Remove natural velf options

Can’t say I got my wish, but, it is what it is. I personally advocated for a separate race, because I knew customizations would lead us to where we are now: a never ending loop where people get to argue over who has High Elves, and people still asking for a separate race. The worst part is, Void Elves themselves are unlikely to see any sincere development. We’ll be stuck with their weird hybrid race.

The ideal solution here, would’ve been for Blizzard to have added High Elves as the Allied Race, and introduced the Void Elves in BFA as Alleria’s hand-picked elite few, trained in the ways of the Void. Show us what her elite are doing, build up hype, make people go, “Woah, that’s cool! I’d love to be that!” Then, add the customization in Shadowlands. People would’ve been thrilled to have Void Elf customizations by then.

This backwards order has done nothing but breed enmity and resentment on all sides. The Void Elves certainly needed the extra time to develop, and people should have received what they asked for.

Anyways, at this point, I’m rambling. I’ve given my thoughts on how to develop the Void Elves. I doubt Blizzard will do anything though. Clearly Void Elves were a mistake, and Blizzard doesn’t like thinking about its mistakes, or fixing them.


Void elves were definitely a mistake

I agree with this statement completely, very well-said :slight_smile:


Pot meets kettle ?


The Silver Covenant are a faction of 14 high elves. They aren’t even a fraction of the amount of high elves. And you can mog as one now.


When they announce Paladins for all races, I’ll be popping the popcorn.


I hope Void Elf Pallys become a thing. Corrupted Paladins go way back in the lore.


Please don’t insult yourself so.

Well, what happened was is that Blizzard has a spiteful relationship with High Elf fans and following the “You think you do, but you don’t” mentality.

Blizzard decided that High Elves are too close to Blood Elves (despite spending expansion after expansion building a feud between the races and having the High Elves constantly aiding the Alliance) and that to make them “unique” they had to make them into “Super Elves”.

When Void Elves were released, Blizzard was patting themselves on the back over “knowing better” than what the High Elf fans wanted. After all. Void Elves are not only Elves but “Super Special Awesome Super Elves”. Only they weren’t even High Elves… They were Reject/Exiled Blood Elves that came out of nowhere.

Blizzard couldn’t even be bothered to make the Alliance aligned High Elves become the Void Elves. That’s how spiteful they were/are.

Then Blizzard was flabberghasted when Void Elves were almost universally condemned. That fans weren’t happy about these “Super Blueberry Exiled Blood Elves”. So, after hitting the panic button Blizzard was forced, very forced, to add in the non-Blueberry colors.

After that Blizzard gave up on the Void Elves. As they’re that spiteful over fans not falling head over heels for their creation and still wanting to be High Elves instead despite High Elves not having super void powers or being super special awesome.

It says something that the vast majority of Void Elves aren’t Blue. They’re using the High Elf skin tones.


High elves were never meant to be playable…

That’s some sick twisted entitled behavior for a horde race just because you have an NOC faction of the same race but with a different political name.

Like it is what it is.

You know there are Horde Kultiran pirates right? Should horde players demand horde Kultiran?

BliZ did you guys a services by giving you velves and now it’s ruined because you can be a blond dark ranger with void tentacles.

So you guys went from zero thalassian elves, to cool unique void elves, to a race that doesn’t know wth it is.

/Golf clap


It’s okay. You just don’t know any better.

My attempts to find out if thats true or not pretty well indicate that its not.

Its fairly evenly split and a large amount of people seem happy as all get out to mix and match both flavors in options.

3 separate servers, 2 hour increments per testing phase (Mostly 2hour a few have been longer.). Stormwind Mage Tower was used, kept an eye on the void elves going through.

Run this test about 8 times now since the natural hair came out.


It isn’t an even split at all. There are far more natural Elves than Blueberries.


Do we have any numbers on this?

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Considering you can change skin color at the barber shop I’m not sure that’s something that’s actually quantifiable. Not that it matters really.


Nope. There’s no way to get those numbers. Maybe Blizzard could, but players couldn’t get any sort of meaningful metrics. All we can go by is purely anecdotal data.


There are necro posts and then there’s this. I feel honored just being a part of it.


I like to think my setup at least has a method.

But yeah… It’s anecdotal and mostly useless info. Lol

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Void Elves should’ve just been Ethereals, but blizzard was too lazy in BFA to put actual work in new races.


…The same lore that Blizzard ignored in order to give Night Elf Warlocks btw.

People simply want High Elves that are neither affiliated or corrupted or changed in any sence like with Blood or Void elves. They want a flavor of (Warcraft) High Elves that are just (Warcraft) High Elves basically.

Their referring to something like this. :point_down:

While i personally do not care if we get playable high elves at this point because we already have pale skin and blue eyes options for both elves, i wouldn’t be against it simply for the lore reasons. Personally, i don’t see a reason why not at this point considering the lore is… well…

At a point where it allows night elf warlocks.

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Looking at all these threads and how the “Great High Elf Debate” has played out, it’s interesting to see how drastically the Horde’s attitude towards Thalassian Elves has changed.

Back when TBC was first announced, many Horde players were not happy about getting Blood Elves. They wanted elves to remain on the Alliance side only and for the Horde to continue having monstorous races.

Fast forward to now, Horde players get up in arms whenever Alliance players ask for Fair-Skinned Thalassian Elves. Y’know, the very same race the we apparently didn’t want when TBC was announced.

What happened here guys? I thought Blood Elves didn’t fit with the Horde asthetically. But now we are getting upset when that option is being given to the Alliance?