Refuting common arguments against Dual Spec

For me the need for dual spec isn’t a matter of gold cost or tank shortage, its the fact of it being a hassle for me to go back to ironforge leaving outland to do the respec then putting in each and every talent every time I do it, Its annoying and not worth doing just to run one dungeon, Whereas if I had dual spec i click one button, STAY where I am and can just grab my tank gear from the shat bank and i’m good to go. Call me selfish or whatever but annoyances in a game I love have no place for me



First of all "spirit’ is toally subjective

Second is Change in inevtiable

Merc Mode and Dual spec were without a doubt good for the game.

Oh my dear sunny child.

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It was a terrible tragedy for the game. There really aren’t many no changers left. But still, you see people using it as their basis for their argument when they don’t like a particular change. It’s rather disingenuous.

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feral dps isn’t powerful, it’s just barely acceptable. lol

then the disincentive is doing its job. you’re not supposed to switch specs for a single dungeon.

Not really. You guys just choose to ignore everything else lol


Nope. Blizzard explicitly stated in 2006 they wanted respecs to be significant and meaningful.

That is subjective.

That’s not an argument. That’s a blank check to do justify nonsense you see fit. “Add Master Chief to WoW! Change is inevitable!”

2006 called they want thier flip phones back

Prove it

Law of life dude…when you get our high scholl youll find out

Why are you playing a game from 2006 and then complaining that it is a game from 2006?

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Because theyve done changes and this is not THAT game from 2006, its is now a game with significant changes, just need dual spec and merc mode

I see. You want to play a game from 2006, but with features from 2021.

If only some product already existed that catered to this very specific request.

Sarcasm aside, this is probably the most self-indulgent and entitled argument I have ever seen anybody take on the forums. There is no consistency to your argument, you just want Blizzard to recreate a game from 15 years ago but you want them to also make only some changes that are unequivocally antithetical to the game design that will make you happy.

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Seal of Blood for Alliance, Honour changes, Boosts, and many more

So yeah exactly youre finally getting

No genius when i want changes to the game i want something that will make me unhappy…

Kids these days.

Also just saw your edit…too late lol

It’s funny how you and the other person advocating the same argument in this thread both immediately resorted to insults when challenged.

Almost like neither of you have a leg to stand on.

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IS that what they are?.

I call them obervastions

Very clever.

As I said, self-indulgent and entitled. La la la, I’m going to pretend I didn’t see that argument which proves me wrong!

Well, good luck insulting everybody on the forums. I’m sure that’s a great way to rally support for your nonsense change.

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It has already been stated multiple times, but it does change the social dynamic of the game.

When it came out in wrath, it wasn’t long before an ele shaman was expected to have a resto off spec with a resto set on stand by. You could choose not to do this, but then you were lower in value to raiding guilds and to pugs.

So while you can sit there pretending like there are 0 consequences all you want, I think you should be focusing on arguments that explain why the benefits outweigh the very real cons.

Wrath was the first time the game not only stopped growing, but actually started to lose people. This is not hidden information by any means, since blizzard was still reporting sub numbers back then.

you want Iosevka to prove that something is subjective?

brb, need a PhD in Philosophy and Epistemology before I can satisfy your demands. lol


Once again the no dual spec people offer absolutely nothing against dual spec other than “It ruins my authenticity!”

Nobody gives a hoot about your authenticity. Its been thrown out long ago. The only thing that matters are actual pros and cons to a change. Which the pro Dual Spec people have laid out in spades dozens of times over. While the no changers have literally ZERO arguments as to why Dual Spec is actually a negative thing that hurts the game in anyway shape or form.[/quote]

Talk about hypoerbole. To say that zero arguments have been offered is essentially to admit that you lack the ability to read :roll_eyes:

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