Dark Heart and WoW Remix: Mists of Pandaria Ahead

Good question

Since when does new content get released on a Thursday? May 16th is on Thursday…not Tuesday…


But… oh gods and titans and “beware the deep places of the earth”

Yet Another Currency?

Can i turn i my unwanted (apexis shards, nethershards, giant dinosaur bones, etc) into these “bronze” they speak of?
No, of course not; the bronze is for the Remix, and you have to make New Characters for it.

How… exciting. I think. Probably. I do love the graphics quality in Pandaria.

I would love to see the Vale of Eternal Blossoms rescued from its infestations and also get to heal, but I really don’t think that’s gonna happen in a 2 week bronzeCoinStorm.

Maybe to dodge the D4 release day?

Probably, because at some point they flipped a bit and made it so char-boosts could get the heritage quests.

Transferring in is essentially a type of boost, I’m guessing.

Is there new character slots for these ‘remixed’ Pandaria characters, cause I’m sorta full up. If I need to delete a character, then fine I can do that I guess. But I saw an article saying there was going to be more character slots opened to us?

Yes, they confirmed that ARs will be eligible to get their Heritage Armor when leveled as a Remix character:

It’s a fated season so it’s just filler also 10.2.7 will still be considered part of season 4

Iwould if icould do it with mop talents and do range survival

Hiw dare Blizzard give people that are not goimg to do fated something to do.

It’s not like those doing fated are going to be raiding 24/7.

Thise raiding will probably have until TWW prepatch to get things done.

To be honest this all looks like complaining for the dake of complaining

Yes you’ll be able to have a total of 65 characters on your account…

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Does this MoP event mean my already made lowbie toons will benefit from the event or do I need to make a new toon?

Wait what? What planet are you from that you think getting gear in S4 is hard? I’m already 4 piece, 9/9 hero/508 IL and pugged KSM on my main.

It’s actually way too easy imho

What even is Dark Heart?

I ‘marked my calendar’, set my birthday aside to discover what Dark Heart is all about, and now I can’t log into my main because I tried to interact with the guild bank. It seems sensible now not to get excited about new content.

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getting so excited its next thursday !!! woohoo

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It’s going to be the greatest content ever in a billion ages

Me too! Schedule has been cleared. Weekly raid has been cancelled. Let’s roll!

I haven’t been this excited for anything WoW related in a while…that’s probably why it feels like it has been a year since the PTR.

So, is this going to be as buggy as the current release or worse?

Honestly, Blizzard’s been doing a great job of moving my interest to RL chores as I find spending time doing a weekly only to get no rewards repeatedly due to sharding just not fun.

It’s a limited-time cash grab.