Will we be able to earn heritage armor if we do MoP remix?

I am curious if we will. It would certain influence which toon I will make.


That is actually something I would also like to have clarified


Not sure how if we’re supposed to be stuck on Pandaria. :world_map::robot:

Well after the event, the characters are converted to full retail status and all achievements/mogs carry over. So asking if we’ll be able to complete heritage after the fact, is a decent question


Allied races though. They dont have to do the rep or quest chain to earn theirs. They just have to be leveled to whatever the required level is without any boosts or race swaps etc. So the question is, does leveling in remix count?

I think it’s a good question. I would assume yes, but i wouldn’t bet my life on it. Or it might be something they forget to consider. Though no quest chain, they do get a pop up quest to go talk to their race leader. That might not trigger. Then when they get converted to retail, it still might not trigger

Excellent question and it is something I want to know too.

If we can use it to level allied races AND get the achievements I most certainly will.


You are leveling the character so you should. Won’t likely be able to turn in the quest until the end of the event and your character transitions to the regular realm. As far as I can see, theses will still be normal characters, it’s just the game mode that will be different.

Hoping someone from the CC sees this and makes a thread.

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There is a CC thread for the event, so hopefully someone just asks this question there. I would be good if they answer it here instead though!

CMs do read these forums and GD is not ignored, even if they don’t post a ton. Not like they post a ton on the CC forum either.


Yeah sure an answer here would be great but I stopped expecting that many, many years ago.

Well we got an answer:


There we go.