Refuting common arguments against Dual Spec

On the contrary, it’s highly relevant because of your reasoning. It was developed by the same team, at the same time period, for the same expansion as the change you are advocating.

Logically, you must also conclude that Death Knights would make TBC objectively better. They must have “changed their minds”.

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You must have been a very sickly child since your reading comprehension is so low you still can’t understand that I never claimed my opinions are objective facts. I several times said that opinions are by definition subjective. Just because I think one change is good doesn’t mean I think every change is good. It’s quite easy and very common to support some changes and not support other changes. Many thinking people are capable of looking at each individual change, weighing the merits, and supporting some of them and rejecting others. Even more than that some people can look at things, like Vanilla, BC, and Wrath and both like some things about each game and dislike some things too. Some people are capable of a level of nuance that goes beyond black/white thinking.

Yes, but when I challenged that your suggested change (your subjective opinion) is contrary to the intentions of the designers (an objective fact), you appealed to a normative explanation that the developers “changed their minds” - implying the exclusion of Dual Spec in earlier versions of WoW was a mistake. By extent, you must also conclude that the absence of Death Knights was a mistake.

It’s funny that you continue to needlessly insult me in every post when you are seemingly incapable of sustaining a consistent argument. You can’t claim subjectively “it’s just my opinion” and objectively “the original devs were wrong” in the same breath.

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No one cares.

It’s not going to happen.

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If someone made a mistake and corrects doesn’t mean everything they did was a mistake they need to correct. Your logic is so flawed it would be an insult to children to call it child like.

Of course not. Only the things you personally dislike were mistakes, coincidentally.

You can’t in any way substantiate the claim that Blizzard realised the absence of Dual Spec was a mistake.

Moreover, implying the absence of Dual Spec was a literal mistake by Blizzard is inconsistent with your claim that it’s just your opinion that Dual Spec would make the game better.

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Well yeah, I can’t think of anything I dislike that I also think were great ideas and decisions.

I can’t tell if you’re trolling or are so oblivious to your self-rightous ignorance.

I don’t like playing a Paladin because I think they’re boring (personally). That doesn’t mean that Paladins were a “mistake”.

Honestly that’s exactly what I think about you.

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I would believe that, considering you apparently can’t differentiate between opinion and reality.

Disliking something and that thing being a good idea / intentional are not mutually exclusive.

give us duel-spec and appearance change!!!

people love their unnecessary time sinks i guess.

There’s an argument to be made that they were.

You have no good arguments for why dual spec is.

Dual spec will increase the number of tanks and healers and make it easier for players to find groups. In a mmo were grouping is a major part of the game that makes it better for most players.

Never understand any argument any1 ever tries to present against dual spec except the only one that’s true about it not being out in tbc, which doesn’t matter it’s already been changed enough as is.

“better” is subjective.

I didn’t say better/worse. Necessity.

Tinnitus and seal of blood are changes with very obvious reasons for why they seem necessary.

Dual spec is a convenience. Nothing more.

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Rofl… I made 200k+ gold in wrath as a tank, just because I could form groups instantly, and then eventually insta que for badges/gold… this all happened post dual spec. LFD dungeon ques for DPS in wrath were still 30+ minutes most of the time.

Dual spec doesn’t fix the tank shortage. The shortage got ‘fixed’ when they made tanking brain dead easy in pandaria, and then solidified in WoD.

People tried to tank in wrath as an off spec. It never lasted long. Nothing will change the fact that the tank sets the pace. Nothing changes the fact that the tank gets blame, even if misplaced. Absolutely nothing will change the mentality of the current playerbase and their lack of patience or care for anyone else but themselves.

That is a subjective opinion. They might seem necessary to you or some people but there is absolutely no way they are necessary to me. It doesn’t affect me in any way. I’m sure I’m not the only one unaffected by the change.

i wish alliance didint get seal of blood, it ruined my tbc immersion

I think you’re having trouble reading. I never said dual spec will “fix” the tank shortage. Let’s try it again, try to read this carefully and slowly.

Getting a group on my dps in less than an hour was a vast improvement. Many days I can’t find a group at all. Note that I didn’t say solve or fix. Just that getting a group became quicker and easier. The shortage became less severe