Remove natural velf options

I want brown most personally.

Blizzard can literally change the lore whenever they want, for whatever reason, because it’s actually all made up


No, what would be nice would be a third nzoth eye on your forehead or a tentacle arm.

Not, BLoNde HAir

WoW is an RPG, Even D&D let you trash their setting and make let you make what you want inside the tools they gave.

I think the same with wow.


Right but they’re void elves … not diet void elves.

Once again, imagine green skinned maghar.

Maghar means uncorrupted in orcish.

100%. The fact is, this is a Massively Multiplayer Online ROLE PLAYING game. Our customisations and character creation assist us in the role playing aspect. Even if we don’t Roleplay in a Dungeons and Dragons fashion… character creation exists so we can play a role in that universe, and Wow is flexible enough to give us a lot of creative freedom in that capacity.

Better character customisation = more options for roleplay. Win win in my opinion.


Inside the tools, exactly.

The tools they give you say you’re a sw human, not an uncorrupted gilnean. Wanna say you’re from freaking Lakeshore instead of goldshire. Great. But you’re sure as hell not a gilnean.

The Alliance elf-players deserved this like no other playable race. Over a decade of mocking, belittling and denying actual lore-based content.

I congratulate all of you (RP) Alliance-players, you really deserved this.


Thanks for telling me what I want.

Very helpful.


Ikr, so imagine you got amazing horrific VOIDY options so you could rp in more fantastic ways as a velf. Since you know, you’re a VOID elf.

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You’re welcome. I’m much more in tune than most normies.

You think you do but you don’t.

Do unafflicted Gilnean humans who never got the worgen curse just not exist in your reality or something? What would you say to someone who wants to RP this? “Tough luck you can’t” for no reason?


They’re not entitled to anything.

They wanted to play a helf so bad they could have gone horde. Then bliz compromise with velves so they don’t just copy paste a horde race and even then they weren’t happy.

Now we have a void race turning into a diet void race because a few mouth breathing fedora flippers can’t play a pale elf in mud huts.


Oh of course they do. They’re just Npc’s.

I agree that if people wants more Void elf customisation the absolutly should have it.

But people asked for Helfs-like options, So they should have it. If you werent actively trying to make people play the way you want, you could have win more simpathy.

I have already read other threads that wants the same as you. And some of those ideas are sick, and amazing, but you choose the wrong method, and decided to trash what people find fun, and that’s never okay.

More tentacles would have been cool, more eye-voidy stuff, and third-eyes, but this ain’t want people want right now.


Okay again, so I ask you.

What if people demanded green skinned maghar?

At what point do we cross a line at the lore integrity of the game and the races we play.

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And yet, whenever 9.1.5 drops, I’ll be enjoying our new customizations and deciding whether or not to use them depending on my preference.


You will be fine. Pandaren-players are used to it and within six months nobody will care about it anymore.

You know why Blood Elves were added to the Horde in the first place. Giving the low level players (= Alliance) actual content they can engage to is actually pretty great. Be happy for them for once.

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Yeah, I know. And it’s a big mistake from blizzard’s end instead of giving you actual cool new void options.

I’m sure LFD and NB will be getting options that highlight what makes them unique.

What do velves get? Oh just more belf crap.

Muh lore.