during the time frame this bug was available regardless of regions or renown gains.

I can tell you from my ban, I picked up pack quest for weaver option on early release week and the next week after reset. Both were done on 1 main toon once per those 2 weeks. while other accounts same bnet may have been posting auctions. Im not allways posting auctions they sometimes just idle out. No one was grouped or in same zone.

Based on what? You don’t know when the investigation into their account started.

You don’t know that their suspension was related to the Renown issue.

The different regional licenses (NA, EU, ASIA) can be on the same Battlenet, but they aren’t linked. They are essentially treated as different games. What you do on a license from one region doesn’t affect anything on the other. Picking one Pact on an NA license does not affect the Renown on an EU license. It is highly unlikely that choosing different Pacts in this case would result in any suspension.

I understand that players are trying to figure out what parameters were used for the suspensions. We, as players, do not have access to the criteria used by Blizzard for this. Speculation is not going to be helpful as we don’t have access to all the facts.


Agree with Rufflebottom here. The speculation is useless beyond a basic surface level: it is renown/exploit related. We don’t have all the info or even most of it to go any further. It’s the blind man and the elephant, or whatever other allegory you choose along those lines.

For players coming here affected by this looking for answers, the answer is to appeal. To keep appealing until they say no more, and then that is that.

Again, I wish you luck in your appeals.


I send the appeal ticket ~36hr ago still no answer from human

All tickets are responded by a human, they use templates in order for better understanding and communication between Blizzard and the Player.


My account was perma banned for hacks. Waiting on the ban appeal. For all its worth ive never used hacks and wouldnt know where to start. Regardless im having to pay the consequences of someone who cheats. What ever method they are using to hand out bans is rediculous to say the least.