Remove timers from M+

No keys increase dmg and hp along with adding affixes

I am going to politely DECLINE the removal of timers.

I love M+ as it stands, I’d like to see better affixes than what we currently have though.

If you don’t want to deal with timers; do the content without them c:

No thanks. Bad idea is bad.

Problem is, most BG’s are just copy & pastes of each other.

What is different between WSG and twin peaks? They are both “capture the flag” BG’s

What about AB and BoG? They are both “capture and defend” BG’s.

Eye of the storm is a combination of the two types listed above.

Then you got epic BG’s which are more or less the same. AV, IoC and Ashran are all “capture nodes to help push towards boss target and then kill boss target, or win by lowering opponents reinforcement counter”. Wintergrasp is the only unique one where you don’t have a NPC boss encounter at the end, but a series of gates and an orb you need to click. Whoever clicks the orb the fastest wins. It is basically a 40v40 version of Strand of the Ancients which got removed.

After a while, you get the same recycled game modes and the only thing that is different is the environment. Same can be said for arena maps though.

i agree with OP, I like hard PVE but i like calculated chessmoves not hyperactive Mortal Kombat moves.

This makes no sense, why would there be a timer when the e-sport is two teams racing each other, the clock has no impact on them racing each other. That’s like saying the expected time for the average person to run a mile is 20 mins because the Olympics has the 20 meter dash.

This has happened LONG BEFORE mythic + was even a thing.

The GOGOGOGOGOGO guy meme that WoWcrendor made was created back in Wrath.

So good job blaming something that didn’t even cause the mentality you hate.

Besides, Mythic + was not even the first dungeon difficulty mode that had a timer. Challenge mode (introduced in MoP) had timers. In fact the “medal” you got at the end was based on how fast you cleared it. That continued into WoD and was expanded upon in Legion with Mythic +. In fact +1’ing a key = bronze (completing it within the timer), +2’ing = silver (completing it within the timer with >20% time remaining) and +3’ing = gold (completing it within the timer with >40% time remaining) if you want to compare the two.

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One is a challenge, the other is waiting 5 minutes between pulls for all cooldowns to delete the pack.

I think its fine as it is.

Or when you defeat a boss in De Other Side and it takes like 10 seconds to suck up Bwonsamdi’s Mojo from them.

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Removing timer from M+ is equal to removing mechanics from bosses…the whole point is gone.

I’d prefer a way to replace someone.

Says the guy who hasn’t timed above a +6

I will just pop in to say that I think any video game that says “do this content… now with a timer!” as a means to increase difficulty is just lazy game design to me.

I’d much rather difficulty be increased by new mechanics to learn, new things to dodge, new mobs added to packs, etc.

I don’t feel like a smart person by learning the best way to skip the most content in each dungeon. Or the best way to stack the group to make the content go faster. I think its odd to incentivize making the content go faster. Playing the game should be the fun part. Moving through it faster is just a weird design goal to me.

In a dream world a person’s actual skill would matter more than it does now.


I certainly don’t remember this back in wrath. I remember the gathering of mobs but it wasn’t as horrendous as it was today. Wrath was a knee jerk reaction to the difficulty of BC heroics, and then cata heroics was a kneejerk reaction to wrath heroics (lol)

That sounds like a bad idea during tyrannical week…


I agree.

Timers are to introduce an element of competition and additional challenge into a key. You are rewarded for completing the key before the timer, and in theory, you don’t HAVE to time the key…only if you care about upgrading it.

The timer doesn’t increase the difficulty.

It levels the playing field as a way to compare all groups who run the dungeon equally.

Last time I checked timer stays the same for all key levels.


If by “levels the playing field” you mean “makes group stack FOTM mongo specs” then yeah…

Make your own group with friends.
You shouldn’t be pugging higher level keys anyways unless you enjoy pain and misery.