Remove the stupid Vote kick System

What does it matter?

The platform where I was able to do that is gone.

lowkey shows the selfishness that you play under.

You can still gear badly in Cata. Though wrath is missed.

Pretty much everything I read from you in here shows you haven’t changed as a player and still expect others to conform to you instead of working toward a middle ground of cooperation.

INB4 a toxic reply.

Have you run dungeons with me, BGed with me, done arena, raids, quests, etc. with me to speak with such certainty that you know me and what I’m about?

Damn right.

I don’t pay a sub to be dictated on what I can or cannot do.

Gearing badly at the end of the day is irrelevant is such player has a good rotation game and can do most of the DPS needed without the boosts from bonuses.

If I’m doing 1k DPS undergemmed as opposed to doing 1K DPS properly gemmed,

I’m still doing 1k DPS.


Ignore the chat at the start, final 2 images are his gear.

If you want a more in depth gear look.

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That’s not how that works at all and shows your pure ignorance and incompetency at this game.

It’s why you don’t raid. No one in their right mind would take someone as selfish as you, coupled with your own inability to learn anything about the game you’ve dedicated 20 years to.

It’s just sad.

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You paying attention?

Now back to you…

I wouldn’t want to group with anyone of your mindset for anything either…

You and all your “gregarious” ilk.

You would be laughed at in discord, told no, and put on ignore if you tried to say anything past the no.

It’s laughable that you even think you’d have a shot.

Well I wouldn’t want to force myself into other people’s groups against their wishes.

biggest BIGGEST oof.

Lack of end tree talents oh lord.

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BTW, if your Cata talents are so superior…

Why are they being eroded away once MoP classic overrides this client with its talent system that became a staple of retail for years to come?

It’s almost as if you don’t care about talents one way or another in any expansion.

You do though. It’s why you wanted RDF in TBCC and LFR in LKC. All you want is to be able to force your way into groups and have them do nothing about it. Stop lying.


Because it’s a system in a new expansion. This isn’t an “I like one so I have to hate the other.”

You’re just too dumb to view it as any other way but that.

Historically, cata talents are just LK talents but condensed. LK talents are just era talents. Cata talents by any logical standard are just the final version of era talents.

Era talent system fully dies in mop. It’s just how the system goes. It’s not that deep.

Using a queue system is forcing my way through?

Yes, you are put into other people’s groups. I’m sure they don’t appreciate bad players taking up 1/5th or 1/10th of their group.

Well Gaspathy, I see where this is going, so to show you that I have grown some since my “vacation,” I’m going to concede and let you have the last words for the unforeseeable future. It’s not that important to me anymore as it’s just impertinent gaslighting anyways

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Should have done that before you called me a coward 6 months back, or even more recently when you decided to drag me into multiple threads.

You could have shown that you “grown” prior to this, but you didn’t.

And I’m not delusional enough to say that I’ve changed.

Welcome back leech.

But um…arent you the exact same group of people who spammed the forums nonstop for months on end demanding Blizzard bring in RDF and now that you have it you all hate it?

Kinda got what you asked for, now didn’t you. Deal with it. You all wanted Classic to turn into retail WoW and you got it. Cata is now closer to being retail WoW than it is to being original Cata. Hey Op…Maybe just buy a level boost and some WoW tokens…

CLASSIC…no longer exists. Not in any way, shape or form unless you go to the private servers that still run the game exactly the way that it used to be played with old guild rosters and no silly layering features.

But dont remove the vote kick. That would be terrible. What if someone wanted to just sit there and waste your time and you could never get rid of them. Not a good idea.

That’s weird, I was just playing it a few hour ago.

Go check to see if you have it downloaded. If you don’t, then I understand your issue. Should download it, that way you know and have classic… Because it exists literally right now. (Yes, I mean the 1-60 era).

You are now entering the: “It’s not REAL classic because of X” territory.

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With guild UI that is from Shadowlands
With buffs that did not exist in Classic for ally side
With the guild UI also causing the problem to where every single time that Blizzard services are down…you cannot talk in guild chat or do much of anything with the guild or change any guild stuff or see who is online. And that has been happening a lot ever since the guild UI got changed. It sometimes even shows you as not being in a guild when you are in one. New guild UI is inferior in every way shape and form. That cannot be argued.

That is the clear difference between hiring people who do know how to program vs hiring those who don’t. And yes EVERYTIME Blizzard services are down or are lagging, guild UI now no longer works. With the old versions of the guild that was never an issue.

Know why we all asked to play Classic in the first place? To get back what we lost…and…they took it away from us again. Cata = Retail, not Cata Classic.
Level 60 Classic now too is changed to be something different from what it used to be. Zero reason to change the guild UI. It makes things worse. The game becomes almost unplayable. Every singe time Blizzard servers are down, we should get game time as compensation to make up for their ineptitude.

Just the other day, my guild had that issue. We could not invite anyone no matter the rank of player, we could not see chat, we could not talk in chat when we left guild it showed as us still being in it. Go ahead and keep lying to yourself by saying that you me and everyone else here is playing “Classic”. We all wish we were…but we are not.

And also…Cata…WoW tokens, Level boosts. And…with the new guild UI, I tried to guild quit, so i even /quit so join another guild on my rogue… but wouldn’t let me join the other guild…it kept saying I was already in a guild. THEN I tried to use a guild feature and guess what? Oh that’s that…I get the message saying I am not in a guild.

Lol. What a company. Glad you’re enjoying the game. I’m trying to but find it very difficult to do so now. Make “Classic” Classic again.

If you mean by “your ilk” - the wow population…Yea, you are the bad guy but add selfish, egotistical, and I suspect challenged in your skills ability.

Enjoy your basement w/your pimple cream and hot pockets from Mom.