Guys release wotlk so we can do naxxramas again and surely people won’t quit after a month because it wasn’t a thing end of vanilla classic I mean it’s good content and will safe wow clearly… aha ok
It’s so annoying when people quote each sentence. You aren’t owning anyone or making your post any smarter. Everything you countered with a retort was pretty sub par. The fact is TBC is the wotlk waiting room, the numbers in WoW history prove this as WotLK was the highest peak of the game. Cata is not the waiting room from wrath, I literally never heard anyone say that.
From day 1 that classic was announced I been hearing people say they can’t wait till it gets to wotlk, never cata. There’s a reason they will probably stop at WotLK. And then they will probably just continue with SoM yearly resets with new modifiers like diablo 3 seasons do. I do not see them going into Cata at all, they will probably do a survey when the time comes thou to see if there is interest.
I am making my point clearer. I am not attempting to “own” anyone just stating facts based on the history of the player bases actions. Hate it if you like. I won’t stop doing it.
Nope, everything I replied with is exactly how the player base would respond.
No it is not. It is the TBC expansion with whiners complaining that it is the WotLK waiting room. Just like WotLK will be the WotLK expansion with whiners complaining that is it the Cata waiting room. Just like Classic was Vanilla with whiners complaining that it is the TBC waiting room.
Ah, you are one of those that like to tout that “wrath had the most subs so clearly it was the best” Entirely ignoring that Wrath was when the game flatline. Vanilla had the biggest growth gaining a starting player base of 8 million. TBC gaining a further 3 million players. Wrath? it gained 500k bringing the player base to 11.5 mil subs. It didn’t go up again until Cataclysm was about to release. Which were another 500k subs bringing it to 12 mil subs. It is actually Cataclysm that had the highest number of subs. Not wrath. Cataclysm then dropped those subs because of the difficulty of heroics and the first tier of raiding. Likely in addition to burnout of the game starting to happen, as well as real-life starting to kick in for all the teens and kids who originally played the game.
And I’ve never heard anyone say TBC was the wrath waiting room until TBC hit. So you’ll start hearing Wrath is the Cata waiting room during Wrath not before.
From day 1 I’ve heard people talking about all expansion up to MoP + Legion. Not once did they say any version was another waiting room. That is a thing that started to happen(widespread) somewhere between the mistake that was phase 2 of classic and BWL. There were however people who said “I’m not interested in vanilla so I’ll just come back for TBC” because they didn’t want to play something they aren’t interested in. That is what you should do if TBC is just a “waiting room” for you. You are already 70 you have done your prep for Wrath quit until wrath comes.
I do, it is easy money for little work on their end. They know they will lose a ton of players if they ever end Classic and just go SoM and Era realms. There is a reason why Era realms have died and why SoM realms are already dying.
Do what you must, you can spread out your reply by quoting nearly every sentence. It doesn’t help much thou. The reason why they will stop at WotLK is because up to that expansion it’s the only way at playing in the old world. In retail you can still play Cataclysm content. From vanilla up to wotlk (well mainly old vanilla world), I guess wrath you can, I don’t play retail so not 100% sure but I heard DK starting zone doesn’t even exist anymore there.
Like I said in which the one thing you didn’t quote before, they will end with wrath then just do Seasonal servers with new modifiers each season, probably getting crazier each time. This first SoM was a testing ground for it.
p.s. era realms were dead from day 1. I remember logging onto them and there wasn’t evne 50 players online. A big part of that was cuz you had to pay to copy your character and TBC was right around the corner. As far as SoM already dying, many servers are but many are migrating to some of the bigger ones. I have a char on Jom Gabb and that server is still going super strong, yesterday had 3 layers still and every zone had 50+ players
I want a MoP server
By that logic Classic would have stopped at Vanilla and TBC and Wrath Classic would never come. The only thing you can’t do in retail is what was changed by the cataclysm. If that is what they cared about they could have simply placed a bronze dragon somewhere for you to go between post and pre-catacylsm as they have with other zones that have changed like Silithus.
No, they won’t. Like I said continuing classic is easy money for little work. So they will continue classic until it is no longer profitable which is likely never to really happen because people are attached to their characters. The most that will happen is they will keep reducing the number of realms there are so they don’t have to run servers for them.
