Refuting common arguments against Dual Spec

It didn’t do jack crap to help people find more tanks, period. If you really need me to spell out my implication for you.

Could have figured that out easily if you read my post.

Not even just WoD, Retail still has a tank shortage.

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Typing the word “period” after your opinion doesn’t make it any less your personal subjective opinion. Even if you type it in all caps or in bold it’s still nothing more than your personal subjective opinion. It always amazes me that so many people never learned that. I and many other people had a different experience and we think it helped us find groups by increasing the number of people willing to tank and heal dungeon groups.

apple is better than orange. PERIOD!!!

You made an asinine statement in response to what I said, so I returned the favor. Again, just to spell it out for you.

So do you have anything else to say, or are you just going to strawman this all the way?

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The game doesn’t revolve around you. It’s about the collective whole, of which alliance paladins and non-LW professions occupy.


Yes, you’re right. That’s why I have no problem with Blizzard making changes to the pally seal or drums. You should remember that the game doesn’t revolve around you and let those who want dual spec have it.

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Contradicting yourself already.

I said that the changes were ones of necessity.

You said that you don’t need them, and they don’t affect you. So they aren’t necessary

I then say that the game isn’t about what you need or don’t need, it’s about what what the collective needs, and then you say “Then let us have dual spec”.

The raiding scene needed a drums nerf. Paladins needed SoB or else roll blood elf, which is a blatant imbalance.

You don’t need dual spec. All it does is serve a hunger for convenience.

Sorry but you aren’t as clever as you think you are…

The raiding scene didn’t need a drum nerf. If raiders didn’t want to take leather working for drums they didn’t have to. If the leader demanded it people could find less hard core guilds. There are lots of different choices players could make but they wanted the game changed rather than make those choices. The argument for the drum nerf boils down to people asking blizzard to save them from their guild leader because they don’t have the backbone to stand up to them.

There are lots of imbalances in the game. Many people accept the imbalance that comes with their class choice and don’t need blizzard to make changes to “fix” it for them. If there is such a need for balance mages should have been nerfed in classic. But alliance pallys and only alliance pallys wanted a fix that no other imbalanced class got. The seal change was a wrath change and they could just wait until wrath to get their fix. They didn’t need it now.

You haven’t made any case at all why these changes were needed. You just claimed they were needed. I don’t have a problem with the changes but they weren’t needed. The case for adding dual spec for the collective good is imo much greater than the case for either of those changes.

Just quit, mate. Did you see his comment to me from earlier?

Anything he subjectively dislikes are objectively wrong, straight from the horse’s mouth.


I’ve said this several times before and the OP or anyone has yet to refute my ultimate argument stomper of why you won’t get dual spec in TBC Classic.

Dual spec was a first-time feature of Wrath. Take that away from Wrath and Blizz looses $$$ so too bad so sad dual spec is not going to happen till then.

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The biggest reason I personally do not want dual spec is that simply put once implemented almost everyone will make their offspec their best PVP spec. I sure would. You will then have a huge number of affliction locks, frost mages etc in the open world in their optimal PVP spec, imagine trying to farm.


stop trying to trap this guy in his own contradictions, he’s too stupid to understand what you’re doing :laughing:

yes, this is the “final red pill” as the kids say. you ain’t gettin dual spec because they want to dangle that carrot in front of you for wrath classic. you should know how blizzard works by now, kiddos.

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Dual spec for 5-10k. The casuals/alts can grab it in wotlk

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Duel spec or easy spec change is of course better for the game. That’s why Bliz added it eventually and is in retail.

The only reason it’s not in TBCC is because it wasn’t in TBC. Pretty strong argument though. Either TBCC is a museum tour or its a “retail” game. Can’t be both.

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Once again the no dual spec people offer absolutely nothing against dual spec other than “It ruins my authenticity!”

Nobody gives a hoot about your authenticity. Its been thrown out long ago. The only thing that matters are actual pros and cons to a change. Which the pro Dual Spec people have laid out in spades dozens of times over. While the no changers have literally ZERO arguments as to why Dual Spec is actually a negative thing that hurts the game in anyway shape or form.

Why? Because it doesnt. There is literally NOTHING that Dual Spec does to hurt the game. What it does do however, it bring an endless amount of positives to the game. In fact, compared to most other changes that could conceivably exist. This has to be the most lopsided positive negative ratio in the history of the game.

You open up more dungeon groups being filled.
You have healers not locked into never doing solo content.
You have pvpers and pvers not feel beholdened to one or the other.
You give more life to the game by having people play it more to obtain more gear sets.

God just look at all those positives! And its not even the tip of the iceberg!

But no, do go on about how 1 change equals 1293819238 other changes that are completely different. You no slippery slopers

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blizz has only addressed the feral dps bug that’s not a bug it was just based off of actual tbc. Like druids didn’t already have 3 powerful specs already…/sigh

Obviously the choice matters if you are on here complaining about dual spec costs. 50g is a good chunk of gold to constantly be spending. This stifles that and makes your choice more impactful as there is greater cost to change it. This isn’t even that bad either like BFA azerite respeccing.

Literally don’t understand how you can sit here and say it doesn’t matter and then complain about spending the gold. Do they matter or not?

1k gold isnt even close to the gold sink of respeccing twice per week across an expansion. I’ve already spent near 1k gold on two toons respecing for raids/pvp.

Not sure but 10 weeks of respeccing twice, boom. Now you are just saving gold. This is a terrible take. Lets say TBC lasts two years. thats 104 weeks, 104 weeks x 50. Is 5200 = 1k gold? I wonder.

Stop crying to make stuff easier for yourself. Everyone is just gimme gimme free stuff, I don’t want to do the content, give me the rewards.

Also a con, tanks / healers make good gold fill high demand rolls. This is a lucrative part of the economy for them.

Oh no, a MMO where you have to be social to get things done well. God forbid we have any socialization happening.

I’m an avid pvper. I dont feel beholdened to someone. I just respec.

No idea how this makes any sense. You can still get gear sets playing a different spec?