Remove the stupid Vote kick System

I haven’t played much wow after TBC, but this vote kick thing is the most toxic thing I have ever seen.

You are top DPS, you get kicked
You talk, you get kicked
You don’t talk, you get kicked
You move fast, you get kicked
You move slow, you get kicked
You tell people they are going wrong direction you, get kicked
1 person in your group don’t like your name you, get kicked
You roll high an item you, get kicked
You don’t accept a vote kick, you get kicked

Nobody even reads the reason they just click “ACCEPT” without even thinking about it. Because no body cares.

What type of stupid system is this ??

I have very limited amount of time to play wow, why do I have to waste 30 minutes of my time sitting there with a Dungeon Deserter flag which I didn’t desert, because a 12 years old was mad that I was doing more DPS than them and decided to run a vote kick and 3 other 12 year olds accepted that without even reading the reason??


Another 1 post account that isn’t max level making a “I got kicked for a reason, but I’m angry” post.



Another 12 years old that kick people when they are better than him


Hopefully you spend the 30 minutes reflecting on what you did wrong and improve your behavior.


took me 3 seconds to understand it’s not your fault it’s your father’s fault to choose 123 as pin code to his credit card. What will you do if he changes the pin kiddo.


I wonder why you get kicked from groups? Must be everyone else’s fault.


Yeah cuz kids like you can’t see someone is doing better DPS than them.


Google, translate whatever it was this guy typed.

  1. Don’t be a jerk
  2. Don’t play poorly

There. You will no longer be kicked in 99.99% of your groups. Hope this helps.


Go to bed kid, it’s after your bed time. And I have dealt with enough of you today. Bye. Stop spamming crap in my post.


I’m sure you are the shining light of positivity in every group you bless with your presence.


I like being able to vote kick benediction players and tanks who think they are not replaceable and act like jerks.


Read the post and scenarios I mentioned again.


I did read it. It does not address my post.

  1. Don’t be a jerk
  2. Don’t play poorly

If you do those two things, you will barely ever be kicked.


This, unfortunately.
9 times out of 10, I always click no. But I’m older and have patience.


We won, you lost bro, we got RDF.

This right here tells me all I need to know about your personality and how you talk to people in game. Even if you were top dps you were probably toxic as hell about it. Calling out players for their “low damage” and how they need to get good because they are waisting your time.

I can smell your kind a million miles away. I’m willing to bet you deserved the 30 minute debuff.

And with that said, it really sheds light on your points 1 and 2.

Top dps, talked crap and was being toxic, and it got you kicked.

QQ more kid.


I’m not sure what you’re going on about, but ok.

Oh yes you are. About 9 thousand of those 11.5k posts are from when you trolled us for 2 years and tried to gatekeep RDF from us.

My position was that RDF shouldn’t be put in the game until the end of Wrath. And Blizzard honored that. This is very much a win in my eyes.

But they, thanks for remembering me and keeping me in your thoughts. Unfortunately, I haven’t the slightest clue who you are I’m afraid.