It’s hard to tell sometimes, though, how real player-on-player loathing is. There are definitely those who talk as if people are morally responsible for having “good taste”; as if players who “””condone genocide””” are somehow the reason Teldrassil happened.
Ibid for the chuckle-heads who hold the lawful good among us responsible for Anduin.
I’m pretty sure “just following orders” doesn’t fly as a legitimate excuse.
You are correct that we cannot say that everyone in the Horde is exactly like Sylvanas or Garrosh. There are plenty of good people in the Horde. But that doesn’t change that the Horde hasn’t actually addressed the War of the Thorns or the burning of Teldrassil in any meaningful way. At worst, it makes the current leaders of the Horde look like they’re keeping their heads down in hopes that the Alliance will not bring it up, either, and sign the peace agreements so that it will never be brought up again so the Horde never actually has to think about it.
We’re all fans of the game, we all love playing it. We should all dislike when Blizzard gives either “side” a bad story, because it lessens the gaming experience as a whole. Players don’t control Blizzard’s writing decisions, and they shouldn’t be punished or held accountable because Blizzard doesn’t know how to write a compelling narrative anymore.
Because the story is still going to progress. Like I said before. Wait for it. For now people are acusing the guys who just got in power of doing nothing when the story is still to be told.
Dude? You do know Saurfang is dead right? His character arc is done and therefore we have the whole story to provide judgement about.
The same cannot be said about the whole “The new leaders are remorseless” given the fact their reign is only going to effectively begin on the next patch
And? Can you read the future sugar? Are you on the writting team? If not you can t be 100% certain of anything. So sit your purple butt down and wait for the whole story before judging
It is worth noting both sides have only agreed to an armistice, which is not a formal end to the war. It is a period of ceasefire while both sides attempt negotiate terms for peace. Presumably those negotiations would include reparations by the Horde.
It makes sense that Tyrande would not agree to even an armistice, though. The last peace deal she reached with the horde included the Darnassian government forfeiting claim to Azshara to the goblins in good faith of no further attacks… and for what? The horde has never shown itself to be true to its word.
I’m sorry but “Wait and see!” is such a tired slogan to hide behind. We were told to wait and see all the way back at the beginning of BFA. Meanwhile every installation of this narrative that has been revealed has been more disappointing than the last.
Dude i m not operating on predictions here. That s literaly what people are saying here. They are saying Horde s new leadership shows no remorse without having the whole story. Still not getting what you re trying to convey here
I know. I m not happy either. But i m having the common sense to wait until we have the full picture before judging instead of making wild alegations when there s still things to be revealed.
Wait and see doesn’t cut it. Just tell a good story. Waiting months for more jarringly bad content that plays out over 5 minutes doesn’t work. Do better.
Seems the Horde aren’t the only ones that confuse “woe is me everything is pointless and life sucks and undead are awesome and cool and totally not overdone and dead chicks are hot” makeup Good-Charlotte-esque emo for metal.
It does fly though. It’s stupid to expect a soldier to turn on their allies, nation, or upbringing in the face of orders and expectations. That’s a standard almost nobody can meet, and it can only start to apply when it comes to people in positions of power. IE, say, Saurfang.
That’s not to say the Horde as a whole isn’t culpable, because it is, but let’s not pretend that it’s reasonable to actually try and make everybody atone.