Renown Ban Wave?

Multiboxing, or playing multiple World of Warcraft accounts at once, is not a violation of our End User License Agreement. Please note, however, that use of all software or hardware mechanisms used to mirror commands to multiple World of Warcraft accounts at the same time, or to automate or streamline multiboxing in any way may result in account penalties.


So, you actually did know about it, which means, you participated in it.

Did i know about what? Are you assuming things from what!?

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And that’s really all we need to know about your character.

It doesn’t matter. Again, you keep circling back what was said in the beginning, an ungodly 250-some posts ago.

How is Blizzard supposed to differentiate between who “knew” and who “didn’t know”? They can’t. No excuse you give, no “well, I didn’t get the renown high enough” baloney, nothing can give them any surefire way to say “this person knew, but this one did not”.

I mean, they could ask every single person on the ban wave list if they knew, but how do you think that is going to go? You really think anyone is going to admit “yeah, I knew, suspend me”?

Isn’t it ironic?

Don’t you think?

Wait, what? You and the others have spent 260+ posts trying to convince this thread that some players purposely exploited to Renown 24, and you did not, so you’re obviously innocent.

But now it’s “nobody knew about it”? Your lies keep falling apart the more you talk, as is what happens most times threads go on for this long.

No one triggered it accidentally. You can stop with that line of baloney anytime, but I suspect you won’t.

Even then, this is correct. Blizzard has NO WAY OF KNOWING the difference between the two. No human being, computer, psychologist, AI learning, anything in existence on this planet, can get inside everyone’s head and know what they did or did not know.

No one has said multiboxing is against the rules. It’s not, as multiple people have stated over and over again (seriously, do you not even make the slightest effort to read what was said?).

Multiboxing does not mean you can use exploits. You aren’t suspended for multiboxing. You’re suspended for the ACTIONS TAKEN WHILE MULTIBOXING.


People are providing you with the information in regards to why you are actually suspended, and your response is just callling them trolls.

That’s fine then, bet you didn’t know I have power to do something here.

Spamming or Trolling

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I understand the reputation had to be taken away, I had some particularly bad gains for triple boxing on my account day 1 of expansion. What I am very mad about is having a black mark on my account and being told in a ticket if I make any further mistake, any account action will result in a permanent ban when I have never broken the rules in 20 years of playing this game and spending tens of thousands of dollars. But I am now treated like a exploiter.

I already knew day 1 my rep was screwed. I told people at blizzard day 1, hey my rep is bugged and I did everything right. But it did not matter.


Because you did. It’s nothing personal, they are not trying to call you out or treat you like scum. They hold everyone the same standard.

Did you see the double gain, immediately stop, file a bug report, and never go back and do it again? Because from this language:

Some explicitly means multiple, more than even a couple (generally, two) or a few (generally, three). That right there would imply that you did not stop immediately and never go back to it.

But overall:

I direct you back to my comment above:

Quite frankly, I think a lot of people were surprised that the suspension was only 4 days. Usually, it’s 6 months, if not a permanent ban for exploiting the game. This shows that not only is Blizzard listening to players when they think some penalties can be really harsh, but also shows that they may not feel there was a whole lot of damage done once they roll back the Renown.

But again, there are consequences for breaking the rules. If they only rolled back the Renown, then people would start thinking “hey, it’s ok to use some exploits, because if I get caught, I’ll just lose the gains. No big deal.”


I see you do not listen, Because my gains happened all at once at same second. When I handed in quest, I got 2500x3 x3 reputation. There was no stopping and you don’t understand anything and are making things up to win fake internet points.

I did stop and inform a blizz employee, but they said to keep playing and report again if it happens again. - which it did not.


why are you purposely trying to bait people to report them. Is your whole point to try and get people forum banned by making them angry?


If someone (including myself) gets a forum ban, then they will have well-earned it by their own actions.

This thread has gone on for 272 posts. All the answers have been given, and yet players still come in here to argue about it. Posting things like “you didn’t listen” and “making things up for fake internet points” is also along the lines of trolling and baiting players into a fight.

If you think the suspension was in error, then appeal it through a Support ticket. Appeals are not done in this thread or on this forum (any of these forums, to be honest).

