Renown Ban Wave?

I did nothing besides having all my accounts opened and sitting either processing materials or scanning the AH while i was doing the campaign in my main char, pretty sure i even commented this on the forum or at least read they were going to fix it, so i didn’t care much as I was doing nothing out of the ordinary and it was something already known.
On that note also:
Only my main account had EA, 2 more accounts had tww already bought but not EA, all my other accounts may have contributed or at least received the achiev, not 100% sure how precisely it happened cause as I said, it just popped and I only noticed when i alt tabbed to check the other accounts.

The truth is blizzard is doing crap over and over and we are the ones taking this … blizzard really wants people that pay EA to quit the game, kinda funny.


Multiboxing is not prohibited, but is also not supported. They don’t make the game with the intention of people multiboxing. Seeing as multiboxing is not supported, it would not be something they would have as part of their testing routines. They don’t test specifically under multibox conditions, they don’t test with unsupported operating systems, etc.

People should not be playing on the same Battlenet account - which is the base assumption for testing.

Now, the Hacks team might have had thoughts about possible ways to gain advantage but they don’t make the game so depending on where they come into the process may impact what gets caught early and what does not.


I can see you see multiboxing as a problem and while not “supported” it is allowed and therefore not a violation. It is true that people who share accounts are in violation but it is a harmless one. We can debate this one forever - people do it, it isn’t supported.

What about folks who leveled fast on alts? Where they all exploiting it by running through the campaign?

This was a bug. It didn’t exist for the other three zones, it just happened with the Severed Threads rep. This bug was exploited by a select few. Most didn’t exploit it and were caught unjustly in a four day suspension.

All you need to have is empathy. In this case if you did something unbeknownst to you in the game and didn’t gain any benefit and were suspended for four days…how would you feel?


This is insane to me. My SO got hit. We do not play on the same accounts so my account is fine. But he pays for 2 accounts. For EA he only had it on 1 account, but after that then the second one came into play. He typically leveled alts in pairs. Never did it indicate on his screen he was ‘double dipping’ or getting extra renown. Was his renown a lot higher than mine? Sure, but he’s much more into grinding and doing stuff and I’m been putzing around. But this boggles my mind that blizzard is just going to mass suspend people who literally had no idea that this was happening and are left scratching their head. As others have said, I could understand if people were knowingly doing it trying to get to a renown will it will say, cause issues with the world first race or something, but for everyone else that may have multiple accounts (not even account sharing) to get hit by this just… seriously makes me so angry. Just because their renown was higher doesn’t mean it should have been a giant red flag depending on how much they played. So yeah, I dunno, I’m quite disappointed that this is how blizzard decided to handle this. I’m also slightly bitter that now my week has been ruined by this as well even though my account is not banned as I cannot play with my SO, the primary person I play with.

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Well, have your SO file an appeal.

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1st) That’s opinion, not a fact, the moment they allowed multiboxing they had no option but to design the game for it, why? cause those multiboxing are paying extra(in full, not just a small fee) to multibox, now if it comes to events where a bad design ended up in errors like this it’s their fault, a person should never be judged bad for something that happens TO THEM and not AGAINST THEM.

2nd) people were not playing actively for this to happened, just being logged in triggered it.

3rd) How on earth am I supposed to know I am not supposed to do the BASIC stuff in the game in the first days cause well, the game was poorly designed? something i’ve been doing since I started playing wow?

If this was not predicted in beta or not, i DON’T CARE, that is not my problem, its blizzard’s problem, i pay to play, i did NOTHING wrong and I wanna play …

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File a apeal venting here wont get it lifted or looked at by the QA team.


So my husband been caught in the wave of ban, he has 2 wow account on his bnet account one to play on EU server and on to play in NA. His renown at the time of ban was 12 with severed thread he farm WQ everyday and use one of the weekly dj bonus rep on them. he didnt use multiboxing ever. also since one account is eu and the other na they are not even linked. Pretty sure blizzard just took a list of every bnet account with multiple wow license and look if they took different pack on the same week with no regard on the in game effect. blizzard assistance only provide a generic “we took this action according to our ToS” answer right now. worst part is he was du to raid lead in both na and eu in the next 3 day so that also suck for other people

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Heres a couple of facts that u may not be aware of.

Penalties stack if u dont apeal and get it overturned that black mark never goes away and doubles.

Yes apeals are averaging a week which are handled 100% by a real person if they decide the apeal was successful the black mark will be lifted you can even ask for those 4 days back as compensation.

I get it it sucks but reality is u just gota let the apeals work its way out.


No bots just template responses to make it easier for them, each appeal is a real person, keep appealing until the tell you they won’t respond anymore. Blizzards toy box and their rules which you agree to in terms of use etc

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Um yeah if bots were running tickets it would be averaging hours or less try again and stop listening to reddit/general karrens.


Reporting someone is not done via ticket.

The ticket would also have said near the top that because the ticket volumn is high, they are sending out an automated response with common troubleshooting tips. These help a large amount of players.

It would also say, if the above tips don’t help then to reopen the ticket. Reopened tickets are put into a higher priority queue.

No bots or AI involved.


Agree with you completely. I knew that when I submitted my appeal they wouldn’t get to it before the suspension was up.

For anyone who is impacted by this decision - file the appeal, get the ruling and get your four days back.

@Blizzard - maybe make these suspensions in the future apply to folks that actually exploited the issue vs. caught in a bug in the game. There are ways to do so that are imperfect, but better than a blanket ban. e.g. 23-24 Renown is a good start.

Regardless the renown will be reset for those that were impacted by the bug or exploited it.

There is no way to report someone in game when u can’t click the exact thing that is causing your game to crash your whole computer …
So the only way to report is using the tickets.


That’s why there is an appeal process.


They wouldn’t need an appeal process if they didn’t just peanut butter the ruling on the bug/exploit.

It will take 7+ days for them to even get to the appeal while the suspension is for four days.


i was renown around 14~18, can’t remember for sure, but wasn’t full, that’s for sure, which leads me to think they didn’t base it on how high, but on who had the event triggered(achiev) too early.

Complaining here isn’t gonna do any good. We are not even allowed to discuss the hows and whys of account actions, just tell people to appeal. It’s just a matter of time the staff lock or 404 the thread.


They are human and do not forget that a new xpac has been released and with it a whole plethora of problems have arisen that in a game that is 20 years old is taking a little longer than even they expected. It’s not just YOU that has a problem many several thousand people may be flooding Blizz with fix my problem now tickets they only have so many staff and those staff have their own situations that they need to resolve. Cut people some slack and relax put in your ticket and wait.