Renown Ban Wave?

It is funny. I saw the benefit of Renown 17 on my account vs. 8-10 on the other three - but I didn’t even think it was off because my actual benefit via the reputation with the three main rep grinds were 2/2/2.

I can say as someone who loves to play the game, but doesn’t engage in beta content I thought it was just a “Blizzard” thing.

Like others, I didn’t capitalize on the benefit as I didn’t even know it was wrong!

exactly, i barely slept during EA, half the time I was rushing to push all basic stuff I wanted completed and leveled my main classes.

About that - Blizzard does not allow a Battlenet account to be shared. Even if it has up to 8 WOW licenses on it, only the account holder can log into it.

They used to allow a parent to set up a Battlenet account for a single minor child in the name of the parent, then change it to the child’s name when they are old enough. With proper paperwork submitted.

These days the account should be setup in the name of the child (13 or older) and Parental controls set up on it.

So, there is no such thing as “accidentally” gaining rep - esp if someone is breaking the rules by sharing their Battlenet account.

Only you are allowed to access an account registered in your name. We don’t recognize the transfer of accounts between individuals. Activities performed on your account are your liability.

You may not share your account or password with anyone, except if you are a parent or guardian, in which case you may permit one minor child to use your account. You may not use your account at the same time, and you are liable for activities conducted by the minor child.

You are responsible for maintaining the confidentiality and the use of your user name and password. You are responsible for all uses of your information, even if you don’t authorize them. Security of your account is your responsibility.

So saying your family or spouse acquired the renown on your Battlenet account is not something that would help on an appeal. They really don’t like account sharing.


Does anyone have forum posts handy that indicated this was even happening in beta?

They are two vastly different sandboxes with wildly different behaviors between each, largely due to the vast playerbase in retail to begin with, and the sheer amount of code differences between the two beyond that.

Something like this that they took action on relatively quickly? It either wasn’t happening for testing, or it did happen and their patching didn’t account for the other millions of lines of code in the live game.


So, if it was in the Beta, why wasn’t it reported? Seen these sort of post all the time, “a lot of bugs were in the beta,” when this isn’t always true.

Everyone knows exploiting through exploits is wrong.

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Because there wasn’t sufficient testing… Or are you implying that a bug that was happening during Early Access was some how introduced to live without it be present in a previous build?

Generally exploits are things that someone would have to go out of their way to perform specific sequence of actions that random players would generally not encounter through normal play. That’s not what happened here.

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Granted. People still do it because it creates connection - there is no financial loss for this but you are correct they don’t like sharing accounts. They still didn’t do it intentionally or were exploitive.

However for people who multibox (like me) I just ran through the campaign on my characters. The renown was granted to me all at the same time and I had no control over it nor did I gain any benefit.

I thought it strange, but didn’t react or do anything as the main part of the Severed Threads is the actual rep you gain with the three cross factions in the zone. To my knowledge there were no benefits there as I think I have 2/2/2 on these.

This happens all the time. Things happen when a game goes live that can’t be anticipated, there was a huge bug that happened when the game went live with War Bands that didn’t occur in beta or early access.


Software has bugs. Pretty much all software does. There are things that are going to make it past initital testing because Beta or PTR are vastly different than releasing it to the masses. Players will do things that just can’t be replicated in a test environment.

Does not really matter though. Does not matter when the bug started, or how long it existed. Exploiting game mechanics for massive gains is always a bad idea that can lead to account penalties. That has always been in the rules.

If something is too good to be true, it usually is. I back away quickly if I see something sus in game. I certainly don’t repeat it.


But they were still breaking the rules. Sharing accounts is a huge no no, usually it results in an instant account closure. So doing something against the rules and getting caught up in an exploit because of it, isn’t exactly a defense.


No, Blizzard doesn’t push out untested builds. That’s why there are release builds in the beta.

Yeah the problem here is there’s people who didn’t exploit game mechanics for “massive gains” nor did they even have the opportunity to “back quickly away” because the bug was instant.


They are intentionally sharing their Battlenet account which is an issue. Even if the impact is unintentional. “We were just breaking the rules to share the Bnet account” is not a defense Blizz is going to accept. The account holder is responsible for all activity on their Battlenet. If they let someone else on it and bad things happen, that is the sad consequence. It is just another reminder of why account sharing is not allowed - the account holder pays the penalty for whatever is done on that account.

They can’t separate licenses or move chars to other Bnets anymore either so the only solution for the situation you described is someone starting over.


No one said they weren’t tested, we said that no matter how much you test something bugs will happen, and some of those bugs won’t show up until a release to a larger live environment. Again this was seen with the huge bug that was introduced with War Bands, it didn’t become known until after early access when the official release happened.

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Yes, but the exploit wasn’t the account sharing, but rather the gain you received by doing the campaign on multiple alts.

This could have happened to anyone. Anyone.

If the “exploit” benefit was impossible not to receive then it was a bug and not an exploit for these folks and multiboxers. Some abused the exploit - I would posit that most didn’t even know it existed.

Someone mentioned if something is to true to achieve, then you walk away. I could counter - if there is no way to walk away, except to not to play or not to complete the campaign then that doesn’t make sense. In addition - how were you to know it was even a bug/exploit?

As many are saying - this rep gain was achieved by just running through the campaign. Something you think had been tested thoroughly.

In any case, I’ve submitted an appeal as blanket bans on bugs for folks that didn’t exploit or abuse seems like an abuse in itself.

Which, thinking logically, would indicate that it was something that didn’t pop up in beta. If everyone is required to do it as a form of progression, someone would have noticed it, if not Blizzard themselves.

Which just reinforces what I and others have been stating for the last ten posts or so-- you can test something until the cows come home or the day pigs start flying. Not everything will rear its head until introduced to an open environment used by millions of different people playing hundreds of different ways.


No it was not you had to multibox and jump through some hoops to get the exploit to work. This wasn’t just something that normal players would run into.


Looking forward, perhaps in new content, one should journey through the story as intended and not duobox/multibox the first run. Give the bugs a chance to be shaken out. Then, if one absolutely must play in an unsupported format, one would be less likely to end up getting caught in these types bugs/exploits. I think that would be my lesson, if I had been hit with this.


Honestly if it looks like a exploit smells like a exploit and taste like a exploit dont do it and if its only a 4day and losing ur reknown id say thats a leniant punishment.

Then you don’t punish people who didn’t intentionally abuse the bug. It’s pretty clear that the people who did it intentionally abused to to reach renown 24 for the power gain of having a enchanted heroic crest.

I think this issue didn’t just impact just multiboxers, it also impacted folks that had alts that leveled fast before the bug was caught.

I could be wrong - but that is why it could have happened to anyone (be it those focused on leveling toons fast, fast, fast).
