Refuting common arguments against Dual Spec

“dual spec ruins your identity! you would get known as a prot warrior or a holy priest! with dual spec that won’t happen!”

Firstly, I’ve almost never actually seen this happen. Very rarely does someone become known as a “(spec) (class)” unless they only ever play that spec and nothing else. Even so, this argument is just an appeal to emotion, not an actual argument.

Secondly, this is TBC, not retail. Specs are an extension of the class, unlike in retail where each spec may as well be its own individual class. Talent specs in TBC merely enhance the abilities you already have and maybe give you 1-2 new ones. For the most part, classes have CLASS identity, not SPEC identity.

Thirdly, how does being able to use two specs somehow make you unable to be known for one of them? I’m already known in my guild as a great tank and a great healer, even without dual spec. Because I’ve played both specs enough to have people recognize me as being good at them.

“your choices matter! talent choices are supposed to matter!”

They don’t matter when you can pay 50g to change them any time you want, as many times as you want. You’re essentially arguing that our playstyle choices should be confined to one spec because…because they just should.

“we need the respec costs as a gold sink!”

So you just make dual spec cost 1000g like it did back when it was first released. Problem solved.

Also, right now it’s not a very good gold sink because most people aren’t doing it. Most people aren’t respeccing back and forth all the time, simply because the gold cost is too high / they don’t feel like farming a whole ton. I only respec twice per week; going heals for 2 raid days and then back to tank/dps again.

“guilds will force people to have two PvE specs and swap between them in between each raid boss!”

Okay, first off, that’s a problem with the guild being insanely sweaty, not the game. Even so, you could just make it so you can only swap specs in a Rested area. Problem solved.

“it wasn’t in original TBC!”

Neither was the Tinnitus debuff. Or paladins having both factions’ seals. Or having only Kara/Gruul/Mag available at launch. etc. etc.

The “#nochanges” train left the station a long time ago, and turned out to be a disaster.

The needs of the playerbase have changed radically since 2007. We’re not satisfied just being confined to one spec / role. I’d absolutely love to be able to swap between healer and tank on a moment’s notice, without having to run back to Azeroth and pay 50g each time. Especially considering that it’s nigh impossible to farm in a healing spec (outside of things like gathering or fishing), I’d rather just pay 1000g once instead of having to farm up 100g for the respec and respec-back.


This is a terrible argument for dual spec.

Sort of the anti-argument.


Oh, it’s you again.

With a fresh topic.

…wanders away…



want dual spec? you’ll get it in wrath


I’ve never understood that phrase “you’ll lose your identity”. If a player has heaps of gold and respecs 4 times a week, the “identity” is changing but oh it’s okay because they have to spend gold to do it.
I think people just want to be able to associate a characters name with a spec. Oh that guy right there, he’s a prot warrior. No sorry, he’s just a warrior.
Bring on dual spec.


Someone round up the cows.


Yeah, honestly.

paying 50g to respec any time you want = fine

paying 1000g to respec any time you want without a trainer = NOOO YOU CAN’T DO THAT THAT’S RUINING YOUR SPEC IDENTITY AND MAKING TALENTS NOT MATTER!!!

I never understood this mindset.




Dual spec was not in TBC so it should not be in TBC Classic, which is supposed to be a recreation of TBC.


Rebuttal: No.


I’d say the burden of proof is on the people who want dual spec, not on those who don’t want it. After all, you’re the ones wanting to make a fairly big change to the game.

So what other reason do you have for dual spec other than you want to save gold? Doesn’t seem like a compelling argument.


In the ulduar patch. Plenty of time to save that 1000g.

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Dual spec is one step closer to retail. Your walking the same path that doomed this game to begin with.


Everyone buys gold, the economy is so bad on servers that most ppl have more gold than one can possibly spend unless its in a gbid, which ofc also goes for any AH item respectively then. How is that 50g price too much for anyone?

Im poor as a church mouse and terrible at gold making but even I can whip up 50g for a respec everytime i need it.

The people who play classic seem to mostly want retail stuff but won’t play retail.


Dual Spec is not a retail feature. You should know that, being a retail player and all.

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That’s not dual spec. Dual spec does not allow you to respec anytime you want without a trainer. It locks you into 2 specs instead of 1. You are able to swap between those specs when out of combat.

I play both. And the ability to switch between multiple specs exists in retail since the ulduar patch in retail. It’s never been a classic feature.

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Or should you say the Classic pumpers adapt to what they are giving while retailers who tried out classic for a month complain about all these quality of life changes that long term ruins the sense of achievement and how meaningful reputation is on a server. The player base is also giving Bliz terrible excuses more micro transactions in the game, it’s disgusting.


Yeah but dual spec and retail respec are no where similar. One is free and fully functional in any inn and has infinite choice combos. One is uh, dual.