If SoM is the testing ground for seasonal servers it has already been shown to fail outside minimal mega realms. It is less than a month and dying realms exist. Expect even those mega realms to dwindle. People seem not to actually want to play classic, play tbc, or even play wrath. They just want to play the exciting start of the game each expansion. That is it.
by your logic then they will stop now cuz you said everything is dead or dying. So how on earth do you think they will keep going to Cata. Now you’re being a hypocrite
I said Era died and SoM is dying. I never said anything in regards to classic. You are the one who seems to think classic will die after the specific expansion that you want.
Classic is at around 300k players based on raiding logs and pvp leader boards. This means the population is higher for those who don’t participate in that or don’t submit raid logs. This is 4.5m a month for doing little to no development work on Blizzard’s end. That is extremely profitable. That isn’t even considering them milking transfer funds because they refuse to address the realms that are dying.
Realistically if they just ran four realms and let people complain about layers SoM would be extremely successful as well. Don’t have to worry about dying realms causing people to quit if there is only a PvP, RP-PvP, PvE, and RP realm.
I don’t even know what we are arguing about then. You didn’t like I said tbc is the wotlk waiting room why? Cuz you like tbc better?
wotlk is by far the better expansion. Only a minority of people would disagree because yes there will always be someone out there that likes something better.
classic WoW is considered by many the base game + the next 2 expansions. I don’t know if they will do cata or not, my guess is they will do a survey when we are well into wrath. (There’s actually a very good video on youtube by Willie on why people like wrath more than TBC, not sure if you know that channel but he’s a popular WoW channel)
If the survey gets a certain % of players wanting it then yes they will do it but my opinion they are looking to do classic seasonal servers which is why they said this first season is only lasting 1 year. Next season they are gonna have to get crazy with new features and or modifiers if they want players to keep coming back. IMO that’s the only way people will even want to level again is if there is something new and exciting about another season.
Nope, I prefer wrath doesn’t make TBC a wrath waiting room. TBC is TBC and if you don’t want to play TBC take a break.
Ah, the “other side is the minority argument”… TBC guys say the same thing, Vanilla guys as well, same with the MoP boys, and legion boys. How in the world is everyone the minority… Ah, I know… because the majority don’t care and don’t have a preference.
Yeah I don’t get my opinions from youtubers. People like wrath “more” because of the convenience features it brings. The same feature they claim makes retail so terrible because they don’t know exactly why they dislike it, but hey it’s cool to crap on retail I guess.
However yes WoW is generally broken down into The original trilogy of Vanilla, TBC, and Wrath. Modernized WoW which is Cata, MoP, and WoD. Then the Borrow Powered WoW which is Legion, BFA, and SL… and by Devs talk it looks like we are going into a new Era of WoW in the next expansion. I see it a bit differently but I won’t go into that.
He’s not the typical youtuber and he doesn’t bring bias arguments to his videos. They are actually very genuine. In fact he was someone who started in Cata and that is one of his fav expansions. But he goes over lots of facts like statistics and whatnot… but the biggest reasoning of it all is… story. Wrath wraps up the Arthas story from WC3 and that was huge for many players. So no, features was not his main point that you assumed.
Also you have some impression it seems that you think I hate TBC as you have said about 3 times now I don’t have to play or take a break… I like raiding, got a raid tonight. We might go for 10/10 tonight instead of just SSC today and TK tomorrow. So yeah, another assumption wrong.
Hard pass on WOTLK and anything after. It’s just my preference to play in a world where Fluffbunny doesn’t kill Arthas. WOTLK set the stage for the story to go down the drain with the need to develop crazier and zanier threats.
Wrath without gnomes!
People actually pay attention to the story in this game?
Indeed! Not all of us live in sweatcaves.
You know this will never happen. Like, skipping half of TBC to release Classic Wrath early will legit not happen, why even bother making a thread about it?
Originally during the Vanilla era, absolutely yes. It was the allure of a post Warcraft 3: Frozen Throne world that sparked so much interest in World of Warcraft to begin with. If it weren’t for being built off a successful franchise, everyone would probably still be playing some form of Everquest or Dark Age of Camelot.
I think a lot of the ennui comes from all of this drama and negativity surrounding Blizzard, server’s dying, and a content drought. I love TBC and am having a great time, but there is a creeping sense of dread when it comes to my medium-pop server and the fact that Blizzard won’t do anything to save us.
I’ll play WotLK for sure as well!
Mostly PVPers waiting for wrath to come out, don’t think any pvers want to go straight back into farming nerfed nax twice a week.
TBC is def just the wrath waiting room for me, same for vanilla
Literally everyone had this same exact opinion but about tbc before it launched
Rose tinted goggles are strong for woltk.