Renown Ban Wave?

This isn’t Shawshank. There’s an appeal process for those times a mistake happens. I’m not gonna play semantics about whats right or wrong. If you feel there is an error, submit an appeal.


First off, you don’t know what their criteria was, or what they did or did not check.

Second, “got any benefit” has no bearing on anything. Using an exploit is using an exploit. It doesn’t matter what benefits you may or may not have gotten, or whether you took full advantage or not.

This is not accurate at all.

Again, you do not know what they did or didn’t do. But why should they put a “minimum threshold” on it? That’s just saying “oh, you exploited but didn’t get past level 12? Then that’s ok”.

It’s NOT ok. Using an exploit is against the rules.

There was really no way to just stumble upon this exploit. There were certain things that a player needed to do to use this exploit, and none of it was by accident.

You don’t know what they did or did not look at.

The degree doesn’t matter. The exploit was used. That is against the rules.

It is not. Using an exploit is against the rules.

And as I said above, there was no using this exploit by “accident”. It was very specific and players didn’t just stumble upon it.

But they weren’t playing the game normally. They were using an exploit. Which is against the rules.

No, it’s a template. And it’s been upheld.

They understand much more than you or I understand.


It is a real person, it is just a template used to help with better understanding and communication between Blizzard and the player.


Being civil is important here. So I can only respond with facts.

“First off, you don’t know what their criteria was, or what they did or did not check.”

  1. You are correct, none of us know what their criteria was. I can say that many people here, on Reddit and Wowhead and elsewhere have all commented that those with multiple accounts were caught in this ban.

Were there folks that used the exploit - most definitely. They wouldn’t have done something like this without evidence and fact. However the public relations issues may have caused them to miss things. But we don’t know…

Were there those of us with multiple account who multiboxed who were caught in this by just playing - potentially. As stated we don’t know their criteria so you commenting that we are all using the exploits is just not factual.

“There was really no way to just stumble upon this exploit. There were certain things that a player needed to do to use this exploit, and none of it was by accident.”

  1. There was an easy way - I’ll tell you how. I finished the campaign for the Severed Threads all at the same time with five characters and the benefits were cumulative vs. only one being applied on one character and the others getting shards. My renown was 16 that day and only went up to 17 given my playing in the zone since EA. That bug was used as an exploit by some - for me and others I just turned the quest in and received all the renown. I thought it strange but my focus was getting to the reputation of the individual 3 NPCs increased. Game mechanics aren’t always logical. I remember some folks in the last expansion got renown up to 12 in the first day. ??

“You don’t know what they did or did not look at.”

  1. You are right I didn’t know what they looked at or what they didn’t. I can say that with all the multi account folks here (again) in the fray. That there probably is something they missed. I don’t raid, I don’t power game, I just like the multibox.

“The degree doesn’t matter. The exploit was used. That is against the rules.”

  1. If all one does is play then the bug is the issue. As I stated, all I did was turn in quests … meaning I played … then it is a bug and should be fixed and the renown should be removed.

“The degree doesn’t matter. The exploit was used. That is against the rules.”

  1. If playing the game is an exploit then you are right. As I stated all I did was turn in quests at the same time on five characters.

“No, it’s a template. And it’s been upheld.”

  1. I responded to the template - “please look at the logs and you will see that my characters were all in the same party and turned in the quests at the same time”. Many other multiboxers/multi account holders are saying the same thing.

“They understand much more than you or I understand.”

  1. Agree - which is why I asked them to look at the facts and the logs. I think they will find multiboxers and those with multiple accounts inadvertently gained the benefits of he bug/exploit by just playing and not being exploitive.

To USE an exploit u have to know what u r doing, else it’s not an exploit, it’s a bug, the very definition of an exploit usage is that, most people like me likely just did the campaign and didn’t even notice they got the ‘extra rep’ until after it was done and that isn’t something we can undo.

If this was something hidden, behind a lot of stuff that people actually had to put an effort to reach and use, sure u could say there was intention, but not when it’s something that is literally on the way that pretty much everyone did, the only difference are, some people did with multiple chars to level them up, some had alt accounts logged in and didn’t even had TWW on these accounts.

Now if every time we play the game we gonna get hit with a ban due to bad development then why play at all.


An exploit is a method of playing the game in a way not intended by the game developers to gain an advantage over other players. Whether you know what you’re doing or not, it is still an exploit. You’re doing something in the game that was not intended.

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No, that is not the definition of an exploit. And “not noticing” something means you still used it. Blizzard has no way of knowing whether you actively knew about it, didn’t know about it, wanted to use, didn’t want to use it, etc.

They see that you used the exploit. They cannot guess at a player’s motive, and let’s be honest, if it was known that a certain excuse (such as, “I didn’t know”) would be acceptable, then suddenly everyone is saying they didn’t know.

No, it wasn’t something that “everyone pretty much did”. Hundreds of thousands of players leveled up their characters just fine, without exploiting.

Oh, the hysterics you can dream up in your head. It’s sad, really.


i have no idea what it is mate, im also renown 14 and i got the 4 day ban.
i havent logged on to any alts this xpac only my main.
i only have 1 account and have never multi boxed.
apart from the main quests the only other thing i’v done is farm rares for rep 150 each rare once per week. and world/daily quests. and they ban me and just told me in the ticket. “you know what you did”


I’m uncertain what exactly was the trigger of the exploit, or what details around the exploit were, and sadly, even if I did know, I wouldn’t risk my forum privileges anyways.

If you feel that you were wrongfully accused of exploiting when you weren’t exploiting, all you can do is keep submitting appeal tickets so the GM’s can check the logs. How ever, if the game master does tell you to stop, then it does mean to stop sending in appeal tickets as GM Harassment is not something anyone wants to cross the line with.

