Release Wrath of the Lich King Now and WOW is Saved

And class balance too In fact It was the point in time where the game was the most balanced over all.

For pve And you can never have perfect pvp balance however It was an awful either.

If you want to stay in TBC PVP and fight rogue/mage while sitting in CC over 80% of the game as a warrior. Go ahead, I won’t stop you

There’s a reason why less than 10% of TBC’s playerbase does arena


Am I the only one who liked ToC? I have good memories with friends in it

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All the people here that dislike anything about Lich King are biased against it due to LFD and dual spec.

The comparison this person made here for example; he grouped Lich King and retail together but the only thing they really have in common is LFD, dual spec no longer needs to exist in retail.

The fact of the matter is Lich King is going to level the playing field for so many players, casuals and hardcore alike, due to LFD and DS.

The elite want nothing more than for WOTLK to do without LFD and DS so it behaves like their classic and TBC where they have the power to immerse themselves in their PvE while the rest of us struggle to get into dungeons as is the case right now.

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Also played it to death.

Zero appeal. Not even a sliver of interest.

If they merged servers on TBC, people would realize that aside from MoP class design, it’s the best iteration of WoW.

Why try to block him? Is he harassing you?

wrath is worse than TBC, even though TBC is the raidlog expansion, atleast I’m not grinding heroic The Oculus for the 20th time for some badges

  1. No
  2. Not going to happen

LeTs SkIp HaLf aN eXpAnSiOn VeRRRy smort

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No they aren’t stop being disingenuous and just be patient.

People like you OP are trash morons.


Its going to be alot of fun when they do release it . I can’t wait .\


This is exactly what they said before TBC came out too. Basically no one is ever happy with what they’ve got and it’s always greener pastures.


Wow can’t wait to raid naxx…again

please put me out of my misery

It’s entirely subjective. Everyone has their favorite “class design” expansion. For me it’s Cata by a mile, but millions are going to disagree and that’s OK. It would be awesome to have a gallery of all expansions to choose from so that everyone is happy.

Release Shadow Lands now! That will save WoW … oh wait.

Honestly - people said the same about TBC classic. When WoTLK classic releases people will pack the servers in record numbers and then race to max level to begin … raiding Nax … again …

Knowing Blizzard, they’ll be raiding Nax … again … for about 3 - 6 months before Ulduar is released and then people will be complaining that most of the guilds have left and noone wants to raid Ulduar because it’s too hard … sound familiar?

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Maybe. The “Best” expansion is subjective and everyone is entitled to their favorite. WotLK was my favorite. Even though I am have a slightly different experience due to being in a different guild and not having original friends playing, TBC is pretty much how I remembered it. I was a frequent forum poster back in the day and while I don’t remember every complaint, I remember that there has always been a group that was unhappy with the current state of being. Even in my favorite expansion, I could point at things that I would like improved (I suggested them back in the day, but my ideas didn’t get implemented). Nevertheless, I expect my overall experience in WotLK to be somewhat similar to last time and I’m sure I will be frustrated by the same things I was then.


the sooner wrath gets here the sooner it ends, and with that, probably the classic experience for the majority of players. I for one, am still enjoying tbc and although i look forward to wrath, I am ok with waiting for a little while. lol.

no we didn’t, maybe a few did. Classic is great, TBC is not. I was not looking forward to it. Anyone coulda predicted this was gonna happen. TBC launch is great because there is a lot to do for a little while but once u hit 70 there isn’t. There’s reasons many say tbc is the wotlk waiting room.

One of the big problems with tbc which wotlk fixes is that they give 10 man versions of all the raids. If TBC did this I think there would be a lot more people playing.

I actually don’t understand why both can’t be out at the same time. Some like classic some like tbcc some like WOtLK… it’s like just release all at once like private servers.

“everyone” your 5 friends you mean? wrath won’t save wow. It’ll be just ike the other re-releases. Hype for a month or 2 and then dead. Just look at TBC now everyone transferring off their dead servers. People will get tired and quit. The servers are so messed up now there won’t be any world pvp which is super disappointing.

More than just a few. You didn’t sure. Others however did. So you’ll have to deal with it or quite until you want to play again.

Anyone who pays attention to WoW history could yes.

and there will be many reasons to say that WotLK is the cataclysm waiting room. Just like Classic, just like TBCC. There is a limited amount of content that the classic player base will burn through because we already know what to do, and we will have to wait a minimum of 4 months to get any new content.

It is okay to take breaks.

I don’t see that as a “big problem” or 10 man being a “fix” to it. As if you cared about raiding at all you were doing 25 man. All it did was make you raid more so you have more chances of upgrades. With the knowledge we have now and the higher level of skill across the board. Maybe Naxx will see 10 man clears. However Ulduar is just going to have people go straight into 25 man because Naxx 25 gear allows for that. The only real reason anyone will do 10 man is because they want the achievements. It isn’t until Cataclysm where 10 mans started to gear the same gear as the 25 man that 10 mans really took off as a prefered way to raid.

No, no they wouldn’t. The issue is they don’t want to do the content, they are on a dead realm, or they are a minority on a pvp realm and don’t want to pay for a transfer or reroll.

10 man raiding would literally not fix anything. This exact thing will happen in WotLK. We will see a burst of players and then immediately fall off. We may see jumps in returning playing for Ulduar release and ICC release, but those players will fall off once again.

Why? because it is okay to take breaks and WotLK doesn’t punish you for taking them. It is also likely why the Classic experiment will likely only extend to MoP max. I don’t have much information about WoD, but I know it is generally and heavily disliked. Then anything post-WoD punishes people for not constantly playing. Which would kill any remaining die-hards classic might have had. Honestly by the time MoP hit one might as well be playing retail anyway.

There will be wintersgrasp I suppose.

People don’t want world pvp anyway. What they want is to be left alone when they don’t want to pvp and gank others when they do want to pvp. As opposed to any actual pvp.

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