Reforms in the Horde: too little, too late

Did you expect it too?

I don’t mean, like, realistically. Because it should. A full withdraw from the Hyjal region, as the Horde has Feralas and Azshara for lumber with an exception given to druids and shaman for purposes of healing the land. Probably handing over any officers present for the attacks to be held accountable for their individual actions.

But it’s Blizzard. Blizzard forgot, like… three Orcish clans, Gilneas, and that Falstad was alive. Expecting them to remember anything is setting yourself up for disappointment.

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Because you’re telling us to wait and see. And I’ve seen what “wait and see” buys us, both in story and core/class systems during beta testing.


This is bait. Here, people have discussed this for longer than you or I have been alive, and I would find it fruitless to discuss it any further with you than the world over already has:


Applying complex legal procedings to Azeroth which has no overarching legal system or means to support or enforce that system is kind of inappropriate.


If you’d read the article, you’d see that, exactly as I said, the people successfully prosecuted against a superior orders defense were most often military leaders, generals, officials, etc. The Nuremberg trials weren’t held for soldiers or even mid-level officers on the ground, they were held to prosecute major figures and people in command positions. You’d also see that the entire principle hinges on the idea of international law taking precedence over national law, IE that someone can reasonably know that they’re violating a higher set of laws than their immediate responsibilities to follow their superior’s orders, and said set of higher laws and powers don’t exist on Azeroth.

Also, if you were to follow the principle of accountability through fully, you’d also have the circumstance of Command Responsibility, meaning the idea that commanders are responsible for the crimes of their subordinates. Is Malfurion responsible for his troops slowly torturing their enemies to death during the War of Thorns? If you want to be consistent, the answer is yes.

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To be fair, I doubt the Banshee Loyalists being rounded up in Orgrimmar will get trials at all.

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Interesting point and I’d say you’ll be correct. Loyalty to the warchief/faction leader is not a crime (unless I’ve missed something), so they will probably be detained due to the potential threat they might represent to the new horde junta.


They shall recive the ultimate punishment they will be killed turned into lightforged undead and to serve callia.

To be fair, I don’t see anyone here having an issue with agreeing to that as many of us want Night Elves to have their teeth back and be more badass during wartime, so being cruel and ruthless to invading Orcs that have a history of putting Night Elf heads on pikes and wearing them as trophies on their belt isn’t something I don’t think anyone is going to be bothered much by.

And, well, Malfurion took several notches to being more of a horror movie character after that Darkshore trailer came out.


I imagine known commanders in the Darkshore occupation have probibly been imprisoned off screen. The horde leadership surely cannot expect peace negotiations to go smoothly with those people walking free. So, kinda sucks for Belmont given he is a full out war criminal at this stage.


Well, that’s just speculation.

The most likely outcome is that horde will keep the lands without offering any kinds of reparations to those they genocided given that 8.3 also includes nothing of the sort.


That would depend on if they renounced Sylvanas or not.

The Horde is allowing all loyalists to remain in the Horde, unpunished, if they learned their lesson or whatever. That’s why Horde leaders get involved when the Auctioneer and the Banker both try to deny ex-loyalists service.

Unless he left with Sylvanas, Belmont is probably fine.


Yeah, because she left, that’s why it still exists.

Either she stayed and turned it into the scourge or she simply has everyone kill each other to feed her darkness.

Which is why BfA will go down as one of WoWs’ worst expansions. Because characters who, under normal circumstances, would outright reject Sylvanas’s policies on principal for an atrocity like Teldrassil. Leaders such as Baine, Eitrigg, or Lor’themar are subjected to remain under her wing instead, until she raises a human and that’s what becomes the straw to break the camels back.

It took way too long for any of the characters do anything, forcing people like me, who had very little reason to support her from the get-go, to mindlessly toil under her service throughout the entire expansion.

A perfect example. A character who was literally fighting against a control obsessed tyrant, now cannot see one when it’s right in front of her until she literally has it spelled it out for her.

I mean, that’s without mentioning that she’s the literal progeny of two of the most nonconformist orcs in history. A Frostwolf would be the last kind of person to blindly support Sylvanas and instances such Drek’thar refusing them aid in Hillsbrad can attest to this.

It’s part of the reason why i dislike the character, she’s completely antithetical to what it means to he a Frostwolf. If she was literally of any other clan; SH, BR, BH, WS. Her stance would make sense.

In Sylvanas’s opinion, which is petty and worthless now that she’s a queen of nothing.

Yada, yada, Horde is Alliance vassal. Yada, yada, Anduin lovers. Yada, yada, Sylvanas was right. Yada, yada.

Until someone can bring up any actual evidence of this alleged “Horde subservience” (aside from Baine merely existing), this is simply not true.

Or just because gameplay requires it.


He’ll probably disappear and never be seen or heard of again like Thalen Songweaver.


Calia will bless him and he’ll repent and become the leader of the New Paladins of Lordaeron

Yes Undead will get Paladin as playable class next expansion

Night Elf Paladins? Nah.


Simple 6 step plan to “reform” the Horde:

  1. Kill all the Orcs.
  2. Kill all the Forsaken.
  3. Kill all the Goblins.
  4. Kill all the Trolls.
  5. Kill all the Blood Elves.
  6. Kill all the Tauren.

Successful Horde reformation complete!


It is one thing to of been a stock standard Loyalist and realize you got duped. It is quite another to of been tasked with systematically blighting all of Darkshore and to of been doing so gleefully. There is no way the Kaldorei should ever accept any terms if guys like Belmont are allowed to walk free because they say they are real sorry.


This is why I’m hoping for a scenario/questline of Tyrande sweeping through Ashenvale and clearing out Sylvanas loyalists who helpfully identify themselves as the main actors in the Burning of Teldrassil.

It would solve multiple problems (if the end goal is faction peace):

  1. It would show that the Horde members who actually burned Teldrassil are not part of the current playable Horde, and let the night elves get revenge against them without dragging the playable Horde into it.
  2. It would let the night elves get a cool victory on-camera, which would be at least a good step towards patching up their wounded pride after getting beaten repeatedly by the Horde, ambushed by shredders in their own forest, and… I really don’t want to go through a list again.
  3. This victory wouldn’t happen by tweet.
  4. It could provide some story closure on what happened to the other night elf civilians in Ashenvale and the ones taken captive by the Horde during the war.
  5. The Horde could either participate against Sylvanas loyalists as well, or they could get a completely different scenario somewhere else in the world if they don’t want anything more to do with this plot.

I think this is one where they should have the Kaldorei do so under their own power, the Loyalists try to flee into the Barrens only to be shot down by the Horde. A tense exchange of respect between Kaldorei and Horde leadership occurs, perhaps just an acknowledging nod over the river… and that is that.

That shows the Kaldorei can actually do the thing they have been working towards the whole blasted expansion and the Horde is willing to clean up its own mess.


Complain to Blizzard then not me. It’s not my problem you ignored all red flags since Draenor and still expected shakespire out of it.

The story isn’t good. But we have no 100% way of predicting what will come next and therefore being mad for something that didn’t happen is pointless.