Renown Ban Wave?

Perhaps. I can only speculate. Things like this are why I avoid multiboxing like the plague. It’s so easy to get caught up in automation since “streamlining” isn’t allowed.


yes understandable. my dual boxing is as caveman as it gets. windowed mode and follow. click click click back and forth.

my renowns are 10 to 11.

yall went hard heh

It seems odd that the ban would impact those who didn’t even know about the exploit in the first place.

I mean it was a bug by Blizzard. No other rep allows for this bug - you get it once and then not again.

Something Blizzard should have checked was is if the rep gain was within a short period of time (for multiboxers) or for two characters only (for married accounts) vs. 5+ characters over periods of time that would be more exploitive vs. accidental.

I haven’t really engaged much with the zone, and mine is around 4. Honestly, the zone is my least favourite out of the entire expansion, and I don’t really like engaging much with the zone either.

And how does Blizzard know that someone doesn’t know about the exploit? How do you suggest they even begin to judge something like that?


Because the people who intentionally exploited this, did so to get to renown 24 for the free enchanted harbinger crest (wyrm crest), which would benefit world first and other cutting edge raiders. Anyone who did this by accident, like family linked accounts and people with a couple or few linked accounts would be below renown 24.

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Yup sure was

A couple of ways to break out intention vs. accident - if the rep gains were all within a short time frame then it was multibox and not intentional.

If it happened across less than three characters across two accounts (married, family…) then it was probably accidental.

I just find it odd that folks who had no idea what was going on are being penalized the same as those who were doing it to be exploitive.

Take the rep away. But if you can’t separate intention it seems like a blanket ban on a mistake that Blizzard made.


The problem is who are the death eaters?

Im no death eater but sir

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So that’s why I got the 3 day ban, was kind lost here, I saw i received the reputation, but didn’t even use anything from that …
So banning people that got the reputation and didn’t actually benefit from it, is kinda insanity … they banned people because of THEIR mistake, jeez

At least now i know what could have been, was hoping to play tonight, guess what, can’t cause blizzard makes mistakes and we pay for it.

If someone is exploiting, whether intentional or accidental, then it is still exploiting. People don’t get special treatment for not knowing an exploit and going down the road of exploiting.

You are responsible for how you and your account are represented in the game world. Cheating in any fashion will result in immediate action.

Yes, this does also cover for exploiting.


I don’t even think there was a renown cut off for this ban wave. I think they banned anyone who had linked accounts that picked different weekly Pacts for the Severed Threads. Total automation by targeting every account that had different Pacts flagged.

I’m not going to blame the devs because it’s not their fault this made it live, but don’t victim blame. Don’t defend Blizzard Management for pushing this expansion through the testing phase too quickly for bugs like this to be caught during beta. Are there people who exploited this? Absolutely, but they just blanket banned anyone who experienced this bug through zero fault of their own.

And this isn’t the first time Blizzard automated account infractions and had to later undo a bunch of them. It happened just recently in Dragonflight.

If i’m logged in and I do usual stuff and something happens that I have no control over that isn’t an exploit, which was my case, i got the reputation when i just completed the campaign, nothing else, which put me at/around renown 16~18, can’t remember.

If someone throws a barrel of gold inside your house that isn’t yours, are u stealing it? no right? at least that’s what people with good sense would say.

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Lolololololol. I thought this was burger king

At least there ice cream machines would be working.


The thing is, if you known that you’re gaining reputation at a faster rate than every other reputation, you would know something is not right. This sort of thing would’ve been best emailing to the hacks team then putting a pause on gaining the reputation until you can confirm it was intentional or it was an exploit.

Thing is, Blizzard goes by their logs. They don’t go by what players say, as if they did, then people who did it intentionally would also be getting away with it as well.


i wasn’t “GAINING” i got it all AT ONCE
also, even if i was gaining over several things, should i stop doing the campaign? cause that’s the only thing i did.

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The thing is, this stuff happened during early access, which meant people didn’t know what the appropriate rate of renown gain even was. Again, it’s a bug, that should have never made it out of the beta. If a family with linked accounts did their quests together, BOOM, they all got it at once. There wasn’t any way for them to have prevented it.