Refresh-Thrall 3/8H Recruiting for S2 and Beyond!

Refresh is looking to add more players to our raid roster! Horde and Alliance players alike are welcome! No need to server change with cross-server guilds! <3

Who We Are: A 4 year old guild that is very laid back and chill. We like to joke around and have fun in and out of raid. We do keys together pretty regularly, as well as play other games outside of raid nights. We’re also more than happy to offer any help/tips/constructive criticism on game play! We are very mature (lol) and love potty humor.

What We Do: 2-Day AotC guild, with plans to dip our toes into very casual Mythic raiding. We clear content quickly and consistently.

When We Do It: Weds/Thurs 9pm-12am EST

What We’re Looking For: Any exceptional players are welcome to chat with us, but we have a need for the following:
High Priority:

  • Shaman
  • Hunter
  • Priest

Low Priority:

  • Warrior
  • Rogue
  • DK
  • Evoker

How to Reach Us:
Tylundja (Recruitment) - Discord: tylundja | Bnet: Tylundja#1385


Guild leader here would love to see some new people join us on our journey through war within

doing a heroic clear tonight! come join us and see if we could be your forever home! <3

looking for some new friends to join us for mop remix and also do some keys!

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would love to make some new friends going forward! <3

Raid tonight come join in on fun

Any need for a holy/shadow priest?

for sure! reach out to either surri or myself to chat about it :slight_smile:

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Added you on discord to get a little more info :slight_smile:

would love to make a few more new friends for tww!!

looking for a new tank friend to hit the raid running!

swiggity swoster, help us bolster our roster

Come join our team

Youv probably got 100 but im a 595 ret pally lookinh for a home and push AOTC content and M+ would love to chat

absolutely! please reach out <3

I sent a btag and discord friend invite to Tylundja. I have a 585 BM Hunter that can go MM if needed and I also have a 580 Fury Warrior. I know my gear is a little behind and that’s due to my former guild kept telling me to swap and if I didn’t I wouldn’t raid.

588 DH , though im geared and have been actively playing Vengeance. I wouldnt mind switching and im sure i have enough crit to get by for a week while replacing a few pieces.

Sent a bnet friend request.

bumping this

We’ve got the beef (its me I’m the beef)

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Grab your best gear, don’t let it collect dust,
Join our wild roster—together we’ll bust!
Whether you’re a noob or a seasoned pro,
In our guild, you’ll shine, so come on, let’s go!

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