Remove natural velf options

it was a token gesture to appease the highelf mega thread fans which didnt work because what they recieved wasnt even worth what there asking.
void elves where a mistake. VOID is VOID, not grape flavored.


Yeah yeah, alliance high elves exist…

But they’re an NPC race in an NPC faction

End of story. Same race is found on horde that can be played

The Silver Covenant is a Dalaran Militaria, apart of the Alliance Vanguard.

You need to learn your lore!


As I said to those in that trolly Void Elf topic.

As long as High Elves are unplayable, Blizzard will see no reason to expand the Void customizations in any real manner. That topic has been going for 2+ years and Blizzard has incorpoated 0 of their suggestions. The only customization they added are High Elf looks.

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Nope, they just made them look like alleria, who’s still a velf

The Silver Covenant left Dalaran and rejoined the Alliance a long time ago.

I can see that you didn’t read the lore or quest texts.

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warlock night elf talking about lore.
illidan was jailed for doing fel stuff and you are just out here dancing in the streets.

yeah more examples of void elves being a mistake.

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He isn’t even worth replying too anymore. Feels like our IQ’s are dropping just replying to him.


Sorry, but the mistake of the Void Elves are not the Void Elves being around, but the way Blizzard treated them, especially with there lore.


no appology needed in a disagreement. The introduction to the void elves was forced, can we start with agreeing on that?


Glad we agree! I love playing my High Elf she is so pretttyyyy :hugs:


Well, not so much forced, but no knowledge to who they really are. Take Magister Umbric for example, nobody has even heard of Umbric, until the introduction questline to the Void Elves. Never heard of the Void Elves until Blizzard upgraded from drawing with chalk to drawing with crayons.


that is where the forced nature comes from. A forced pivotal character that would have shaked the very foundation of blood elf lore, leading a random group no one has ever heard about.
if we couldnt agree on it being forced, can we agree on the introduction being strange and poorly done?

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Yeah, let’s agree on that, and leave it at that.

But I don’t look at Void Elves as a mistake. I mean to put it this way, there is still part of me wishing we originally had the actual High Elves that we had with the Alliance. But Blizzard went down this path, and as soon as the first set of customizations came around, I thought, well, can live with that. Yeah, continued pushing on for also more hair colours, and eventually, we got that in 9.1.5, but in the end, I am glad for what I’ve been given.

Void Elves would’ve been better for the concept of a race of the Void, if Blizzard did them right, but sadly, they weren’t. And instead, all we got is this.


is it everything you and the others wanted tho?

Nope that’s a velf with light skin, like alleria, who’s a velf.

I’m talking about the forever NPC ones who don’t have void racials

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Well, it is far from originally wanted, but it is the best we’re ever going to get.


The mistake of the Void Elves is very, very layered. The folks at Blizzard must’ve really been tripping while playing Cubicle Crawl when those got greenlit, and through the entire process of adding them.

We’re talking about a race that didn’t even exist until the last five minutes of its own recruitment scenario. Any race being added to the game should be seeded into it, well in advance. What’s worse is that the Void Elves were so poorly prepared in advance, they didn’t even have a reputation to link to, for their unlock requirement. Do they even have a reputation of their own at this point? I don’t think they do.

It’s pretty bad when the race people wanted (High Elves) had one, arguably two reputations already (Silver Covenant, and Kirin Tor Offensive). You could even stretch that to three when noting that it seems most High Elves in the game today are in Dalaran, so, the Kirin Tor reputation also applies by that logic.

Moving past that is the fact that Blizzard didn’t tie the Void Elves into any void storylines in BFA at all, essentially ignoring the race’s gimmick of a theme. They only got wheeled out to give the Horde a race to feel good about killing on the Alliance. Their home is a slapdash mess of Legion assets, their heritage armor looks like it was ripped off of a Dreadlord rather than anything distinctly elven, and their customizations were so awful, they were the only Allied Race to not have extra customizations beyond the base five (hair color/style, skin color, face, and beard/jewelry). Even today they have some of the fewest categories for customization.

I’ve said it before, and I’ll say it again. If this is what Blizzard always intended to give us, then they should’ve just added High Elves and been done with it, because at least High Elves have existed in the Alliance’s narratives since the game started. Players deserve better than what we’ve been given with Void Elves, and I particularly feel bad for those whom enjoy this tragedy of a race, because THEY deserve better than this!


i felt this somewhat after the sanlaynn customization came out. it dosnt fully scratch the itch but i know thats all we are going to recieve which makes me sad and angry

I mean, you’re not wrong. I still wish it was the Alliance High Elves we got in the first place. The direction Blizzard went, in terms of the Void Elves, was a bad direction. Because there was no inception to who they really are, and even still to this day, there is no real inception to who they are. So, this is where the High Elf customization request came in for the Void Elves, because the High Elf community wanted to play as close to the Alliance High Elves as possible, without having to reroll to being on Horde, and well, this is where most people actually started moving on, because they got there wish.

The Void Elves have always been treated poorly, and still do get treated poorly I should also add, but in the end, can’t really trust Blizzard anymore. This is why most of the High Elf community, including myself, have moved on. Because we couldn’t get the actual request, but we could get the closest request, and this is what we got.

And the joy about WoW, is that we can create our own lore on who we are.