Release Wrath of the Lich King Now and WOW is Saved

Seriously every person you talk to is waiting for wotlk release.




For honor.

I’m sure they have it all just sitting there ready to go and it requires no work whatsoever to be released in a perfect, bug-free playable state.

Incidentally, would you like to hear about this new venture I have? It just requires a little start up money. You can’t lose.


It’ll get here when it gets here. Worry about leveling your demon hunter.

For sockpuppeting and beyond! Hiding your profile doesn’t stop anyone from blocking you btw. It just encourages them to use a higher duration.


I’ve got this bridge if you’re interested…


I’d be down for Wrath Classic. There really was nothing more fun than leveling a DK in those first early months. Man they were crazy OP. I’m also patiently waiting for MoP Classic, if that ever does happen, because Enhance and Survival were freaking amazing.


MOP is king but far away


-have to deal with boring & easy naxx for 5 months
-brainless heroics
-ulduar is cool but ends up being completely invalidated in the next patch
-ToC is garbage
-ICC is cool but goes on for way too long (9 months!)
-catchup gear out the wazoo
-no more cool unique 10 man raids (Kara, ZA, etc.) instead just enjoy a nerfed version of the 25 man raid
-class homogenization
-further separating pvp and pve as their own games
-reputations are braindead to grind

Yeah no I’ll pass


kara was on farm in week 1 then for the next 6 months (cleared on day 1 of launch).

SSC and TK are on farm for 6months from week 1 (cleared on day 1 of launch).

Classic Nax was cleared in 1 day (day 1 of launch).

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What they need to do is have at least one fresh server when Wrath releases. It was a huge mistake they didn’t do that with TBCC.


The difference here is that naxx already came out and unlike original vanilla, the majority of the player base actually got to experience naxx this time, meaning it’s reintroduction in classic wotlk will be exponentially more stale.
Also way to not address all the other problems with wotlk that were pointed out in the post.

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Tbc gonna be a painful two years lmao


I vastly prefer Wrath but Wrath is going to need some work and that phase 1 will need something or else it’s going to kill the game. Naxx and one dragon raid won’t cut it for 3 months.

Might as well enjoy TBC as it will be another 2 years to a year and a half before Wrath is released. TBC doesn’t have 2 years of content but… they’ll stretch it out.

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As much as I want it I think it would be a little bit too soon.


People are gonna realize wotlk was pretty damn bad when it does come out.

Arthas constantly appearing and not crushing you right there and then. He’s as dumb as the jailer.

You get to do naxx again, but this time it can be cleared by a handful of apes.

Blizzards newfound vehicle fetish all over the place.

ToC literally a placeholder ‘‘raid’’ cause icc wasn’t ready.

wizardcleaves,tsg,beastcleaves in arena just waiting to global you. Bonus points for human warriors with double pve trinkets.

Heroics easier than wailing caverns.

Ulduar basically carried all of wotlk with a sprinkle of icc.


I don’t think I know many people who are even looking forward to it.

The one thing about it I was hoping for: playing early iterations of death knights, when they could tank while talented deep into any tree, will most likely not be a thing, since we seem to get classes based on the last patch of each expansion.

That means, we only get to experience the content, not how it was, when it was, nor the classes and their development through each expansion.


Except that’s not true.

People like you seem to be out of the loop on your game knowledge.

WOTLK had huge player base, but it’s also the turning point when it started to push people away from the game. Let’s examine some few facts here real quick.

  1. MOST of us here just did naxxramas less than a year ago. Now imagine they release WOTLK. Do you really think we want to spend 6 months doing a slightly altered version of naxx? Sounds like a snooze fest.

  2. POWER creep from itemization is massive in WOTLK. It’s not even like you’re playing the same game by the end of the expansion. WOTLK was when blizzard moved away from marginal power gains and went crazy mode with big numbers. This is problematic because it greatly trivialized a number of achievements that should have remained challenging.

  3. Trial of the Crusader is one of the worst raids they ever created. Last thing I want to do for 6 months in the middle of the expansion. It’s very bad for speeding running as well as it has no trash and it’s entirely linear.

I’m sure other issues will come to light once they actually do release WOTLK. But the three above are the most prominent and are pretty big concerns.

WOTLK is good for sure, but it does have it’s faults.


Can’t be any worse than TBC with an army of giant demons and pit lords that cannot defeat people 10 times smaller than them.

Having so little content that they have to put half the raids in the old world.

Flying that bypasses the pvp they put in the game

Heroics that are hard but unrewarding

Paladin tanks being so good that nobody wants other tanks.

Broken professions

25 man content which makes you bring 5 shamans instead of the player.

Raids that horribly gimp melee

I could go on, TBC wasn’t a good expansion, judging by how many are bailing out it shows that.

They need to figure out how to balance servers before releasing wotlk otherwise it will just turn into TBC 2.0