Remove timers from M+

You can run your own keys, or run them with your guild or from a community. Mongo stacking is only a problem with pugs.

And running high keys with pugs is abysmal 99% of the time.

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How is 10m between pulls to lust every pull more impressive then being able to clear a dungeon efficiently while simultaneously dealing with extremely powerful enemies?

You have a point. There are classes and specs I straight up will never take to higher keys. They just suck so bad and blizzard can’t fix it.

Well you must have a poor memory. As I mentioned as well, the “GOGOGOGOGO player” meme started to appear during Wrath (thanks to WoWcrendor).

that is incorrect

nobody cares that you can clear a dungeon by waiting for lust to be off cd for every pull. that’s not impressive.

Blizz added a timer to dungeons 2 expansions before mythic+.

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Indeed. Wrath heroics were meant to be steamrolled. Everyone got the prot-pally AoE threat treatment. Tank threat and survivability was through the roof. Healing was easymode. DPS was bonkers AoE cleave. The whole expansion was meant to be cleaved down. People lamented that Wrath was too easy by design after the first month and everyone was swimming in badge and Naxx gear.

Then, Cata came out and slowed people down, but by that point - the damage was done. People had become used to the AoE fest and the faceroll specs. They demanded it back and we haven’t looked back since.

challenge modes in MoP were awesome. i can’t imagine how awful the complaints would be if they introduced that again today.

limited time special transmog? that’s not fair to people who can only play 17 seconds per month!

teleports to dungeon entrances? that’s p2w because some people might buy CM carries with gold which can be purchased with real money!

custom title for realm-best times? that’s unfair to those of us who are legally obligated to run all content in pugs!