Remove natural velf options

Let them have it. I have no problem with it. Orcs are orcs, green, grey, black or Brown. Some customisation that Maghars has would have been amazing on classic orcs.

If you were to ask me, I would put all MAgh’ar customisation under the regular orc label, Just, Orc.


You don’t think amazing old god attachments on a player race would have been awesome and improved alliance numbers? You act like helfer’s are some big majority.

Lol you guys get old belf crap, call it new content, and then wonder why the alliance has crap numbers.

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This is the reply that made me realize you aren’t actually approaching any of this in good faith. Good job, you got me for awhile man.


No dude… Jesus.

Maghar literally means uncorrupted.

How was that not in good faith. You asked me if I don’t think uncorrupted gilnean exist. I said I do, in Npc form. Cuz that’s the damn truth.

That means nothing.

When the customizations were announced, we were told the core races would be the focus and that AR’s wouldn’t get anything other than minor touchups and the ability to choose an eye color separate from the face, along with some blind options. Void elves were made the exception there and were grandfathered in so many options to present them with another theme. That’s the first time we were told something and void elves were made the exception.

Now this. We’re told we’re not getting anymore customizations - and they had the audacity to blame the player base for it saying we didn’t provide enough feedback. Then we get told that nightborne and LF Draenei would be receiving some options because they’re in a terrible state, which is true and fair. And then void elves get more options again than anyone else now being presented with even more of that second theme when the whole point was to help the LF Draenei and the Nightborne. Strike two.

It literally means zero how many options you have when you are being shown clear favortism over and over again, and it is annoying.


We will see about this with the HMT-update. I’m pretty sure the Void Elves will get something down the line but the High Elf-customization are justified based on lore, fan requests and the constant presence of High Elf characters within the story, events and the Alliance-exclusive High Elf mount (Quel’dorei Steed).

There is no need to be mindlessly emotional. For real, be happy for the Alliance-players for once.


There are literally no examples in lore of green skinned Mag’har.

There is at least one lore example of a pale skinned, blonde haired void elf. There are also several High AND Blood Elves in Telogrus rift, appearing to study the void. A Second Generation of Void Elves, hypothetically.

You’re comparing Apples and Oranges here, mate. Mag’har are, by definition, uncorrupted by the fel. Void Elves are, by definition, corrupted by the void. The difference is that we know fel corrupted orcs go green. It’s already clearly established that not ALL void corrupted elves go purple. In fact, if anything, the nature of void elves at release was specifically due to the circumstances of their recruitment scenario, where they were being warped into Ethereals. The mere USE of the void does not corrupt the void elves, which is why Blood Elf Shadow Priests exist. The attempt to totally transform them into something else is what warped their appearances.

With that in mind, it is entirely feasible that elves who use void as a power source exist, as already indicated in Telogrus, without having had to undergo the ethereal transformation.


Void Elf needs more Tzeentch!
When did we stop thinking this is not peak Void standard


Alliance numbers are crap in higher endgame content, not in overall population. Its a really deep, deep well of an issue

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I’ll be happy for them when their Alliance race, the LF Draenei gets the help it actually needs. I will not foolishly celebrate something that is aimed at making one end of the player base unhappy while my blood elves are taken out back and mugged for more of their options to be grandfathered into the carbon copy race pulled out of Blizzard’s rear, and subsequently abandoned over on the other side. That is dumb. That tells Blizzard that we’re cheap and we’ll just accept anything.

Which I will not. And I say that as someone who loves blood elves and void elves. Void elves should have had the opportunity to be their own person. Not be turned into nothing other than fodder for the people who wanted nothing to do with them in the first place, which is annoying in and of itself. Void elves should have gotten more void options. Not this nonsense.


Why would I be happy for a void race being turned into a shadow of itself. F that.

The alliance deserve better then “new” content that isn’t actually new.

But hey let’s make a few helfer weirdos happy and be happy for them and still be clueless why your faction is in shambles.

You have an awesome race with so much potential. I’ve seen so many fan made art with void elf options that look amazing and unique.

But hey now I got blonde hair! For the alliance.
What a joke…

First of all, void elves are probably more popular than all of the other Allied Races.

Secondly, the changes void elf players are asking for are trivial to implement because they’re literally already in the game, but enabled only for blood elves for some stupid reason. What nightborne players probably want is a complete overhaul since they didn’t end up looking all that much like the nightborne from Suramar, and obviously that’s either never going to happen or going to take a much longer time; it’s not “favoritism”


I’m very curious what they will do with the LFD as well.

You’ll get used to it. Pandaren are still fine to this day and you really won’t care for it in six months by now. In an actual confrontation you don’t have to the time either to zoom into an Alliance-character when they are going to kill you in pvp.

Let’s be honest, Pandaren also deserved more. Just got 2 hair cuts and 2 furr colors, thats sad.


So making some long drawn out boring lore explanation to look like alleria is better than getting tentacle arms or a nzoth eye ball on ur forhead?

I agree. No NATURAL for VOID elves!
Unless they still get the ombre effect that the tips are purple. But I doubt they’ll do that. :frowning:



Means nothing. Popularity should not determine the amount of effort something has put into it, and if that was the case, blood elves would have received better customization than cheap looking jewelry someone could have bought at a stand in Silvermoon. This means nothing.

Which is the problem.

Pandaren are not the same thing and I have pointed this out repeatedly. Pandaren were neutral, are stated to be neutral, and were neutral from the get-go. A Horde race has never had to watch its characters being mugged and given options to the other side before.

I am a 2400 experienced player with addons which help me ascertain what someone is when I begin combat with them. I am also an RP’er who enjoys the aesthetic of my races, and void elves as well as I have many of them, and I will never like, or be okay with this. And nothing you say will change that.


Yep. She even took in the essence of a void corrupt naruu and still looks “normal”.

And there is no real lore for them.

I had for a time a “normal” skinned void elf. The lore? she got pulled in before liberation day. all she got was the hair makeover before freed.

Can also blame that on BFA story for some. Kind of killed horde pride for some. My BE’s were all forced plays in bfa. You needed the 120 to be ready for the next expac. so off we go to back the queen. after she did some bonehead calls that if I had the choice I’d have have said not doing this. I needed the 120…so off we went on that craptacular bfa story.

Fair skin voids are to some the BE’s that said never again. When lor’thamar finds some balls day 1 and not mid expac…we can discuss their return lol.

I want a friggin tentacle arm!

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