Renown Ban Wave?

Please explain to me how should i proceed on reporting someone if every time the issue happens my computer crashes, should i just send a mail there saying hi guys, someone sent me an item on the mailbox, a known issue, that crashes my game, if it crashes my PC u do understand it can’t be recorded right? unless i use my cellphone to record my computer almost frying lol
As said, it was a known issue, thousands of people had the errors and likely hundreds were attacked using that error as an exploit to force people out of the game.
The exploit i’m talking about was the items in pre patch generating fatal errors and PC crashes.

No one on the cs forums is gona pass along ur feedback or anyones feedback thats not the purpose of this forum.


U do understand i’m talking about past events right? i have no hope of any ticket being seen anytime soon and as for people having issues, I know, i’m not talking against the people, but against the company, I have worked doing tickets in the past, I know how a nightmare it can be sometimes, but that isn’t an excuse for the company.

issue here is that they have banned not just the guilty but also people that benefit from the issue unknowingly playing like they always do and also bystander that got no benefit and got ban just because they have multiple license of wow. yes appeal may work with time and the stain might be removed but the fact that many wont be able to enjoy the first raid with there guild and friend because of a poorly designed wave of ban there is nothing that can be done about that.

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You don’t need to record anything to send an email though. You can include it if you have it, sure, but it’s not a requirement. The email is just the proper way to report an exploit if you can’t right click report in game.

But anyway, the link and explanation were more for general knowledge of how to report an exploit and not really part of the thread discussion.

Good luck to anyone appealing. And like has been mentioned, I do encourage everyone to appeal. Even if it’s not looked at before the ban is lifted, if the appeal is successful it will remove the mark on your account so it wouldn’t stack with any possible future disciplinary actions. And you can request to get the game time added back onto your account.


They don’t have bots answering, but they do have one specific instance in which an automated catch-all gets sent out, and you hit it right on the head. If that’s your understanding of a bot, that’s ultimately your prerogative.

Every response by a game master is, indeed, a response from a human. They always provide their GM name in these responses.

When you get the automated net sweep, as you mentioned it’s only when queue times are exceedingly long (I think generally three days or longer?) and it’s used only to catch keywords that might hint at requesting assistance for something a game master cannot help with.

There are times it doesn’t apply, which again as you mentioned, re-open the ticket. They’ve mentioned something like 60-70% of all contacts in this time tend to lean more towards bug reporting, player reporting, or requesting game hints.


That is why there is an appeals process.


so its okay to wrongfully ban people just because there is an appeal process? i dont think so the appeal may repare some of the damage but it wont turn back time. if the appeal was fast and just i wouldnt mind much but this is not the case.

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False bans are rare they do happen but the vast magority of the time the bans are legit.


I don’t think anyone here is saying that the penalty shouldn’t have happened to those (probably very few, but vocal and noteworthy) who have renown 23-24.

For most of the ban however they have impacted a lot of folks who had no idea about the bug/exploit.

It is what it is, but it is a bad business process and decision. It boggles my mind that they didn’t look at the root cause and determine the degree of how people exploited the bug vs. were just caught in Blizzards own mistake (… yes, nothing is perfect and there will be more bugs, but how you respond is just as important… and this is just sloppy).

So by that logic they shouldnt ban bots incase there not bots just innocent farmers.

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also banning player that just play normally and didnt even understand that they bug exploit is also wrong. dont get me wrong im all for punishing people that exploit the game to gain an advantage and in that case 4days is probably not enough. but people that just play the game normally and got extra renown probably not knowing what happenned dont deserve a ban removing the illicit gain and giving them a warning is more than enough


There is no logic in that statement.

Bots can be detected and identified. They are banned and impact game play. Providing a blanket ban on a bug that was exploited by a minority only to say “you can always appeal it in a week” just isn’t logical.

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So by that logic they shouldnt ban PEOPLE incase there people and not bot. innocent until proven guilty and its blizzard role to ensure people they ban are actualy guilty.

Wrong we assume its a bot it could be a multiboxer which has to be investigated blizzard always shoots first then lets the player apeal were lucky blizzard does that most mmo dont.


I just received this by what looks to be an automated appeal response - I’m guessing they don’t understand their blanket ban impacted those who had no idea of the exploit nor took advantage in the bug that created it -


This action has been taken in accordance with our Terms of Use and our In-game Policies ( ), which all players acknowledge and agree to prior to playing. These policies and conditions allow us to maintain a fun and safe game environment for all of our players.

Our Terms of Use can be found at

Game Master Team
Blizzard Entertainment


It isn’t, the appeals ticket category just really only has two outcomes. The investigating GM just picks one of two templates to send out depending on the result of their turn at the evidence board.

Looking at all the minutiae of a situation isn’t part of what they do, they just look for the technical. Was this action taken in accordance with our policy and was it correct? If yes, the first option. If it was not a correct decision, they choose the second option. Sometimes they may also be proactive and comp that license game time equal to the time it was unusable, but most of the time it just has to be ticketed in for another GM.

Though it is curious that you got a response today. Was this ticket submitted earlier today with regards to the action that was taken today? We’ve known for a week or so now that response times were at least a week out for that particular category.

Makes me wonder if they’re aware that they caught up innocent users and are sweeping again for particular keywords.


ok, so a human being acting like a bot, gotcha, that doesn’t fix the problem, guess this is a good time to check some other game.
And if what u say is correct, in that case all current bans will result in the appeals failing, why? cause their script was designed based on a supposed correct decision, even though it hit likely hundreds that did nothing besides doing the campaign.

If a GM isn’t looking all the stuff, then why there is even a GM at all? someone to copy/paste? For real?

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Folks, this debate will go no where. The players who this has affected have been told the correct answer: appeal.

At this point this is headed for a lock I’d guess, given how derailed it has gotten.

If you have been affected by this: appeal.

That is all you can do.

If you have feedback, start a post in General or in game: Game Menu::Support::Submit Feedback.

And again, good luck.


I submitted it five hours ago. I’m guessing they are getting deluged with appeals and are trying to mitigate the issue. Thank you for your counsel.

I responded to the note with this -

Thanks for the response. I’m not sure this is automated or a real person.

Blizzard issued a blanket ban on a bug that some people exploited. I did not. You can check the time stamps on how and when my renown increased so high - it was all at the same time for all my toons while running through the campaign. I’m not sure when the bug was fixed, but I’m guessing at the end of EA.

I was caught in the bug given my multiple accounts and did not exploit, rather just played through the story.

Five accounts being played at the same time - completing the Severed Threads campaign at the same time.

I’m not sure what I could have done differently, other than not playing.

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