Remove timers from M+

Ever since blizzard gave up trying to make pvp thier esport of wow, which funny enough is right when m+ was introduced, they felt need to add timer to dungeons which literally only exist in a poor attempt to make wows pve content into an esport. Gotta have those leader boards and invitational after all. Who ever thought speed running had any place in any mmos pve content let alone wow’s is actually crazy. A M+25 done in 4 hours will always be infinitely more impressive than a +15 done in even 10mins. One is actual difficulty and the other is stacking over geared aoe classes.


sound like a gitgud issue here


No. The timer is perfectly fine.

I don’t want six-hour dungeon slogs that require laundry lists of Crowd Control. That isn’t my idea of fun and engaging gameplay, nor is it what makes M+ as incredibly popular with a large chunk of the community as it is.


Sounds like a reading comprehension issue here. Not that you’ll know what I’m saying.


Then don’t do high keys, anything over 15 is just bragging rights anyway

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Actually a +15 in 10 minutes would be more impressive (Mists of Ternia excepted, as I can see that happen).


They didn’t just add timers, they added “Mythic Plus” which didn’t exist before. M+ comes with timers, increasing difficulty/reward, and seasonal affixes that rotate weekly. Saying you just want the timers removed undermines this new competitive game play feature (i.e., all of M+).

If you want timers removed you’ll need to provide a business-case rationale that would improve profit margins. If it’s just a personal preference, then don’t do M+ as it’s entirely optional (like rated PvP and Raids beyond LFR).


But I want to do high keys. I just don’t want them to take like six hours to complete.

How about you just don’t do M+ then?


They won’t if you’re geared enough im not saying anything about changing difficulty just removing timer


Yeah the timer is actually completely unnecessary and actually encourages specific team setups which pushes certain classes/specs out of high level keys.

Completing a mythic+ within a certain time should definitely give bonuses but if it takes you 2 hours to complete it you shouldn’t be penalized.


But…they still have pvp esport tournaments.

That’s part of it. The other part is that untimed dungeons, even scaling ones, are much easier than timed ones.

The timer adds difficulty.

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Remember when pvp would get new bg every expansion, now were lucky if we get an arena they clearly threw it to wayside for M+

Glass half-full or glass half-empty? M+ doesn’t penalize you if you complete the dungeon, regardless of time taken. If you complete it in time it increases your reward.


Nah, the timer adds a dps check. It just encourages you to rush as fast as possible for really no reason.


So which is easier to do? Complete a m+15 or time a m+15?


Looks like a proofreading issue here…

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Sorry I should’ve been more specific.

I don’t think the amount of loot that drops should be effected by the timer. I think that how high your key gets upgraded should be effected by the timer.


Why do timers scare you?


Add a count down to your daily commute and you’ll see what effect simply having a timer has on people.

That didn’t answer my question.
Why are YOU afraid of timers.