Remove the stupid Vote kick System

I “healed” a tank like that in ZG as well. He died on every boss, but fortunately we had a warlock and a hunter with brains and their pets did the work the tank couldn’t do so there never was a wipe until the last boss where he never went to grab the mobs to jump on the chains and he left the boss in the bubble at the start.

I didn’t bother saying anything though, so there was no drama. I did fail at getting him kicked before the last boss was killed. I felt he was so dumb he didn’t deserve the final vp and potential for chaos orb. We explained to him how it worked, but he didn’t really do that for the 2nd attempt, just screamed at the dps for killing the mob after it jumped once. He was getting wrecked from it and clearly had no idea.

Also surely you mean 370/360.

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Ah, thanks for the info.

Mistype :slight_smile:

360 and 370 is correct.

Just had a fun experience with a druid tank charging on ahead while people were still juts entering. He died horribly, then went off again, and a minute later vote kicked one of our dps for “afk” even though they were running around fighting. The vote passed for -whatever reason- (seriously?), and 30 minute timer for that poor dps who had already been waiting in queue 30 minutes prior… , and now must wait another hour before they can do a dungeon just because the tank was being an inconsiderate kiwi.

Not 3 minutes in, the druid on his rampage absolutely failed to keep aggro, and i got destroyed (fury warrior) because of it. Then i was immediately kicked for dying, given this 30 minute timer.

This is not acceptable. There should, at the very least be a timer/lock on vote kicks, so people cannot just toss them around whenever they want to, to encourage them to need a -good- reason for doing it. It is too easy to abuse.

Sorry, didn’t notice this was the caaclysm classic forum.


This is how I know you’re a liar. Nobody plays Fury in Cata lol.

Not a liar, just wrong forum. Used the search to find a similar post, and didn’t know it was in cataclysm, this is where it dropped me.

Besides… An unpopular build being mentioned has no baring whether or not the topic or subject matter is a “lie”. That is a serious flaw in reasoning.

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Is it though? I mean I knew this 100% didn’t happen in cata… and I was right.

Got kicked. Top DPS. Didn’t fail on mechanics.

Just because some dbag tank couldn’t do his job. KICK HUNTER.


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That isn’t what you said. You said no one plays a fury warrior in cata, so what I wrote above about being kicked from dungeon finder didn’t happen - that I was a liar. Had I stated that it happened in cataclysm, i’d have given false information, and I would have been a liar. But I didn’t.

Regardless, this argument is circumstantially meaningless.

The dungeon finder exists in the same form for both cataclysm and normal. The -reasons- people have for abusing/exploiting it may be differently motivated, but the abuse of the system is still there and widely taken advantage of, and needs to be addressed.

I don’t agree that it should outright be removed, since there are legitimate times that someone may need to be removed, but in all the years i’ve played (since launch of BC), the greater portion of kick votes I’ve seen have been for very obscure/nonsensical reasons. They don’t all succeed, but sometimes I choose to upright leave the dungeon after a kickvote because the vote was initiated for a stupid reason and won - not a group I care to roll with, even if it means i have to wait to queue again.

In the end, regardless of the “better of two evils”, if a system is designed to make the abuse of abusers even worse for the ones being abused, then it needs to be redesigned and thought through better.

The whole thing of “oops” I didn’t notice it was cataclysm classic forum I suspect was made up in order to not appear as a rotating alt.

Never been kicked and the only time I see anyone get kicked is when they are afk. Seems like a you issue


I think so too, but I was giving who i assume to be a liar the pass since there is no way for me to actually prove it.


It’s so crazy one of the many things you “I got kicked from dungeon” liars have in common is you all seem to have the IQ of a goldfish.

You posted in the Cata forums about being kicked on a fury warrior. I knew instantly that you were full of crap. And I was right.

Even IF you “mistakenly” posted in the cata forums, anybody within reason would have to assume you were still talking about CATA and not retail. So you were missleading in your post to begin with. I knew it was false the second you said fury warrior. And again I was right.

Also - Who is doing dungeon in retail right now? Literally nobody is leveling up in dungeons or doing dungeons at max level “Outside of mythic +, and you don’t Q for that”. There are simply better ways to gear/level that are faster by a large amount. I still think you’re 100% full of crap.

Been kicked many times. Never been afk. It also seems like a You issue to me. You and the other 12 years olds.

Then it is for sure, you are the issue. Your own actions (or lack thereof) is getting you kicked.

As someone once said – But if not for your own actions.

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After reading your post, and your responses. I can’t think of a single reason why anyone would vote to kick you.

You know you can choose what character to post from, right? I was actually about to post from my 67 priest and realized you’d assume I have no max toons. As to his being kicked, I can count on one hand the number of times I have been kicked. A few were for the reasons he mentinoned. Once I was kicked for being afk too long, and thats understandable.

I suspect I know why you are being kicked and it’s the same reason most Hunters get kicked. I don’t play Hunter so I don’t know the names of your pet setting but I would say turn off your pet growl because it’s a taunt and taunting is the tanks job, not yours. If your pet is taunting off of the tank, yep, you will be vote kicked. Do not play your pet on any aggressive stance where he is running off into far corners and pulling extra mobs, and only play him on a helpful stance i.e. to only attack your target which should be the tanks target (with growl off) or to CC a healer/caster.

editing in to say, also stop trapping tanks target!

And this is why people are quitting by the thousands and coming to Deviate - Delight RP-PVP Fresh server for True Classic Experience. Cata and beyond is Retail Trash and AntiSocial annoying toxic culture.

Please share your data points that support this…I’d love to see.
They need to be real data points, not things based on your fee fees or some unbathed streamer.