Remix heritage armor?

If we level a character in the Remix would they get access to heritage armor in Remix or would have to wait till the war within? I have 3 that I was working on but if I can level faster in remix maybe just do there?


Was also wondering about this, hope we get an answer!


Same, I really would like a definitive answer on this.

I want to know as well. I’ve still got a handful of Allied Races I haven’t leveled yet and want to know if I should hold making them to level through Remix or just level them now.

Isn’t there normally a questline tied to doing the heritage armor? I’d imagine that you’d have to do that on Live, since we’re going to be bound to Pandaria.

The allied races start at level 10 on retail as well, so I would think that it doesn’t make a difference. Only the non-allied races start at level 1 on retail, but they don’t have the same restrictions in getting the heritage armor, you can boost, race change, etc and still get it. You just can’t on allied races.

There is a quest, but the question is if we level an Allied Race to 70 as a Remix character will they still be eligible to receive the quest once they’re converted back to a normal character when the event ends?

Like, if I make a Dark Iron and level them as a Remix character, will I still be able to receive and complete the Heritage Quest once the event is over and my Dark Iron is converted to a regular character?

Ah!! Well I’d sure imagine it’d work!

Probably once the character turns into a regular WoW character the quest would pop up on retail / live.

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Hello! I’m commenting on this thread so it gets more visibility - I have the same question!

I would LOVE to earn heritage armor doing this as well. I work a bunch, so having the ability to earn heritage armor via new and fun and fast content would be really neat.

Thanks all! <3

yes, I am really hoping Blizz will chime in and clarify this. It will determine what classes I roll.

Just adding my voice to this question. I, too, will choose what I level through Remix based upon the answer.

I mean, that’s the hope, but Blizz has done arbitrary restrictions on things in the past because reasons. Would be nice if a blue could just confirm whether or not ARs leveled via Remix are eligible.

I already have the blood elf heritage armor but I honestly hope that when my future Remix character gets converted that I can go and do the quest again, I’m pretty sure every character I’ve leveled to 50 has gotten the quest even if I’ve done it before.

Would be nice to have this confirmed. Yeah, it seems like it SHOULD work, but since this is a new thing entirely and it does involve a transfer (from event to live) we just don’t know for certain.

Still have a few races to level up to get the heritage armors and I’d really like to be able to do it this way.

I have the same question. Hopefully someone will be able to answer yes or no.


After a great deal of careful testing, we can confirm that earning Heritage armor on Timerunning characters all works as intended. Your Timerunner becomes eligible for the quest when you hit 50 in Pandaria.

Please note that the game won’t offer you the quest or show the achievement as completed while you’re in Pandaria, and until the event ends, you can’t leave Pandaria. So completing it requires the event to end.

After the event ends, you’ll simply log in, and then the quest appears, and then you can turn it in to get the achievement and the Heritage armor reward.


Cool! So if running a throw away character for mogs and heritage (VE in my case). I could stop at 50.

This is good because I still need the mechagnome set and kind of tired of current leveling.

Thank you for the clarification. This is great news!