Other option is just waiting the 4 days to play again. Sorry, but this is all the knowledge I have to offer.

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Well it was something that was just in the way, i only did the campaign in a single char, nothing else, so yes, again it was just in the way, nothing else was done besides having other accounts logged in atm.

What are “married accounts”? There is no such thing. Rep is per account. “Warband” is just the new name for account wide.

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indeed no one know since they didnt communicate but you can do research and see that all people that got banned have one thing in common, multiple wow license under a single bnet account and did the weekly severed pact quest selecting different pact with each account. But for the exploit to happen you need both license to be on the same region.
you say i dont know what my husband did but i ve played with him for 5 year so im pretty sure i know better than you or blizzard and also the renown of each player can be checked on wow armory so in is case its easy to see that the severed thread is his lowest renown other being 12 13 and 14 respectivly.
no exploit was used, no benefit was gained but still blizzard didnt look close enough at the ban wave and multiple account were wrongfully caugh in it.

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rep is still region lock people that have account in different region that donot have there reputation linked still got banned

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That’s not what I was asking. I was asking what the person meant by “married accounts” when there clearly is no such thing. Since it hasn’t been posted exactly what the exploit was (just people speculating that it involved dual boxing), I’m not going to believe the “I didn’t do nuthin” people.


you are right its hard to say if people dit it on purpose or not because the exploit didnt require specific manipulation and that the issue. Compared to the seed exploit in s3 DF this one you would automaticly walk in if you have multiple wow account on a single bnet. you could even do it wihtout multiboxing. But for the exploit to happen the different wow account had to be on the same region. that not the case for my hb and him and other people just got banned by mistake in that wave.

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I do not understand why people risk their accounts for exploiting, cheating, etc.

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Is anyone at Blizzard going to reply to this thread? Which has 137 messages which is a lot seeing as their ban wave prevents you from posting on the account in which you are currently suspended?

The vast majority of players hit with this suspension at the start of heroic week did nothing wrong other than exist and play the game during early access and are victims of a bug that Blizzard employees left in their game! The proof of this is a blue post the day after launch stating that a bug is giving players more renown than intended and that it will be rolled back. When this post came out my account was at 16 renown for Severed Threads of which I had no control over, I turned in one quest and it went to 8 renown then another campaign quest and it was 16! How was I supposed to prevent this from happening?

I for one did nothing to intentionally increase my renown with this faction, it went up on its own during the normal course of gameplay I believe as a result of me having multiple WoW licenses on my account (which is something Blizzard allows, and if they no longer want to allow that I’d like a refund for my extra wow licenses that I’ve paid hundreds of dollars for over the years and just recently had to shell out $60 per license for War Within on each account).

The crux of this issue is that this ban wave is preventing myself and many others from seeing the raid for the first time with our guilds which was the entire point of paying money for early access. You’ve effectively ruined the launch experience for thousands of players on the basis of a bug you put in the game that was unavoidable without just not playing at all, and you charged us for the privilege to ban us because we are paying customers who bought early access.

I will never again buy an early access from Blizzard if this is how they are going to treat their customers. You charged me $40 to not only remove the 4 days I paid extra for but also remove them at the only point in the expansions cycle that actually matters to me. At this point I’m seriously considering quitting this game because its obvious Blizzard cares more about looking like they are serious about exploits while banning innocent people who did nothing but play their game when it came out.

I don’t give a hoot about the RWF, I care about enjoying the game with my guild on Tues/Wed/Thurs as they clear heroic raid for the first time, but unfortunately this ban is going to completely prevent that for me and now this entire patch has soured for me.

This has to be the worst example of an “exploit” to do a mass ban on without looking at the details. This is not a cut and dry situation of exploitation and for many is an unavoidable bug that Blizzard is punishing its most avid player-base, people who pay for multiple accounts, because Blizzard can’t be bothered to bug test their game properly before release.

I’ve spent 20 years playing this game, but this makes me rethink whether I should continue at this point.


I see this every time an exploit gets penalized. As a general rule, utilizing a bug for gain is not something you can blame on others. Yes, a bug happened. An exploit by definition is utilizing it for significant benefit. Things that don’t happen “accidentally”. It does not matter why a bug happened, you still can’t exploit it. Just like you can’t legally keep money if an ATM malfunctions and starts spewing it or a bank accidentally puts money in your account.

All software has bugs. Not all people exploit those bugs for gain. That is the difference. Yes, it is Blizzard’s fault the game has bugs. No, it is not their fault some people took advantage of those bugs.

Only if they have information to add. This forum serves as an Information Desk to help folks navigate the Support system, explain policies, explain services, etc. The only information they can currently provide is how to appeal - which has already been provided.

If the Developers and Hacks team review the actions and decide to change their stance, reduce penalties, remove penalties, increase penalties, or anything else - that usually gets announced by the WoW team on the General Discussion forum. CS is not part of the WOW team.

For now, CS really can’t say much. They did not make the game, they are not part of the Hacks team that handles anti-cheat, they are not game Devs who have anything to do with policy or penalties.

They will of course, provide that info for people if the WoW team posts it to be sure folks see it.


Why? people need to submit an appeal if they feel they was wrongly suspended. Blizzard never really comments on the hows and whys people are suspended or banned.

If ATM starts to spit out cash for no reason, you are still on the hook for theft for taking advantage of it. It doesn’t matter if there was a bug in the system.


Yep, it’s not impossible that the ban wave might’ve caught a very small number of people that didn’t exploit. But that’s what the appeals process is for. But I would take the “I didn’t do nuthin” folks with a grain of salt. When exploits are bad enough to cause an actual ban wave as opposed to just a rollback like the frog farmers, people that exploited knew what they were doing.