Low level character with near no forum activity.
Hi nimbell.
Low level character with near no forum activity.
Hi nimbell.
Can you read lol
LOL. Classic andys are the most toxic people in wow.
sp…just remove it?
Thats your solution? Are you sure? Did you think this through?
I mean…this isnt hard to grasp. There NEEDS to be some kind of system to solve the above examples. Is the one we have perfect? Hell no!!! Is it better then none? Hell yes!!!
Or do you have any kind of improvement in mind you wanne share?
Social systems like votekick are built based on existence of fairness and a level of responsibility among the users. Unfortunately this Cata community like most modern gaming communities greatly lack respect toward others and cares not much about their actions. So the current votekick system horribly fails. However, you are right, with some major modifications the system might be able to exist. Below is what I suggest:
First of all remove the 30 minutes deserter debuff for kicks. The debuff is a penalty forced on the person being kick by the group. However, The people in the group are not qualified to judge the person they are kicking is guilty or not. The kick is simply an indicator that the majority of this group don’t want to play with this person.
Secondly, make the vote kick process more difficult. These are the suggestions:
1- Force everybody who wants to accept a vote kick to write a message on why they want/agree to a kick before they can accept/submit.
2- Add a pop up to vote kick mentioning the rules of fairness on kicks and indicate an unfair kick is a ban-able offense itself.
3- Make the vote kick 3 rounds. First 2 rounds are warnings. 3rd round is kick. Show all the vote kick messages and votes to the person being kick. So he can defend himself.
4- Have a counter on kicks. Flag people who are kicking people left and right by checking the threshold and report them yo admin.
Seems about right.
Most of this is nonsense and won’t work.
Vote kick system is fine.
Just don’t be AFK, toxic or otherwise a burden to the group.
yes please, i want to spam random queue and go afk at the start if i don’t get the dungeon i want, forcing the group to kick me so i get an instant queue and they have to wait around for a healer.
but it isn’t.
the person initiating already has to type out a reason, if the others also had to type something to agree they’d just slam the keyboard and give vwvGRWQFWE responses to that just to get it off the screen faster
and what about people that are being a problem on purpose and forcing people to kick them to get people flagged?
yes, lets show people why they are getting kicked, i’m sure the person initiating the kick wouldn’t write toxic messages in these slots knowing the person in question would see them.
“guys stop for a moment, we have to kick this guy but need to sit here and wait for the first 2 warnings to time out so we can actually kick him”
Getting ready for a whole new level of D-R-A-M-A after they release the harder versions of the dungeons in the next month or so.
I wish you all the best of luck as random PUGS in RFD.
It more or less describes how the original RDF worked.
So what? I did it all the time for tanks in original Wrath. I find it to be the lesser of two evils compared with a 30 min kick debuff, to be honest.
Aren’t you all always saying that groups in dungeons are given priority in the queue anyways? Logically, it stands to reason that there wouldn’t be much waiting around…
Am I not right?
There are other ways to sanction them; such as, refraining from healing them and letting them lie in their own filth.
Lesser of two “evils” for YOU perhaps. Did you ever perhaps think that your actions (or lack thereof) affected four other people? So it’s absolutely not the lesser of two evils, it’s just the most convenient choice for you.
I don’t deny that it’s subjective.
I alone didn’t kick those tanks, others had to agree with my kick. In those situations, a new tank eventually showed up that didn’t mind the dungeon, and we simply proceeded forward.
Until you catch a 30 min debuff for little to no reason at all.
I have, once. It was 30 minutes. I swapped characters. BFD. I also got a little schadenfreude because the healer in the group was my friend and he made the rest of the dungeon miserable for them and take way longer than my 30 minute debuff.
It’s true, no one alone didn’t kick those tanks, but they did waste at least 10 minutes of every other person’s time in there for their selfish reasons. Let’s not forget there’s a delay in the time you can begin tokick people, let alone time waiting for a new tank/healer. Considering it was 10 mins x 4 others, that’s 40 mins and the 30 min debuff would be a lesser punishment than deserved.
This is the main reason the punishment was added. It was affecting more people than the risk of unfair kicks.
I still don’t agree.
You’re arguing against an individual who openly plays as selfishly as they can, and would quite literally rather have bots in an mmo over players, mostly because bots won’t complain about his selfishness.
I’m not saying for you to stop, I just want you to understand that you’re talking to an individual who will openly ignore what you’re stating, create their own headcanon about what you stated, present his headcanon as your statement to argue against, then list off twitter buzzwords at you when you correct him.
Inb4 he responds to this post butthurt.
Okay, so this turned into a flame war, so I decided to skip all of that, anyways, blizzard would have to completely revamp the RDF system which could break alot of things and yes, people in the dungeon finder can be very kick happy (Looking at most of benediction players…), but you just gotta accept it and move on instead of making demands that would require the game to be shut down for who knows how long of maintenance just to remove one feature that’s meant to be there to kick toxic people from groups (I.E: Ninjas and such)
Brrrrrrrrrr because retail WoW is too brain dead brrrrrrr skip entire mechanic hit one button
And this is the reason (well one of them) why we have the vote kick like it is today. So you were literally helping create why the vote kick is like it is today. Good job?
You are not right. The group may or may not refill quickly so that can’t be counted on but good attempt at some silly reasoning.
Technically this goes against the social contract but let’s say ok – let them die. They will just then continue to harass the group. Tanks pulling mobs and just standing there and once pulled if tank dies rest of group has to deal. Same for healers or same for DPS.
That’s one way to look at it.
Another way is that the tank was hoping people would be cool enough to indulge them so they don’t have waste their time doing something they don’t want to do; hoping those are cool enough people that don’t get their panties in a bunch over such a request.
I left every single gamma Oculus at the end of Wrath that kept popping up in random. I’m not going to be forced to do content I don’t want to do with a high expectation of getting kicked anyways due to its design flaws. Nor do I expect others to have to subject themselves to such endeavors either.
As usual with your ilk. I’m the bad guy…
Not the person that initiated the toxicity…
You just didn’t like my handling of it as opposed to your methods which are… to do nothing at all??
But cry and accuse others of toxicity.
This is the “I play my own spec in wrath you wouldn’t understand.” while using a staff as enhance and mixed gems?
Wondered when they would return to us.