Remove natural velf options

There are people who already RP as un-cursed Gilean using SW humans, Oh the shocker !


It’s so funny imagining this ‘lore abiding’ guy get mad at, say, if tauren paladins had different spell animations and spell names from other paladins because their Light is drawn from a different source. He’d mouse over the paladin and go “It says it’s a paladin! Why is it using all this sun energy for? Paladins use the holy light, this is double-think insanity. Mouse over him, it says ‘paladin’.”

Guy doesn’t actually care about the lore involved at all whatsoever.


I disagree when you consider the amount of favoritism void elves have been shown. They’ve been shown more favoritism than any other race with Blizzard having make them the exception to the rule not once, but twice. And it’s annoying.


Yeah but I know the truth, so does every other NPC programmed to refer to your character by race. Oops.

Double thinking is exhausting.

Or by name.

What? If tauren had sun based spells encoded into the game why would I go against it.

Well they not all like that. What happens then? Fall into rp’er meltdown?

Because you’ve expressed several times that you get hung up on things like what it says when you mouse over a character. Tauren ‘paladins’, aren’t ACTUALLY paladins in lore, they’re a separate class in-lore with very different beliefs, origins, sources of their power, and everything else. Since these different spells would run against what it means to be a ‘paladin’, you’d either be inconsistent on this topic, or you would meltdown about how “Paladins don’t do this sun stuff. Paladins use the holy light, this is insane double-think.” Kind of like how you’re melting down about how “High-elves don’t do any of this void stuff, and when you mouse over them it says ‘void elf’.”


Then as of next patch the game says Void Elves can look like High/Blood Elves lol. It’s law now.


Eeeer wrong again.

Sunwalkers are paladins. Just a different flavor. Check out the paladins order hall.

Void elves have like seven hair colors and some of them look almost exactly the same so it’s really more like five actual options. Blood elves have like twenty, and you don’t even need to do anything to unlock them as a playable race!

Yeah, I’ma aware, which is a mistake by blizzard.

No. We just keep the Role-playing. Game says I am a good guys, I and if you look my tabard, IC I am an ex-member of the crusade, WHy would you want to stay in the role so limited, and boring that the game puts you in?.

I don’t like the cosmic stuff, I don’t rp there, I am just a drunken pally. Not the maw walker, nor legion savior. It’s not double think, it’s just actively making your own fun, using the tools blizz gives to try to make your character in game the closer you can to what role you want to play.



We could know. It probably wouldn’t take much. As I said earlier just some NPCs some dialogue hell even a little talk to this NPC and he’ll tell you option.

Just show Scholars and Wayfarers go through a ritual become void elves and randomize the outcome customization wise.

I keep saying its fine to assume and rp it, but its another thing to claim its lore.

We need lore. We need an explanation so we don’t have to wonder. So we have something specific to point to.


You can be in make believe land all you want, it doesn’t matter. Deep down you and I both know what’s actually real lore wise. And natural skins with natural hair on velves spills that make believe crap on the game.

Not only that, you’re missing out on awesome and unique VOIDY options but instead you get belf crap.

Like imagine if they gave mechgnome regular gnome stuff instead of new mechanical augmentations.

What they REALLY should do is give male night elves and female gnomes more appealing faces to choose from.

Male night elves all look haggard and old…and female gnomes all look like they’re one foot in the grave (with the exception of 1 face).

Get rid of the super ugly faces and make more in their place.

Off topic, I know…but thanks!

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I am actually happy, This character died as Helf, and now if the changes are coming to have the chance to make a Dup, of this character, to play on the alliance and the horde, it would be amazing.

I would finally could use it in Stories of both factions, with my friends from either side. I see that as a win.


It’s been the law for a bit now.

But it will be nice to have more variety in “this is my high elf void elf” looks than just the dark blue and silver hair.

Wrong, you died as a belf, as per the DK starting zone when you kill your buddy from silver moon.

So now the NPCs Blizzard has walking around matter lol. It doesn’t matter that they threw High Elves into Stormwind at the exact same time as the void-elf options got expanded, it only matters when they put Sunwalkers into the paladin order-hall.

Got it.