Which has been stated, ad nauseum, in this thread above. So who is really not listening here?


The issue is more when I tried to appeal it, they said they are not addressing issue in tickets and closed it. It seems to be a issue that is not involving the cs and instead an internal team at blizzard. So anything that will be done will be announced by blizzard itself once suspensions are over. But by that point, anyone who was wrongly banned (including people who played in both eu and na, that only had 1 account in each region and got banned for quest credit once in each region that somehow got picked up for ban as well) should be compensated for this issue, and should be compensated well.


Please remember to stay civil on this. This thread has turned into a support/connection for those who were impacted by this bug/exploit.

We need to believe the best in people - none of us here are part of the RFW hard core that was a primary target by Blizzard as they openly embraced this bug/exploit.

Not everyone is corrupt, not everyone is a villain.


Honestly I don’t remember the last time I saw a thread with this many replies that DIDN’T originate from General, here in CS. The fact that it hasn’t been shut down yet is nothing short of a miracle, but none the less, around & around we go…

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That means that your appeal was unsuccessful and the action will stand. Not “keep arguing about it on the forums”, not “keep opening tickets”. It means the matter is closed, and the decision is final.

EDIT: Actually, after reconsidering what you said, if this is the language they used, then they may be reviewing the ban wave and considering a change. It doesn’t mean that change will come, but it could be encouraging news.

They do this for most ban waves of this nature (AFK’ing in Korrak’s Revenge is another example). They review the impact, and if there were a number of false positives. But that doesn’t mean to continuously spam the forums about it. It means let them work through it and decide.

Anyone who appeals and is successful, even days or weeks after the suspension has ended, can open a ticket and be compensated for the lost days.

That would be all they are entitled to, so I don’t know what you mean by “compensated well”. You’re out of 4 days of game time, and you would be reimbursed for 4 days of game time.


Yep, Orylia addressed that 100 posts ago:


NO ONE was “Wrongly Banned”.
Did you gain rep through an exploitative manner?
If Yes (regardless of what you want to call it, it was exploitative), then it was intentional, Not accidental, Not Unintended, and Not “Wrongly”.


All it took to get this renown benefit was turn in one quest and be multiboxing or have another account open. ONE Quest.

If this decision was decided, which we don’t fully know but we have growing evidence, on those who received a double dipping benefit for that (which is what everyone from the largest multiboxer to the open account on the AH is reporting) then this isn’t an intentional exploit, it is a bug.


I have also talked to people who work there that cs is not involved with this. They are not responding to tickets because they have been told not to. Like I said, they are not unbanning anyone till all reputation is removed either from mistakes or from actual cheaters who exploited this to fullest. That is why this is such a crappy situation. Everyones situation is also very different - this ban affected me more than some others due to what I had promised to help multiple guilds with this week and fact I had spent 13 million gold on professions and expected to make my gold back this week.

Like I said, I got reputation instantly on day 1 then reported it. I could not control it, i did not realize it was bugged till it happened to me. That is not exploiting, that is a bug, it was not intentional I did not want the bug, it has ruined my week and I had already tried to address it when it happend to prevent me from getting in trouble in first place


That means that your appeal was unsuccessful and the action will stand. Not “keep arguing about it on the forums”

The GM from my appeal specifically mentioned leaving feedback in the forums or the feedback submission form if you do believe the suspension was falsely applied.


Yes, that’s what Orylia said above. And yes, that’s always the case. The GM’s do not investigate exploits, decide on punishments, nor do they handle the appeals. The Hacks team investigates and decides, and the Appeals team handles the appeals.

A Support ticket for an appeal is similar to a GM ticket on the player’s end, but very different on Blizzard’s end.

This is certainly true. Not every single case is the same. Which is why this is not really the place to discuss. None of us know what the data says, what they used, or how individual situations are being interpreted.

The only thing you can do is wait. Attacking people on the forums is not going to accelerate the process.

You want to leave feedback for the developers, who do not come to the Support Forums. They gather feedback from the Discussion Forums, in the forum that most closely matches the subject matter. For this, it would be General.